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"Aren't you guys in my side?" Pennywise asked. Neibolt Richie just flipped him off which really pissed off this clown over here. He charged at us and Y/N backed up into me. She pulled me aside and shushed me. "What the fuck? Aren't we supposed to help?" I asked.

"Shut up, for one second," she said. "Pennywise, he's a bitch, right?"


"Us Neibolts are trying to kill him and with your help, we can."

"Point is?"

"The Neibolts, we don't really like humanity." We sat down. "We want to pretty much take over the world."

"And you're telling me this because why?"

"We want you with us," she said. I didn't know how to feel about this. "Think about it, with us, if the other scientists do come back, we can build a army, wipe out humans, but you, of course."

"I-I don't know," I said, unsure. She reached out her hand.

"It's meant to be, it's clearly a gift that you were sent here." I looked up and grabbed her hand. She smirked and pulled me up. "Let's go kill that fucking clown," she said. I turned to a horse and galloped over to them. I bucked Pennywise away and felt something wrap around my leg. I fell to the ground and Neibolt Eddie jumped over me and cut whatever was wrapped around me. I stood up, Eddie clinging to my back.

"So that's why you wanted to kidnap me?" I asked him, keeping my voice low.

"Partially the reason."

"Oh, shut up," I muttered as he slid off. I transformed back next to Richie.

"While you're we're nowhere to be scene, Bill nearly died," he informed.

"Which Bill?" I asked.

"Our Bill, you dumbass," he teased. He kissed me on the cheek. Neibolt Mike stops right next to me and slid something into my hand. I glanced and saw he slipped a gun into my hand. I looked at him and he winked. "Every Neibolt has one," he mouthed. I nodded. I slid the gun into my pocket and felt Y/N drag me off to the side.

"I need you to distract Richie while we kill off the others," she said.


"Yeah, Bill, Stanley, Beverly-"


"Listen, you're with us!" She said. "Humanity must die! They're going to stop us!" I nodded and clutched my gun. "Let's just finish off Pennywise!" We raced back and I lunged at Pennywise. I tackled him to the ground and got off. I turned to a parrot and landed on Stanley's shoulder and he just glanced at me. I watched as Pennywise backed up into a barrier to a hole. As we all got closer, he flipped over. This was his sign of defeat. We have won.

"He thrusts his fists against them posts but still insists he sees the ghosts," he muttered as Stanley handed Bill and a pipe (it was a pipe or crowbar). He repeated the saying and Bill raised up his weapon. I saw Pennywise slip and his skin on his forehead started to peel off. "Fear," he whispered. He dropped into the hole and we all raced over.

It was darkness. I transformed back and pulled Richie aside. "We killed It!" He said. "We should be over there!"

"I know.." I sighed. I kissed him and he sighed. I heard gunshots ringing and Richie and I jumped. He turned around and I saw the other Losers on the ground, lifeless. The Neibolts were standing above them, holding their guns in hand. I grabbed my gun and backed up. I aimed it at Richie. He looked at me, shocked. "Y/N!" He said. "Don't!" I felt my wings spread and my eyes turned white. "Please! Don't follow them!"

I didn't lower the gun. "I'm sorry, Mom," I whispered and heard a gunshot that would forever echo in my brain whenever I thought of him.

(THAT'S THE END! IM SORRY FOR BREAKING YOUR HEART! THIS HURT ME TO EVEN WRITE THIS! I wrote something in the next chapter. It's just information that I've decided to give you.)

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