Part 25 On The Trail

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Avriel sat quietly and listened to Aliekki as she answered his every question. "You ask a lot of questions."

"I want to understand."

"I would ask you questions as well."

"I will do my best to answer them."

Aliekki asked him all manner of questions. Some made him laugh. Some made him think and a few moved him to tears. All the while Katana sat quietly by his side with her knee gently touching his. She hung on every word that either of them said, listening to the questions and the answers that were given by each. She knew Avriel and knew him very well, but she found that she did not know as much about him and his life as she felt she should have. She watched his tears fall and felt helpless to help him, "Araguah," she questioned gently.

"It is okay. I just miss my family."

"You do not have friends?" Aliekki asked quietly.

Avriel thought long before answering, "Not many. A prince never has many friends but the ones he has, are as loyal and true to him as he is to them."

"You are the prince of your people?" Aliekki's surprise was evident on her face.

"I am now. My brother did not return from his quest. That was many years ago."

"Then what are you doing here, so far from home?"

"That is a very long story that cannot be made short."

"I believe I understand." Aliekki looked at Avriel first then Katana. "I felt the blessing of the Goddess of the Moon upon you both. I wondered as I listened to you speak why your quest has not yet led you home. It is not yet complete. What is it that you seek?" Avriel wondered how she could know. Was he that easy of a read?

Neither Katana nor Avriel spoke for a very long time as the three of them sat around the fire. Finally, Avriel answered the question, "I am seeking to bring the monster that brutalized Katana and likely many others to justice."

Aliekki saw right through him, "You seek to bring him to justice or justice to him, Young Prince?" She was honestly surprised that Katana had shared that information with him.

Avriel raised his eyes from the fire to meet Aliekki's. He could not hide his anger or frustration any more than he could hide any other emotion from the elf. "I want to bring justice to him." His voice was low and cold, but a fire he could not hide was burning in his eyes and heart.

Aliekki sat back. "Your heart is strong, Young Prince. You will do as you must." She paused and held his lovely human eyes with hers. "I understand why you seek him. I saw first-hand his transgressions and cruelty. I would see justice done. How can I be of assistance to you? I can travel as far as the edge of The Wood I am to protect." She looked them over. "You are ill-equipped for the journey ahead. I will see to it that your armor and gear are replaced.

"We seek his caravan and intend to stop it from taking slaves to the North."

"I will help you find this caravan. Know this, no blood shall be spilled in this wood in the name of vengeance." Aliekki looked at Katana then let her eyes fall over the human. "You are a remarkable human. I can see why you were chosen. But you have a lot of conflict and confusion in your heart. That too is remarkable. Do you need to rest, Avriel?"


"Do you still hold faith in me, Katana?"


"Then take your rest in the arms of The Mother. I will watch over you and the Young Prince as you both rest."

Katana and Avriel exchanged glances. They nodded to Aliekki and took their leave of her company. As one, they leapt up into the security of the lowest arms of The Mother Tree. They settled securely with Katana sitting in front of Avriel as he leaned back against the tree. They fell into a deep reverie the moment they were physically settled. Aliekki smiled and shook her head. Stupid Human indeed. Crazy Elf. She watched over them until the morning sun and then a little longer. They came down from The Mother and joined her in the clearing. She had prepared a small meal for them. "I have eaten. I shall rest while you eat."

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