Part 11 Some Things Never Change

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Elion, once a proud warrior, could not believe his fate. He was sitting in what felt like the smallest cell in the city jail waiting for his day in court. His face hurt. His ribs hurt. His stomach hurt. In fact, every time he moved, he discovered something else that hurt. Maybe it would be better to think of what did not hurt as he assessed his physical injuries. But the physical injuries he had sustained the night before were nothing when compared to his deepest pain. No. They did not hurt nearly as much as not knowing the fate of the one and only person, besides his mother, that had ever stood beside him, helped him or loved him in any fashion in life. That, the not knowing, not having that solid set of shoulders to lean on or the voice of reason and logic to calm him was what hurt him the most.

He closed his blue eyes and swallowed despite the bruise and the pain. Then simply fell over onto the cot with a soft grunt and a silent whimper. Tears slipped from his eyes as his mind marched him down memory lane. It was a trip that he'd rather not take but his mind made him take it, back again to the day he met his prince but didn't know that he had. To Elion, he was just a small boy with dirty-blond hair that was too long, big blue-green eyes, a warm smile, great skill with a sword and hands too big and strong for his size.

As Elion watched him from a distance the small boy closed his eyes and tilted his face toward the sun. The light shone down on him as if the sun shone for him and him alone. It reflected off his deep blonde hair and illuminated his little face. Elion watched him as he soaked up the sun. A slow small smile creased the boy's lips and spread across his face as he stood and worshipped the sun. He didn't seem to be aware that the much bigger boy was approaching him from behind. Elion grew very concerned for the small boy and his safety because the fool that was creeping up on the small boy was Elion's own personal tormentor, Jaioden. He fully expected him to attack the small boy from behind, because that was what it looked like he was trying to do. If he was successful, he would be catching the boy unawares and likely seriously hurt him for the beating the boy had handed Jai earlier that day in blades class. In a fit of rage, anger, frustration, and humiliation, Jaioden had nearly strangled that poor boy after. He would have succeeded in class and possibly killed the poor kid if not for the kid's quick thinking and one well-placed kick. The attack landed the boy in the infirmary. Luckily the only lasting effect was the bruises visible on the small boy's throat.

Elion looked on. The boy was smiling a full bright smile as he basked in the sun's warmth and light as if it had never happened. Elion was very confused; he didn't understand a lot of things about the mysterious little boy. Where did he come from? How'd he learn to fight like that? Who was he? All these things eluded him as well as one burning question. Was the boy deaf somehow? Could he not hear Jaioden approaching him, stalking, pretty much stomping as he moved in on the poor little boy. Elion had to remind himself that whomever that little boy was, he was a very good fighter. Still, Elion knew from experience the bully's footsteps were loud and heavy. Surely the smaller boy was aware he was there. The smile that played at the boy's lips was all that Elion needed to see to know that that boy was far from unaware. He shifted his feet and adjusted his stance as doom drew nearer him.

Elion tried to cry out to him to warn him, but he had been so engrossed in what was happening to the other boy that he hadn't noticed what was happening to him. He knew Jaioden was never alone, but he wasn't looking for the other boys. He should have been. They had surrounded him and were prepared to keep him out of the fight. Two grabbed his arms while a third clasped a hand over his mouth effectively ending his attempt to call out before it began. They held him in place as he watched in horror, unable to call out or help the boy that had helped him earlier when no one else would. That small boy, with a single act of kindness, earned Elion's loyalty. With his display of sword mastery in class, he later won his respect. Elion was certain Jaioden was going to kill that boy. No one had ever stood up to him or defeated him in combat so completely as that small boy had. That small boy made Jaioden look like a clumsy bumbling idiot and he had paid the price when in a fit of rage Jai tried to strangle him in front of the entire class. Elion would never be able to forget that scene.

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