Part 40 Liberation

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Avriel spoke freely of his thoughts and ideas concerning slavery, the slave trade, the abuse that the prisoners suffer, free will and so much more. He poured his heart out to the farmer as they walked to the city. Before long people were crowding in to listen. By the time they reached the city gates, people were cheering his words and rallying around him. He was humbled but he understood what was happening. His father was right, of course. What was happening was shocking to him in the sense that it was what was expected. He was speaking to the people that made a kingdom, the ones whose blood, sweat and tears form it; the working; not the elite. The elite would not have their hearts stirred by the woes of the poor and downtrodden; the people that worked the fields and raise the cattle. They simply would not, but those people were the backbone of any kingdom. Without them and their efforts toward the survival of the kingdom there would not be a kingdom. He knew he'd never be able to convince anyone in any court or city government of such a thing but dressed as he was he spoke it to the very men that made their kingdom; the ones that worked the land and defended it. He was indeed a prince, a leader perfectly capable of speaking his truth and rallying the people. His father spoke to him often of empathy and kindness, patience and understanding all with that edge. "You can let the strife touch your heart and shape your decisions -- do not let it destroy the kingdom." He smiled at the men and women that had moved to be closer to him to hear him better as he spoke with his father's words alive in his mind. His father was right. He would be able to lead his people when the time came.

One farmer spoke of the goblin attack Katana and Avriel thwarted and rescued that family from. It turned out that the farmer was the Jordan Goliath of Nap's brother. He spoke of them both in high regard and of their honor and bravery. He inquired about Katana.

"She is with that caravan. I have to rescue her and save Hope and Lilly the little girls. If I have my way, that beast will never sell another soul or touch another woman. But first and foremost is freeing my friends and the others. Then I can deal with him."

"You intend to free them?"

"He'll not sell another little girl away from her family. He'll not rape another woman. His days as a slave trader are numbered." Cheers echoed off the city walls. He was overwhelmed by the support.

"Anyone who has done as you've done and saw to the safety of my brother and his family while leaving the very coin my brother paid for your services with his daughter, is someone I will always stand with. You and Katana are honorable and kind. You have my pledge, Avriel of Westendorunn. Lead the way to freedom for the slaves." The man took a knee before him though Avriel was not his king and bowed his head. Many others did the same pledging their loyalty to a young man from the north that they did not know. "May I ask you something, Sir," the farmer's brother asked.

Avriel was no knight, but he knew the code. "You may ask."

"Your friend is a Dark Faye, yet she fought beside you to protect my brother's family and even taught them how to defend themselves. She spent many nights watching over them and keeping them safe as you did. She is honorable and true. Dark Faye are not all bad?" Avriel was very confused. As far as they knew they had not revealed her as a Dark Faye. He could not lie, though he wanted to. "All I know is that she is not as they say. She is as you say. She saved my life when she could have easily let me die. Yes, she wears the body of a Dark Faye, yet her heart is made of something else."

"Like you, she is honorable and kind. Like you, she has my pledge. If ever either of you has a need, I give my pledge to you both."


"No, Thalion. You cannot be serious? Please. Don't do this. They will kill her just for the point of her ears and the color of her skin. Please." Donocain begged and pleaded as he sat with Thalion in the tavern.

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