Arc 2 Chapter 13.5: Old Friends

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Hello all, this is a dialogue heavy .5 chapter. It also takes place in first person through Nonon's perspective.

I will be updating my MHA chapter before I release the next main chapter to this story so don't expect a new part for a hot minute. Hope you all understand!

Have a great day!


[Nonon Jakuzure's POV]

~~~~~Elite Meeting Room~~~~~

Nonon: Yeah sure whatever- I still don't agree with this!

I could feel my face grow hot from the anger pumping through me. Time and time again, I've watched Satsuki ween (R/N) while the Elite Four and I are left to sit in silent contempt. He's given so many second chances and powers around here without earning them... and I hate it.

Satsuki: -and that's okay. Only time will tell how this plays out, right (R/N)?

I stare holes into (R/N), subconsciously hoping he notices my discontent. After Satsuki asked her question, I notice his head snapping back up to Satsuki. I could tell he was distracted with something that had nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Leave it to him to zone out in the middle of all of this.

This deepened my anger.

You: Um- Y-Yeah...

Satsuki: Good. You're all dismissed until further notice.

Every bit of me itched to talk to Lady Satsuki alone. I needed to tell her how I felt about all of this. I'm at my tipping point with (R/N) and Satsuki needs to know.

Nonon: Lady Satsuki- I want to talk to you- in private.

She looked at me with an curious gaze as if I peaked her interest. I know Satsuki can tell I have very strong opinions about her "companion", or whatever she's calling him these days. I honestly lost track.

Satsuki puts up a very powerful front when in the presence of others. To the common rabble, Satsuki is a unstoppable leader with an iron fist, but I know the real Satsuki. I've heard the conversations she's had with herself when she believes shes alone.

I know her feelings for him...

Satsuki: Fair enough Jakuzure. Leave us. And (R/N), you'll deal with our problem, right?

You: I am... give me a day...

Gamagori, Inumuta, Sanageyama, and (R/N) all leave the room, leaving just me and Satsuki.

Satsuki: I already know what you want to speak to me about, so go ahead and say it.

Nonon: You're bias towards (R/N), and it's completely unfair! I mean, giving him the ability to literally do whatever he wants is just insane Lady Satsuki!

I couldn't control the volume of my voice. I may be short and dress all frilly, but my anger is everything but "cute". Yet even when I raise my voice, Satsuki stays cool as a cucumber.

Satsuki: I'll admit that I have a few personal biases when it comes to (R/N), but I keep my feelings out of the decisions I make concerning Honnouji. Giving him the powers I did will ensure that I have enough hands to properly lead this academy. I can't focus on Ryuko, Ragyo, the Anti-Uniform Guerrilla, the school, the upcoming raids, and Goku Uniform development all at once. I need his help, I also need yours.

She had a point.

Satsuki was the kind of person you couldn't win an argument against. It's like she calculates every outcome of the conversation before it even begins.

Nonon: I-Well-Hmph...

I let my head droop down a little.

I guess she noticed this because after I stopped talking, she got up from her chair and walked up to me.

Satsuki: Tell me what's really going on. Where is your anger towards (R/N) coming from?

I couldn't look her in the eye.

Nonon: I just- feel like you spend a lot of time with him while you never have time to spend with me. You're always either working or in a meeting. I understand Honnouji is your life's work and blah blah blah but... where did the real Satsuki go when all of this began? You've always been focused on achieving your goals, I know that, but we use to eat together. Play together. Talk about future plans together. We don't do that anymore...

My anger dissipated into what I can only describe as sadness, as cliche as that sounds.

Satsuki: We don't, and I'm sorry about it.

I finally look up at Satsuki. She was taller than by a head so I had to strain my neck to meet her gaze.

Satsuki: I've realized lately that I could open up a little to you all. That includes you, Gamagori, Sanageyama, Inumuta, and (R/N). So yes Nonon, I've noticed my cold demeanor, and I plan on changing that.

A smile slips through my lips.

Nonon: Alright...

Satsuki: But I want you to do something while I make an effort to be more open.

Nonon: What is it?

Satsuki: I want you to try to get along with (R/N). You two don't always see eye to eye on a lot of things, I get that, but I've also seen you tolerate each other when others would have come to blows. Just spend a little time with him. Try to be friends.

I sigh at her request. I didn't like it but I'm sure she means well by requesting I "get along" with (R/N).

Nonon: Fine... I'll talk to him or something.

Satsuki: Thank you Jakuzure. Now, what do you say to tea? Just us. We can catch up and talk about whatever you like.

Nonon: Tea sounds awesome!

In the end I got what I wanted, some quality time with Satsuki.

All I've wanted for years now was my old friend and now, I think I might actually have her back.

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