•°•The House On Neibolt Street•°•

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I think I had dozed off or something because I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Y/N," Rich whispered. "Y/N!"

"What?" I groaned, clearly pissed.

"We're going inside."


"Y/N, I-"

"I don't want to! Let me sleep!"

"So she's not a morning person than," Ben said. I stood up, glaring at Richie and walked inside.

"Wait, don't go ahead!" I didn't listen. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "Y/N," I heard Richie say right behind.

"Shit! You're fast!" I said.

"No, it's Neibolt Richie." I turned around.

"Oh, I told you they'd be here," I said.

"Yeah, let me guide you, I know this place like the back of my hand."

"Ok, what does the back of you hand look like?" I asked.

"Shut up, you know what I mean," he said.

"I'm lost!" I heard other Richie scream. I looked at Neibolt Richie and we ran for him. He was holding a piece of paper. It was a missing kid poster, not of Betty Ripsom or Ed Corcoran, it was Richie. Bill was trying to calm him down and Eddie was trying to help. Neibolt Richie grabbed the paper and crumpled it up. "It isn't real," he said. "I know what's real and what's fake. That's what It does, he does this kind of shit." He threw the paper across the room. "Let's continue."

"When did you get here?" Eddie asked.

"Eddie, please, my name is legit Neibolt Richie. Let me repeat, Neibolt Richie. This house is on Neibolt Street and my name is Neibolt Richie," he said.

"Ok.." Eddie said. I heard a voice, I couldn't make it out or what they said. I looked at Neibolt Richie and he shrugged.

"Out of all people, you should know."

"I don't listen to his plans!" He snapped. We ran up the stairs and I felt Richie grab my hand. I looked at him.

"Scared?" I teased. He rolled his eyes and I heard a stomp. I yelped and jumped back.

"No, just you," he said, smirking.

"I hate you." I pushed him away, smiling and he just smiled back. I looked at a door and saw a girl laying there. "Who's that.." I heard a scream and she was dragged away. "Well, we're in deep shit." I turned around and saw Eddie walking another direction. I started walking towards him.

"Guys do you hear that?" He said.

"Hear what?" I asked. I didn't hear anything.

"It stopped." We turned around and saw Bill and both Richies in the other rooms and the door started to close.

"No, no!" I yelled, turning to a robin. I stopped myself from running into the now shut door. I flew back and changed. But not on command. I just changed. "What the fuck?" I said. I saw a hole appear right in front of Eddie. I walked forward. "Don't fall in," I said.

"Eddie," I heard. It was a deep, raspy voice. We turned around and saw a leper. It was like a walking infection. "Time to take you pill," It said and stuck it's tongue out which had a red pill on it. I looked at Eddie who fell back. "You're pathetic, aren't you?" I said, turning to look down. The table had broke. I heard his watch beeping and he looked at it. He dropped his arm and he laid there. I turned around and saw Neibolt Eddie. "Um, hi?" I said, doing a slight wave. He took inhales but stopped. He fell back, revealing Neibolt Bill and Ben. "Thanks." They nodded.

"We came here to help," Ben said.

"I think we're fine, for now," I said. They nodded and just walked off. I put my legs through the hole, then my waist, etc. I landed right next to Eddie and shook him. "Eds, Eddie, Edward, Eddie Spaghetti, shit, I'm speaking Richie's language."

"Yeah you are," Eddie said. He sat up and looked at his arm.

"Ooh, broken.." I muttered. He winced and nodded. I heard light tapping and turned around. Fingers from the fridge. "Um.." It swung open and It was in the fridge, in some form a contortionist would take on. He slowly unfolded out of the fridge and Eddie and I backed up. I tried to turn into a horse so I could get Eddie out of there but couldn't. Force field, nothing. Couldn't do anything. I knew exactly what was going on. If It was nearby, I couldn't use my powers.

It stood straight up and shook himself. He leaned forward and smiled. "Time to float." He stepped closer and we scrambled back.

"If I die, can I tell you something?" I asked Eddie.

"We're going to die!?"

"No, yes- I don't know, ok?" We bumped into whatever was behind us and It charged forward. I kicked him in the face and glared at him. I stood in front of Eddie, willing to die just to save a friend. It charged again and I kicked him in the stomach. "Y/N, you're going to die!" Eddie said.

"Yeah, Y/N, you're going to die," Pennywise said and smiled. He revealed his teeth that were more like spikes. He went to the side and Neibolt Stanley charged at me. I dodged to the side and tripped over Eddie's leg. "Move your fucking leg!" I yelled. Stan pinned me down and I kneed him in, well, you know. He groaned and I threw him off. He grabbed me and threw me nearly on top of Eddie. I saw Richie, Neibolt Richie, and Bill run into the room, looking shocked. Stanley and Pennywise both turned around.

"I guess we're not going to die," I breathed.

"What was it you wanted to tell me-" I saw as Pennywise charged at Bill and both the Richies. Beverly ran in the room and stabbed him in the face, blood flying. Eddie grabbed my arm and I could see how scared he looked. "What was it.." he muttered.

"That's for another day.."

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