Part 18 Evil is as Evil Does*

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WARNING! This is not a pleasant chapter. It includes the mistreatment of people, physical, mental and sexual abuse against women. Nothing is directly described but the concept is there. This chapter is dark. It deals with slavery, human trafficking, sex for trade and sexual abuse. So If you are easily triggered by such things, Do not read this chapter.

The following part contains graphic and mature content. It is recommended for mature audiences ONLY.

This chapter may contain triggers. If you are triggered by sexual assault/rape please do not read this chapter. Just skip over it.

Please read with care. Seek Help if you need it.

Sexual assault is a crime. This chapter, and anything I have ever written or will ever write, is NOT intended to make light of that.

Shelly Keller

He made one more check of the load. He stopped at every wagon and cart, checking the wheels, the balance of the load, and the security of every cage. He inspected the hinges and made certain that each door locked securely. He kept the only key on a chain around his neck tucked away under his shirt and armor. He checked his personal wagon, made certain all his gear, armor, and clothing were where they should be. He needed to ensure that he had all of his tools. Without them, his job was far more difficult; possible, just harder. He had all that he needed. Everything was stored in crates, chests and boxes neatly stacked together and balanced in the wagon bed. He wore a sword on one hip, a whip on the other and he knew well how to use both. He had extra rope and chains as well as two other types of whips. His goods would obey him or suffer the consequences. Depending on the infraction the consequences could be quite severe. He liked it most when the women disobeyed, the children and men, not so much. He would have to withhold rations, take away their clothes and humiliate them in front of the other slaves. It was harder to humiliate a man that way than a woman, so sometimes they would just end up with lashes. If their poor behavior continued, they were bound and gagged.

Winter was his least favorite season. He absolutely hated being cooped up and trapped in one place for very long. When the thaw came, he was happy to get on the trail. He was looking forward to this run; the first of the season. He was always looking forward to the next one, but the first run of the season that was always the best one. There'd be fresh goods, fresh air and a chance to be on the trail and in pursuit of coin. He needed more of it. He'd never have enough coin. Everyone needed more coin. It also got him away from the city, the people, the same women night after night. It would get old and boring and fast when he wintered in the city. He liked the excitement of having a new female. He'd always have at least one sometimes he'd choose as many as three of the females he was hauling to sell and rotate them over several nights. They had to know that they got no special treatment because he allowed them to service him; they were not special at all. They were just slaves; women to be used as their masters pleased. They needed to know that. He taught them. Out of habit, he checked his gear one more time.

He was satisfied with the load and happy to see that the wagons and carts were properly loaded. The rations and supplies stowed and divided and triple checked. The Caravan was ready. "First Light!" He called out to his men. "Go on and get your fill of woman before we head out, because if you touch the goods, I will flay you and leave you to die a slow and painful death along the trail. Do you understand?"

"Aye." was said to a man. He dismissed all except the guards to enjoy their last night in town and walked off.

He figured one more familiar row wouldn't hurt any. Besides, they'd be on the trail for at least a fortnight before he'd have any goods. Then it would take him another couple of nights to find the one that needed to be broken and to start the process. Often, he'd just choose one because he knew he could. He'd usually take the first back to his wagon. Sometimes trial and error were necessary. He enjoyed that as much as he enjoyed breaking them. He had a reputation to maintain. He was expected to supply the most compliant slaves to the north. Slaves that would do ANYTHING and allow ANYTHING to be done to them without complaint.

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