Part 46 The Streets

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He moved with such quiet grace that it was very hard for her to tell if he was human or not. His build was a little wrong for a Faye, but it wasn't too far from it for it to not be believable but that thick beard on his face gave him away as a human. She'd never seen a human move like that. She couldn't even hear his steps as he moved over the street. His feet left no trace of his passing even through the mud. He was wearing the proper set of leather armor and a cloak that matched. He fit the description she was given perfectly. He was the one she was looking for, but he walked alone. Where was the female that was supposed to be by his side? She watched him and his smooth easy grace until he went into the tavern. She waited a moment then followed him inside. He sat alone in the back of the tavern at a table facing the door. He looked up at her and she nearly froze in her tracks. 'Did he know?' Years of experience kept her moving. She didn't pull her eyes from him as he looked at her. It was just a glance that he gave and then his eyes moved on. She sat so she could watch him easily from the corner of her eye. He ordered enough bread and cheese for two, sat a while longer and then left. She tailed him to the stables in the lower west side and lost track of him in the darkness.

Katana sat with Fet and Amara in the stable and waited for Avriel's return. He brought food with him. "Someone follow you?" Her hands flashed in the darkness.

"I think so." He nodded as his hands moved in response. "Let us eat. I am hungry.'' He wanted to give Amara the apple he had brought for her, but he couldn't afford for the horse to make noise eating it. He gently patted her neck and shoulders and slipped out of her pen. Katana and Fet followed him to the loft. They settled quietly in the darkness and passed the food between them each taking turns feeding Othello and Fet. "They need meat. So do we. I'll order some once we are back in our room."

"You got it?"


"But you were followed?"

"Yes. A female, I think. Human by her movements. Not sure why. Maybe they follow all the new people here."


"I can't think of a reason but look at us. We have nice armor, it is clean, nice weapons and cloaks. Maybe they think we have coin to take."

"We do."

"True. We'll shop tomorrow."

"For what?"

"Clothes and cloaks. We don't fit in here. We need to." Katana nodded understanding. They finished eating and left. Making sure they were not followed, they went to the tavern. Avriel went in the front door. Katana scaled a building down the way and made her way to the tavern and to the window of their room. From her perch on the roof of the building across from the tavern, Grizz watched the man she was looking for walk in the front door of the tavern alone.

The morning came faster than either of them would have liked. They woke, ate and Avriel headed out to get the new clothes for them. "How do you put this on?" He was laughing too hard to be of any assistance to Katana. She pushed him over on the bed and he just laughed harder.

"Avriel?" She whined at him and he sobered.

"Okay. I will help you." Avriel got up and helped Katana pull the shirt on and tied it for her. "This must be what my sister felt like dressing me." He smiled down at Katana. "I miss her. Here, let's get this cloak on. There we go." He stepped back to admire his handy work. They kept their armor on and pulled the clothes that he had purchased that morning on over them. The clothes he bought were of a far lesser quality than he was used to wearing but seemed to match what locals around him dressed like. He had hesitated while looking at the dresses and decided that Katana would not have time to adjust her movements in a petticoat and skirt though he longed to see her in one. He tied her hair up for her and they left by way of the front door with Othello curled around the coin pouch on Avriel's hip.

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