Part 32 The Storm

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They didn't take the time to enjoy the city. It was an interesting place, but their mission was a much more pressing issue than cultural exploration. They could visit for a short while on their way back through. It didn't take Avriel long to find signs of the demon child's caravan crew, then subsequently, his wagons. They were the only ones with covered cages.

A couple of Thalion's men had been left behind to guard the wagons, keep the prisoners quiet and protect the cargo if need be. The cages were covered with a rag-tag canvas that reminded Avriel of the fisherman's salty sails back home. They watched the wagon and the guards from their rooftop perch for any signs of the brigand. He did not return to his wagons that night. But, his second in command did. Katana's hand shot to Avriel's shoulder as recognition set in, "Donocain." It was but a breath upon her precious lips.

Avriel studied her face. He did not understand her expression. Why was she not upset or angry? "He fed me. Probably because it was his job. He never hurt us. He never protected us. He never came until the screaming was done. He never interfered. He held sympathy in his voice, but he was a weak and feeble man."

The tears started falling and Avriel instantly felt ashamed for wanting to see emotion. He put his hand on her arm. "I'm sorry." She leaned against him. He welcomed her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head as his mother would his when he needed comfort. He hoped he was able to offer Katana any comfort at all.

They returned to their room above the tavern and took their evening meal then talked while sitting in front of the fireplace until the moon was high. They drifted into reverie right where they sat. The next day had them up before the sun broke the horizon, breaking their fast and preparing to move out. Luckily the guards at the wagons had been very chatty and mostly drunk. Katana and Avriel knew exactly what city they were headed to next and the two after that.

They were up early enough to go to the wagons and carefully inspect them. Avriel was appalled at what he found under the tarps. He gave the prisoners water, then he gave them hope. Together, Avriel and Katana moved outside the city slightly ahead of the caravan. They were once again traveling along the trade way south and west. Like before, there was a hardened patch of ground to mark the way that nothing could grow on for its frequent use. Since they knew the name of the next city the caravan would hit they would be able to travel away from the trail. But first, they watched the caravan depart the city and move south and west along that path. Avriel had a promise to keep and a home to get to. He would not be able to do either if the caravan took another path and he lost it.

They walked together for a while, each looking at the terrain around them and constantly assessing any potential threats. "We must come up with a name for that destructive swatch of dead land." Katana smiled as she listened to Avriel's mindless chatter during one of the times when they walked together.

"I am positive there is one. Did the guards not have a name for it?"

"I think they did. I'm not sure, I've never heard the word before." He shrugged as he thought for a moment. "They called it a -- a -- ah -- um -- ROAD! Yeah, that's it. It is a road." He looked at Katana with triumph in his bright eyes. "I don't like it."

"It seems wrong."

"It is." They moved off and away from the offensive road and out to explore the world a bit while they could. They were walking through a prairie of lush grasses just beginning to grow again after spending months trapped in Winter's icy clutch. There were rocky outcroppings, remnants of the mountains that the plains once were at the beginning of time here and there. The first day ended with the four of them camped in the abandoned den of a large beast watching the light of the caravan's fires on the horizon.

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