•°•Rock War and One More Loser•°•

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I continued to sit on Stanley's shoulder. I tried to sit on Richie's but he felt uncomfortable. I tried to flip him off then I realized I have wings. For some reason, I felt like my energy didn't drain. It was weird. We were pedaling down the road until Richie said something. "I love bring your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots have taken any longer?"

"Shut up, Richie," Eddie snapped.

"Yeah, shut up, Richie," Stanley said.

"Thank you," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh ok, trash the trashmouth, I get it!" I tried not to smirk thought I don't think anybody would notice. Parrots can't smirk, right? Right? (A/N: they can't smirk) "Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imaging that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina for Halloween."

"That did happen and we didn't imagine it," I said.

"We didn't i-imagine it," Bill said. I just said that. "I saw it, too."

"You saw blood, too?" Stanley asked.

"Not blood, I saw Georgie." I became interested and we all stopped. I hopped off Stanley's shoulder and on the bike handle to get a better view. "It looked so real.. but there was this..." He couldn't find words.

"The clown," Eddie said. My head turned quickly to look at him. I didn't need those memories. "Yeah, I saw It too.."

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff?" We all looked at Richie. "Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?"

"I think the Neibolts should count," I said.

"Should not," said Richie. I glared at him and hopped on his bike.


"Should not."




"Shit, I thought reverse psychology would work on you," he said.

"But it didn't," I said and flew off. I attempted to turn back to myself because I was short. Very short. To my surprise, and everyone else's, I did. "Oh, that's better," I said, stretching.

"That Belch Huggins car," Eddie pointed out.

"Who's that?" I asked, looking at him.

"He's one of Henry's friends," he said.

"Is Belch the blond one?"



"Wait, that's Mike's bike," Eddie added. "Mike is a homeschooler." I nodded and turned to a horse. I galloped off and heard the others calling for me. I didn't trust Bowers and his friends. I stopped at a river and saw them. Henry was pinning down Mike and had a rock in his hand, raised up. I ran across and reared up to try and scare him. Henry scrambles back and Mike ran behind me. I hit the ground and glared at him. I nudged Mike with a hoof to walk and kept my eye on them.

Still didn't know the blond guy's name but I call him Draco. He looks like Draco. I turned to human, back to the question if I am even human, and sighed. "Wow," Mike said.

"Wait, you're random kid."



"It's you! The girl who kicked me in the dick!" I heard Henry yell.

"You kicked him in the dick?" Mike asked.

"I kicked him in the dick." I turned around and stared Bowers down. "What did you do about it? Nothing. You know why? Because I'm a girl and you know, you have to be a gentleman even though you aren't." I smirked and flipped him off. I heard the rest of the Losers Club race up behind me.

"You could've take us," Richie said.

"I was in a rush," I said.

"I see you have Marsh with you," Henry said.

"So what, dickwad? You jealous?" I yelled.

"No, she'll do you, boys. Just ask nicely. Like I did." I was disgusted by this guy. I heard Ben yell and saw a rock fly at him. Then another. I turned around and saw everyone picking up rocks.

"Rock war!" Richie yelled before getting hit square in the face and falling over. I turned into a horse quickly and let Mike get on.

"You good with horses?" I asked.

"I live on a farm," he said.

"Good, because you'll need to hold on," I said and charged at Draco. His eyes widened before he jumped out of the way. I skidded to a halt and pebbles went soaring.

"How can you do this? Shape-shift, I mean," Mike asked.

"My dad, I'm guessing. I'm not sure. He left when I was young. I have a lot of powers," I charged at Belch and he barely got hit. "I can shape-shift, teleport, create force fields, telekinesis, see through people's point of view, grow wings, and walk through mirrors."

"Geez," he said as I turned around and kicked pebbles and rocks at Henry and his goons.

"Also, um, I'm from 2020. Might be hard to believe."

"If I didn't see you shape-shift, I wouldn't believe anything you've told me," he said. I saw as Belch and Draco ran, leaving Henry.

"That's a sad life he's living," I said to Mike.

"Imagine getting abandoned by your friends," he said. I trotted across the rugged and Mike got off me as soon as we crossed. I turned and waited for Richie after I changed back.

"Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie shouted, flipping him off with both hands. I chuckled a bit as Richie turned around. "Hey Y/N," Richie said. I looked at him.


"Can you kill Bowers for me one day?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm not a dumbass."

"I'll pay you $100." I gave him the "really" look.

"Bitch, I would do it for free any day. Even on his birthday."

"Ok, that's kind of dark."

"Oh, you clearly don't know me if you say that's 'kind of' dark."

"Wait, what do you mean?" He asked, looking worried. I smirked and looked away.

"I've said too much," I joked.

"Wait, please tell me more about you."

"One day, Richie. One day." He stopped and I stared at him. He kissed me quickly on the cheek.

"Can you tell me now?"


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