Part 41 Reunion Part II

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Katana began to stir under the hay and gave a start when she saw Avriel. "Hush. Be still." He didn't have to tell her twice. She knew his voice and his scent and took comfort in both. She closed her eyes and let her body relax against his. She was wrapped tightly in her cloak and tucked against his side. She felt the warmth and strength of his gentle hand on her shoulder and his eyes on her face. They didn't speak as he held her close to him. She didn't question where they were or how they came to be there. She trembled when she thought of the terrible things people said and the dirt and mud they kicked in her face. She didn't understand all of the words they threw at her and was grateful that all they threw was dirt, mud, and insults. It could have been a lot worse. He pulled her closer and hummed softly to her.

He didn't know how injured she might have been and what kept her curled on the ground like that. He was scared and very worried. He held her close to him as they rode in the wagon to the stables. The ride was much bumpier than he cared for. She whimpered with every rut in the road they hit. He did his best to soothe her and keep her calm and as immobile as possible. It wasn't too difficult outside the movement of the wagon. Luckily it was a short trip to the stables. "Were you injured? Katana?" He whispered gently once he was given the all-clear from the farmer's brother.

Katana looked up at him as if she were truly seeing him for the first time. "Araguah, Kotas." She touched his beard and giggled because the coarse hairs tickled her fingertips. "Nothing but my pride." Then she cried.

The farmer was wise to leave them alone for as long as he could. He tapped gently on the side of the wagon. "Sir? My Lady? Please. We must go. Gerald has returned."

"My horse?"

"Do you need your equipment?"

"I need hers. I will get it for her." Avriel climbed out from their hiding place and stood before the man. His smile was well worth the wait for the farmer's brother. "Thank you, for all that you have done for us. I honestly do not know what I'd have done to escape the guard without you and your brethren."

"Anything for you and your Lady."

Avriel didn't bother with trying to correct him. "Thank you." She wasn't his lady, but he didn't bother with correcting the man because he rather liked the sound of it. Avriel took Katana her extra set of clothing and her armor. "Can I help you?"

"I am uncertain." She stuck her head out from under the hay and smiled at him. He couldn't help but laugh. She looked so much better already.

"Let me know." He smiled back and turned away from the cart. He met the eyes of the others standing around and they all turned their backs to the wagon.

"I might need a little help with this. It still hurts to move my arm." She stepped out of the wagon in her breeches and shirt with most of her armor on. She was struggling to move her arm into the correct position to slip the chest piece over her head.

"Okay." Avriel loosened the ties at the bottom. "Can you raise your arm?"

"You will need to help me."

"We shouldn't move it too far." He loosened the ties at the neck too. "You know. We can leave it off until tomorrow. You need proper rest. We're just going to the inn to eat and sleep. Let me put your hair up." Katana stiffened the moment she realized that they were not alone. "What is it?"

"We are not alone." She signed.

"Oh! Well, no."

She covered her ears though it was quite too late for that.

"My Lady," The farmer's brother stepped close. "Forgive me my boldness. You are a blessing to these eyes. Thank you. Thank you for saving my kin. I give you my pledge. If you ever have a need, just ask it." He bowed deeply to Katana removing his hat and sweeping the floor with it. Katana looked at Avriel bewildered and confused.

"The farmer and his family. This is his brother."

"Oh. What do I say?" She never failed at whispering.

"Tell him it was your honor and that you accept his pledge. We would not be here if not for them."

"Then we owe them ours."


Katana returned the bow with a graceful curtsey and echoed Avriel's words. Avriel brushed her hair out and pulled it up quickly while the others watched wondering how he knew how to. She donned her hat and cloak and they all headed to the inn. As promised, it was close to the city wall so that they could escape if need be. They all ate in the room that Gerald had rented for Avriel and Katana and talked of their travels and life in general. Avriel and Katana started talking nearly exclusively to each other as the evening wore on until they were speaking in the ancient tongue of Katana's people, The Faye and no one could understand them. At one point the farmer's brother smiled. "We should take our leave. It is clear you two need your time together."

"We mean no offense."

"None taken. You must have been apart for some time. Please." He bowed to them both. "I imagine you will depart in the morning, no?"

"That will depend greatly on what the caravan does. If it stays so will we. If It goes. We must follow."

"Safe journeys, my friends. If ever you have a need. I will be there." The others nodded to a man and left the pair alone for the first time since they had been reunited.

Avriel turned to Katana and just looked at her. His smile was beautiful and bittersweet. "Katana."


He offered her his hands palm up. She placed her wrists in them and relaxed as he closed his strong fingers around them. She clasped his wrists and looked up at his smiling eyes. "Thank the Goddess you are alive. I thought I lost you, lost everything. I don't want to be without you ever again." He leaned forward and placed his forehead against hers connecting to her as solidly as he dared. "I love you." It was but a breath upon his lips, but she heard him clearly. "I need you beside me." He closed his eyes and let the tears fall. He thought he had really lost her. Even with her there it was too much to bear.

Katana did not understand what she felt other than extremely happy and completely overwhelmed. He came for her. Her tears slipped down her face as she slipped into his arms and let him hold her close once more. She took comfort in the connection they shared. "I love you as well, Araguah."

They stood in warm comfortable silence for a long while then moved apart and simply sat on the floor. "Where does it hurt?" Katana moved her arm for him and winced when the pain took over. He put her arm down. "That is not good. You need your arm to fight though I know you can fight with the other just fine. Let me see it. Does it hurt more in one spot than others when you move it? Tell me about the river. How did they find you?" Avriel inspected the area Katana showed him where the pain was as she recounted her tumble in the river in great detail and her subsequent stay with the caravan.

She told him the brute's name. "You already knew this?"

"Yes." He put his head down. "I didn't want to make him human or real by giving it to you."

"He is human, and he is real, Avriel." Her voice was soft and kind. She lifted his chin. "You are a good human. He is not." She moved her arm without pain. The look on her face was priceless. "What did you do?"

"I don't know." Avriel smiled. He knew. He was surprised it worked. But then, he should not have been. He suddenly developed the ability to see in the dark. That was no accident. He thanked the Goddess again for the gifts she had given him.

Katana laughed at him. She knew it too. They settled in and as they had many times before, they took their reverie right there on the floor with Fet between them.

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