Part 37 Kindness In Evil

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Avriel and his companions set out at once following the moonflowers out of the small forest and into the plains again. The trail led them to a small village just as day broke. As the light shifted to the light of day, color returned to Avriel's world. He thanked the Goddess for both gifts. He walked boldly with Fet by his side. He was a stranger in a small village with an even stranger beast by his side. He walked until he found the stables. "Good morn to you sir."

"Good morn." The man looked Avriel over slowly and turned his attention to Fet. "Goodness. What manner of beast have you with you, boy?"

Avriel ignored the man's off-handed offensive comment and followed the customs he was taught. "I am Avriel of Westendorunn." Not that he expected the man to know where that was. "This is Fet and the little one is Othello."

"I know it's your pet, Son--"

"No. He is not. He is my friend. His name is Fet."

"OH! I've never seen a --?"

"Fet. He is a fet. They aren't from here."

"You don't say?" The man smiled down at Fet and looked up at Avriel with a warm look in his eyes before looking back at Fet who was looking at him with cat-like purple eyes. "Do you bite?" The farmer smiled down at Fet as he spoke to him.

"I don't know that he does or does not," Avriel spoke for Fet. "He's never bitten me. Did you want to pet him?" He perked up much like a child presenting something they were proud of.

"Better to be safe than sorry. So, probably better not then." Avriel smiled as patiently as he could. He let his eyes roam over the horses. "Sir. We are in need of a horse. May we purchase one from you or do you have a neighbor that might have one for sale?"

"How about a trade?"

"I have nothing to trade you."

"How about one of those extra blades?"

"You may as well be asking for my head. I have coin. What is your price for the mare and a saddle with bags?"

"She's old. Past foaling."

"I know."

"She's not fast."

"Then you won't be asking too much for her then. How about this?" Avriel held up two gold coins that the man didn't even see him take from a coin pouch he didn't see either. "For her and the saddle." The man looked at the coins with need in his eyes. If Avriel was correct the two coins would feed this man and his family for the whole season. "Might there be a meal involved in this transaction as well?"

The man swallowed hard and nodded. "This way. The bea--, um fet --"

"Stays with me."

"The children?"

"Will be perfectly fine. I'll help them understand." Avriel handed the man the coins. "Please? Lead the way."

The addition of the mare to their troupe would make traveling much easier and faster. The man's wife was gracious and kind, a healer of some renown in their village. She spotted Avriel's moonflower and taught him about its properties over their morning meal and a touch beyond. Her knowledge was vast and a bit overwhelming, but he valued what she gave him. If he had the time, Avriel would have loved to learn more. He thanked her for a fine meal, her kindness in sharing her table with Fet and Othello too, told her she had beautiful children and a wise husband, then took his leave with the knowledge she had imparted locked away for later use.

They reached the last city he knew the caravan would stop at and sought lodging and a stable. Avriel left Fet and Othello in his room and went down to the tavern below. He ordered a meal and sat quietly in the back corner listening to the room. He felt odd without his blades on his hips but he, like every person in the tavern save the uniformed guard, was unarmed. He wasn't worried about being able to defend himself. He didn't need blades to do that. He was just uncomfortable without Katana's blades. He was momentarily distracted from his distraction when he felt something move and brush his side. He reached for his coin pouch and found it secured and still full and a handful of soft warm fur. He pulled Othello out from under his cloak and looked at him. He was still the cutest little creature. "Othello! Why you little-"

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