Part 31 Saving Grace

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With the bodies of the goblins burned Avriel and Katana gathered the ferret, who had been entertaining the little girl also, and prepared to part ways with the family. "Please, please stay with us. We will pay you to escort us to Bridgeton. Please?" Jordan pleaded with Avriel. He didn't have to plead. They were going to the same place. It would be a simple thing for them to monitor the family as they traveled.

"Please allow us a moment to discuss it." He moved Katana out of the family's range of hearing. "Well?" He slipped to Dark Faye as he spoke to her just in case they were not far enough away from the farmer. "We can't just leave them. I mean this road is dangerous and they have children with them. They don't seem to have any weapons. You see what has already happened. I can't leave them, Katana."

"I know, Kotas. I know. I would never ask you to. This is an opportunity to also earn some coin. It can only help us." She looked at him and held his eyes to hers. "You are good. I could not leave them unprotected myself. But what of my ears?"

"We'll need some time to ourselves and we will each need to take reverie. We can move to the trees to clean up and to take care of your hair." He smiled. They were of like mind. They would need the coin, even if it wasn't much and it never hurt to show your kindness to others because, they were bound to tell everyone they met of your kindness or cruelty. That was a double-edged sword for them. If they discovered Katana's true heritage and found that to be something they could not accept their gossip and talk could be a great detriment to the duo. It was just a risk they would have to take. Avriel simply could not leave them unprotected in such dangerous lands. "So, we will guard them? Stay with them as far as Bridgeton?"



They returned to the family. The ferret jumped down and ran over to Katana and climbed up her leg. Katana captured the little creature and stowed him in his pouch. Avriel looked at Jordan the farmer and his wife, then let his eyes fall over the children. "We will escort you to Bridgeton, but you must heed our words when we give them to you. We will occasionally take to the trees and we will provide our own food and water. You need not take that away from your family. You will make payment in Bridgeton once we arrive. Please bear in mind that we are not invincible nor perfect beings. We will do our best to defend you and your family. Are we in agreeance?" Avriel's tone was strong and consistent. He meant what he said. He offered Jordan a bow to seal their agreement.

"We are in agreement."

"Very well. The sun is almost up. We should eat and be on our way." Avriel was beyond shocked when the young girl ran past her father to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you, Sir."


"Av-Avri- Avriel?"

"Perfect." He was happy that the girl let him go. "This is Katana and that is the fet and you met the ferret." He put a little more distance between himself and the girl. He did not know why. He just did it.

"Thank you. Thank you. This is my wife Amera, my son, Seth and my daughter, Alleyah." Avriel and Katana bowed to each and offered no explanation as to why they chose not to clasp hands. But their hands were still covered in goblin blood. "If you'll excuse us. We need to clean up." They moved a ways off to wash up. They inspected each other's armor and wiped it clean. When they finished breaking their fast, they joined the family and helped to prepare the wagon for travel.

The rest of their travel to the city was mostly uneventful. The children, especially Alleyah, asked Avriel and Katana more questions either of them had ever fielded. She asked Avriel all manner of questions and spent most of her days watching him as he moved. On the occasions when Avriel had time to share his knowledge of blades with them, Alleyah was the most attentive student. In the days that they shared on the road, she learned a lot about knife-wielding and could hold the blade at least as well as he did as a child. He cautioned her to never use her knife unless she was in dire peril, "Blades are for protecting and hunting. Not for attacking or playing. We don't play at blades." He smiled as he often did and went off to locate Katana.

As they drew nearer the city Katana was enthralled by the sheer size of the city wall and gate and then the city itself. Before they reached the gate, Jordan pulled the wagon over. "Best he rides in the cart." He pointed at the fet. The fet looked at him and growled a low light growl. "You'll be safer there. I'd say you were a dog, but I've never seen a dog that looks like you. Besides, you are better than a dog. But the guards at the gate would only be confused. I'd never seen a fet before I met you." He smiled and happily pet the fet. Avriel agreed and helped to cover the fet with blankets. Jordan turned to Katana. "As for you my dear, you are with me. They'll not be mistaking you for your appearance, these guards are keen. You are a Dark Faye." He held up his hands in surrender. "There is no hiding when your eyes glow in the night. Human eyes do not glow in the dark. Katana. Worry not. It is the only thing that reveals your heritage."

"How long have you known?"

"Since the night we met."

"Did you know when you hired us to escort you to the city?


"It bothers you not that I am a Dark Faye?

"I've seen your measure. Worry not, I'll not be revealing your heritage to any in the city. Should it be revealed, I will stand with you both." His expression was sincere and heartfelt.

Avriel smiled. "Thank you. That means more than you can know." He offered Jordan his hand to clasp and Katana did the same. Then they completed the journey to the city of Bridgeton and passed through the gates without judgment. Jordan paid them and they parted ways. "If ever you find yourself in Nap, look for me. Until we meet again."

"Until then." 

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