Part 35 Hatred Is Blind*

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The following part contains graphic and mature content. It is recommended for mature audiences ONLY.

This chapter may contain triggers. If you are triggered by sexual assault/rape please do not read this chapter. Just skip over it.

Please read with care. Seek Help if you need it.

Sexual assault is a crime. This chapter, and anything I have ever written or will ever write, is NOT intended to make light of that.

Shelly Keller

There was no pleading with him. No appealing to his better side. He didn't have one. There was no drawing on his humanity. He was not human; he couldn't be. What he was, was cold, sadistic, and evil; inhuman. He took great pleasure in the pain he caused others. His victims were always weak, unskilled defenseless women. All of them. Until her. She was different. Every woman that Thalion had taken broke; broke or died. But she didn't.

She survived Thalion and his brutality, no thanks to him. But what was he supposed to do about it? Stop it? How? Thalion would just kill him and hurt her anyhow. He wanted to stop him. What he was doing was wrong. Very wrong. No woman deserved to have the things done to them that Thalion did to them. Their cries for help, every whimper, and every whine haunted Donocain at night, each and every night. He told himself that there was nothing he could do for the women Thalion abused but clean and dress their wounds, keep them fed and mostly clean, and safe from all other harm.

Donocain paced by the fire. "You can rest here, Girl. I wish you'd tell me your name or anything. I can't keep calling you Girl." He shook his head. "Never mind." He placed his hand on the side of his face and tilted it to the side to indicate sleep. "Rest." she was laying on a cot in a tent. She did not know how she got there. She tried to move but found that she was actually tied to the cot and she could not. Her eyes went wide as shock then fear rose up. "No. No. NO! I gave you my word. I will not force you. You can move a little. You are tied to keep us all safe. Can't have you free in camp to cut our throats while we sleep." Her shock circled back on itself. She was honestly offended. She would never do that! Not ever! "You can barely walk. I probably should not have moved you, but I could not leave you alone in the cold. You will be better tomorrow. Try to rest. We head out in the morning. Thalion will join us tomorrow. I just need to figure out what to tell him about you." His eyes held fear and sorrow. "Rest. There are guards right outside the door. Don't try to leave. I will sleep here. He pointed to a pallet of straw and blankets on the floor on the other side of the fire. "But only a little. You rest. Heal. I should not have allowed you to move on your own yesterday either. It only hurt you more."

The next day they broke camp. As promised Donocain secured her in his personal wagon until they stopped for a midday meal to help keep her safe. The healer came before they broke camp and tended to her wounds. "You are very lucky or very unlucky," he talked to her while he worked. She did not feel lucky. "I never thought I would see you again. I actually hoped I would never see you here again. I can make you sleep, numb you to the pain, prevent a child from taking root - I didn't know how or that it was even possible, a human and a Dark Faye. I am so sorry. I wish I had stopped him. I would be dead now and it would have happened anyway, but I would not have been around to give you the healing potions that sustained you. He would have killed me. Then who would tend to the wounded and ill? Would you have?"

"You could go somewhere else, do something else. You make nothing but excuses for your behavior. It is ugly. You have no excuse. NONE." Her eyes spoke what her injured voice could not. His eyes opened wide in shock and he just stared at her blankly for a long moment.

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