Part 27 A Swampy Troll

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They covered a good deal of ground once they were moving. They mostly stuck to the trees with the fet shadowing Avriel and the ferret tucked away in a pouch that Katana had made for him and Aliekki leading the way. As a patrol leader, she knew which corner of The Wood the caravans pass through and was leading them in that direction.

The armor that Aliekki had provided Avriel fit him so well that it felt like it was crafted specifically for his body. When he wore it, he felt like he was wearing clothes and not armor. It didn't restrict his movement in any way whatsoever and yet it protected him quite well for being leather. He liked the way the light armor felt. It felt very different from his plate armor. He had a great range of motion when wearing his plate armor too, but he hadn't worn it since he was injured. It was hard to put the plate on by himself and ensure that all the straps were secure. The leather just fit him. He was able to put it on all by himself. He wasn't even sure if his plate would still fit him because his body had changed so much. The more he thought of his old armor the happier he was to not have to bring it with them. It was heavy. They left it in their cave. There was no going back and getting it. They were several day's travel away from their home.

The chest piece of the armor and the boots that went with it were dark green almost black and accented in deep brown, woodland colors. The bracers were the same deep brown accented in the dark green. His shoulder guards and neck guard were the same. All had intricate elven designs and runes on them. His quiver matched his armor. He was given a complete set. He was also given a cloak that was somehow the same shades and the scabbards for the two new Faye forged blades he was given held the same coloring and designs. Even his dagger was replaced. But he kept his old one because his brother had given it to him. Katana's armor was a perfect match for his. They were a set. Neither of them was surprised by this.

On their third day of travel they spotted the first caravan. It was clearly not the caravan they were looking for, so they just watched it roll on by. By the fifth day, they had seen several other caravans all carrying various wares but none of them HIS caravan. "What if he already passed through?"

"That possibility exists." Aliekki looked at Avriel and watched hope temporarily shift in his eyes. "There is a way to check that he is still in The Wood. But Katana would have to do it." The ferret peeked its little head out of its pouch on Katana's hip and looked up at her. It crawled out and into her hands then up her armor to nuzzle her neck.

Avriel smiled as he watched the fear dissipate from Katana's eyes while they all stood quietly in the tree. "Why Katana?"

"She is the only one of us that knows exactly what that beast's energy feels like. She is the only one of us that can track him until you know the same." Aliekki looked from Avriel to Katana to the ferret and the fet. "You really should name these guys if they are going to stick around. It looks like they are going to stick around. I will go and pray and gather the things I need to help you with the spell." She put her hand on Katana's shoulder and smiled. "We'll cast the spell tonight when the Goddess is the strongest." She moved off to find what she needed leaving Avriel, Katana and their new friends alone in the tree.

"Give them names?" Katana looked to Avriel. She was honestly confused. "Why would we name them?"

"I'm guessing you have never had an animal companion?"

"A what?"

"That is a no," Avriel laughed then went on to explain what he meant. At the end of the conversation, the ferret and fet still did not have names. They did not discuss Avriel's concerns regarding the spell casting. It was clear to him that Katana wanted to and would do it because it seemed that it was necessary for them to at least determine if the bastard was still in The Wood.

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