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I rubbed my eyes and noticed I was on Richie's bed. I sat up and he was lying next to me. I got up and slipped out of bed. I sat on the couch and realized I forgot my backpack. I got up and walked back into Rich's room. I grabbed it off the floor and walked back to the living room. I threw the backpack on the couch than proceeded to throw myself onto the couch. I took out a box of cereal and ate it from there. I didn't want to get up and put milk into the cereal.

I looked for the remote and it was all the way across the table. I refused to get up and feel like most people relate. "I can use the force," I joked and stuck my hand out. I watched it move slowly to me and freaked out. I put my hand down and concentrated on it. I watched it shake before I saw it rise off the table and come plop down next to me. "Woah," I muttered. I switched on the TV and continued to eat my cereal.

I heard Richie coming out of the room and he sat down next to me. "Hi, Y/N," he said, yawning.

"I have telekinesis."

"Mhm," he said. I looked at him.

"Throw your glasses on the table."


"So I can prove it to you."

"Well, I can't really see it if I don't have my glasses."

"Shit, I hate your logic."

"I know you do," he said, smirking. He got up and pushed my cereal away from me.

"Oi! That's my cereal!" I shouted. I glared at him before looking at the box. I watched as the box slowly floated towards me and I grabbed it out of the air. "Fuck you, don't touch my cereal," I warned and continued to eat it.

"Holy shit, that was amazing!"

"Apologize to me! it's very rude to steal one's box of cereal," I said.

"Geez, I'm sorry but can you anything else?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I can try flying." I shoved the cereal into his hands. "Hold my cereal." I stood up on the couch and jumped off. "No."

"Try teleportation!" He said. I looked at him.

"Are you eating my cereal?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"It's good," he said. I looked at the front door and concentrated on it. I felt a great force and I shut my eyes. When I opened them, I was at the front door. "Cool..." Richie muttered. I teleported to him and grabbed my cereal and then teleported next to him on the couch. I opened my backpack and threw a box of cereal at him unexpectedly. "Eat your own cereal," I said and put my cereal down. 

"Mind telepathy," he suggested. I stared him down.

"Fucking Eddie's mom?"


"Now it's dicks."

"No, it's cereal." I sighed.

"Invisibility?" I concentrated on being invisible while probably looking stupid. "Fuck! You're invisible!" He exclaimed.

"I'm not a dumbass."

"Damnit." I fell back and sighed. "Point of view kind of power? You know what I mean, right?"

"Exactly, um, you?"

"Try one of the others?" I nodded. 


"I don't know." I sighed and focused on Richie's view. I wouldn't listen to him. My vision began to fade and I was in a different place. Did I use teleportation? No. This was clearly his point of view. I saw myself, passed out on the couch. Is this what happened? "Holy shit, did she die?" He asked, worried. "Or is she in my view?" He waved a hand in front of his face as if I could wave back. I saw my (or his, I guess) vision fade. My eyes flashed open and I gasped for air. "Oh, fuck!" He yelled. 

"I wasn't dead, dumbass," I said.

"You looked through my point of view?"

"Of course, I wasn't going to listen to you." 

"Oh gosh.." He muttered.

"Let's stop for the day," I sighed.

"Come on, one more?" He asked.

"Richie, no." I rolled my eyes. "By the way, did Neibolt Y/N have any powers?"

"No, she just helped us get you home and left." I nodded. 

"We can see if she has powers," I said, yawning.

"Tired?" He asked.

"This is a new experience," I said. I walked around until I found a mirror and said Neibolt Y/N, and you know from there. I don't think I have to go into detail at this point. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. 

"I have to get used to you randomly calling my name," she said.

"We wanted to test something," I told her.

"Let me guess, powers?" I nodded and she sighed. "Isn't me going through reflections enough?"

"Richie's idea," I blamed.

"Oh, shut up, Y/N!" He said.

"I mean, it was."

"It was your idea, too." I elbowed him in the side to make him shut up.

"Completely his idea," I lied. Neibolt Y/N nodded slowly.

"Mhm." She clearly looked pissed at us but I don't blame her. It's not every day you get pulled out of mirrors, but you do get pulled out of mirrors if you are her. "Why don't you test your powers?"

"We did," I said.

"What do you have?" She asked.

"Force field, telekinesis, teleportation, and I can look through people's point of view."

"Can you go through mirrors?"


"Can you?"

"No.." She grabbed my hand and stepped into the mirror. "No, no, no!" I yelled as I was pulled into the mirror. It was pitch black but when I turned around, I saw Richie. He was inaudible. I turned back to Neibolt Y/N. "Where am I?" I asked. She pulled me closer to the darkness and I saw Neibolt Richie come out.

"You're really going to show her?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think she deserves to know."

"Know what?" I asked then looked at Neibolt Rich. "Also, did you ask?" He was startled.

"N-no!" He said.

"Asked what?" Neibolt Y/N asked.

"Nothing!" Neibolt Richie and I said in unison.

"But, where are you taking me?" I asked. Richie and Y/N looked at each other and they both grabbed me.

"Trust us," he said before they both pulled me into the darkness.

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