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I could only feel Richie's hand and Y/N's hand. It was complete darkness. "How do you know where we're going?" I asked.

"We have night vision," Neibolt Richie said.

"Oh." I saw a light that looked like the sun in front. "Where the fuck are we?"

"It's where us Neibolts hang out," she said. It was a small cabin in a forest when we got there. "Right now, it's small but trust me, it's amazing inside." They let go of me and we walked inside. It was like a mall. The place was huge! How the fuck did this all fit in a small cabin.
"We have our rooms, too. Eddie won't let us go in his. He's afraid we'll infect it with our germs even though he fucking pukes black acid every day," Richie said.

"I see your room," I said to Y/N. It had her name on the door.

"Please do not go in there!" She begged. "I didn't clean it yet because I didn't expect this." Richie and I glanced at each other, smirked, and charged for her room. I heard a clap behind us and when we walked in, it was a clean room with wood floors and white wall. String lights hung from the ceiling and there were lots of plants in white or gray pots. "Hey, you can't room swap like that!" Richie complained.

"Room swap?" I questioned.

"If a Neibolt claps there hand, it's because they're changing their room." I nodded and sat on the bed that had a white blanket and white pillows that had plants imprinted on them.

"I'm this obsessed with plants?" I asked. Neibolt Y/N shook her head.

"We all have our own personality, likes, dislikes, opinions, etc. We share a few traits with you guys," Y/N explained.

"Ah, and you're obsessed with plants?" I asked.

"It looks nice." She picked up a white watering pot and started watering them. I walked outside and a knife came soaring at me. I yelped and teleported to the side. I wasn't going to die. Richie rushes outside. "Stanley, I fucking swear! Stop throwing your knives at people!" He yelled. I looked forward and saw what I guessed was Neibolt Stanley. He wore a blue shirt and a kind of tan pants. He basically wore what he usually wears.

His eyes were white and I mean, his head looked like a spider. It was kind of scary. "Why does she look like Y/N?" He asked.

"I'm the non-Neibolt version of Y/N," I replied.

"Shit, she allowed to be here?" He asked. Richie shrugged.

"You know I don't give a fuck. She deserves to see. She knew she could communicate with Neibolt Y/N so we shouldn't hide anything from her." Thanks, Richie.

"Oh, Eddie's gonna fucking freak," Y/N said. "With her germs and shit."

"Who called me?" A familiar voice yelled. Eddie. Well, Neibolt Eddie.

"They brought a human!" Stan yelled back.

"That kind of hurt," I said and Richie elbowed Stan.

"Oh no! Y/N!" Eddie screamed. I saw him run at us. "Are you sick? Do you need to stay away?"

"Dude, relax," I said. He was Eddie for sure. He looked the same just black staining his clothes and dripping now and then from his mouth. "You're puking your black acid, I don't think you should be worried about me."

"I have every right to be worried."

"Just, shut up." Eddie rolled his eyes. I realized something. He was the only Neibolt (so far) that didn't have white eyes. Why did I notice that? I don't know. "By the way, where's the other Neibolts?"

"Ben's removing the fire alarms. Why was there fire alarms in here in the first place? I don't know," Stan said.

"Why do you need to remove fire alarms?" I asked.

"Bev keeps setting them off."


"Ah, ok.." Richie said. "Neibolt Bev. Her hair is on fire basically."

"Oh, wow."

"Yeah, it's annoying that when we're trying to sleep, the fucking fire alarm goes off at 2 AM!" Richie shouted at the end.

"It's not my fault!" I heard Bev call from somewhere. "Also, who the hell are you talking to?"

"Someone!" I yelled.

"Who's that someone?" Bev called back. I forgot me and Y/N sound the same.


"You are Y/N!"

"Other Y/N!" I heard footsteps running down somewhere and Beverly came out of nowhere. Her hair was on fire but other than that, she pretty much looked the same. (A/N: i just did the hair fire thing because I'm too lazy to explain details) "Oh shit.." She muttered. "You brought her?"

"Yes! Now everyone shut the fuck up about me bringing her here!" Y/N snapped.

"Gee, sorry," Stan murmured.

"Hey, Y/N," I started. "You never answered my question."

"What do you mean?" She asked. I looked at her as if she was stupid.

"You know exactly what the fuck I mean," I said. "Other than walking through mirrors, do you have any other powers?" The whole mall felt quiet other than the fire alarm in the distance.

"Ben!" I heard Bill say.

"It's hard to fix this!"

"Well?" I asked. The fire alarm stopped. I saw nervousness in everyone's eyes. "Answer the fucking question!" I yelled. Y/N stepped back. "You're hiding something, aren't you?" I snapped.

"I-" she paused.

"Spit it out!"

"No, shut up!" She whispered.

"I won't shut up until-" she grabbed me and put her hand over my mouth.

"Seriously, shut up!" She whispered angrily. I pushed her hand off. "Go to my room, now!" I walked to her room and hid behind the door.

"Why are you all gathered?" I heard a voice say. Shit, I knew that voice.

"No reason," Bev said. "Ben's fixing the fire alarm with Bill and Mike."

"Mhm." I knew that voice. "I heard another voice. Like Y/N's but they were arguing. Y/N doesn't talk to herself unless she brought the other Y/N here."

"I didn't!" She said.

"We'll keep doing whatever you're doing." I heard their footsteps walk away. I could've been caught by him.


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