•°•First Encounter•°•

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I woke up and saw Richie still asleep. I looked at his alarm clock and it was 7. I got out of bed and walked to his kitchen. I didn't want to make noise just in case his parents were there. I walked over to the window. No cars in his driveway. I sighed in relief and started searching through his pantry. "Wait, do I have a cereal in my backpack?" I asked myself. I crept into Richie's room and unzipped my backpack. I had three small boxes of (insert cereal you like). I took a box out and closed my backpack. I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard.

I poured my cereal in the bowl and grabbed a jug of milk from the fridge. I poured it into the bowl and put it away. I threw the empty box in the trash and sat at the table. "Shit, I didn't grab a spoon," I muttered. I got up and started walking back to the kitchen. "Out of all things, a spoon!" I stopped in my tracks when I saw a red balloon floating along in the kitchen. I edged closer and it went behind a wall. I ran after but when I looked behind the wall, nothing was there. I slowly backed up and grabbed a spoon. "Demon who is coming to kill me, let me eat my cereal please.." I pleaded quietly and ran back to the table.

I kept looking around me while I ate my cereal. It reminded me of home. Age seven and thought I was home alone.

I woke up in my bed and peeked in my mom's room. "Mommy?" I whispered. She wasn't there. I got worried. Did she leave me? Like da... I didn't finish that thought. I walked to the kitchen and opened the pantry. The cereal was on the top shelf. I tiptoed to try and reach it but I couldn't. A tear rolled down my cheek. This empty silent home. I was gonna starve. I went to the living room and grabbed my coloring book and crayons. I sat on the floor and started coloring. I wanted to color if I was going to starve. I heard footsteps and looked up. My mom walked into the room and I just looked at her as if she were a stranger. "Where'd you go?" I asked.

"To the bathroom??" She responded, confused.(A/N: true story. my dumbass didn't use the stool to get the cereal. I thought my grandparents left to go to church without me. Turns out I couldn't be woken up so my grandpa stayed and he was in the bathroom. I was dumb as a kid)

I finished my cereal and crept back into the kitchen. "Demon, don't kill me yet." I placed the bowl into sink. "You're still not allowed to kill me." I walked into the living room and stumbled back. My mom was standing there. "You came for me?" I asked, starting to cry. She nodded.

"I couldn't bare to lose you..." she murmured. I saw blood spilling from her chest. She collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood. "No!" I gasped, running at her and dropping to my knees. I watched as she begun to fade away. "Stay with me!" I heard a laugh and turned around. Nothing. I looked back and she was gone. "No.." I breathed. I turned around and saw a clown just smiling. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed, scrambling back. "Who the hell are you? Richie, this isn't funny."

"I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" He said, chuckling.

"Well, Pennywise, umm, are you the demon haunting me?" I asked. He just stood there smiling. I slowly got up."Richie, stop. I'm sorry I said maybe your vines would be funny." I started to step back but I was planted to the ground. I couldn't move. I struggled to break free. This couldn't be Richie. He didn't take it this for. Who the hell was this Pennywise? What the fuck did he want with me? I fell back. I wasn't stuck to the ground. I got up and glared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked. I fell into a hole. There was no hole until now. I landed in a room with a mirror. I looked into it and saw me but different. Both my wrists were bleeding. It looked like a thin maroon string wrapped around them. It reminded me of the watch that sent me here. I looked up and saw my throat slit. I winced at the sight of that. I looked up to my face. My eyes were pure white and bleeding. It was still like a mirror. It copied my every move until a hand stuck out of the mirror. It was my reflection's hand. I grabbed her/it and pulled them out.

"Hello?" I said. It just stared at me and grabbed my throat. I clutched it's arm when it lifted me to the air. "W-wow!" I barely managed to say. "I'm th-this-" I coughed. "strong.." My voice was hoarse. I kicked them in the stomach and I dropped to the ground. I gasped for air and stood up. "Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled. They stared at me with their white eyes. This was me. "Please, get away!" I screamed. I pushed them back and into the mirror. "Stop fucking taunting me!" I yelled, kicking the mirror. It shattered into pieces but through the cracked reflection, I could still see it staring back at me. "Stop!" I screamed, dropping to the floor. "Get out of my head!" I heard a ringing in my head. "Leave me the fuck alone, you piece of shit!" The ringing grew lousier and louder by the moment. I couldn't bare it. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection watching me, smiling. "Get away from me!" I shouted, closing my eyes shut.

"Y/N," I heard someone say. I opened them and kicked them back. "Ow! That's was my dick!" He yelped.

"I'm sorry, Rich!" I said.

"It's fine," he said and helped me up.

"Where is she?" I asked. He tilted his head as I looked around.

"Y/N," he said and I looked at him. "What the hell happened?"

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