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I woke up, my head in pain. What the fuck happened.. Oh yeah.. I got up and the room was dark. I reached my arms out and felt something hanging, thin metal. I pulled it and the room lit up. Wood floor, white walls. The room was bright. The whole room was basically a bedroom. "Ok," I said to myself. "Richie got kidnapped, I got knocked out, but by who?" I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. When they opened, I was somewhere else. A small room, white walls, concrete floor, a crappy bed, sink, toilet, shower, table and chair, a security camera in the corner.

This is where Richie is? I thought. He walked around and flopped on the bed. "Where the fuck am I!?" He yelled. He started banging on the metal door. "I'm hungry!" He shouted, clearly trying to piss off the scientists. "Can you bring me back? I need to fuck Eddie's mom!" Wow, is this what he's been doing? I quickly changed back to my point of view. Neibolt Stan and Eddie were in front of me.

"Shit, why are you guys here?" I said.

"Even though you were going practically insane, we still managed to take you down," Stanley said. "Thanks to this guy." Eddie pulled out a bat from behind him.

"What about the others?"

"They fought, for some fucking psycho," Eddie said, smirking.

"Says the one who's fucking getting their black acid all over the bed," I retorted, pushing him off the bed. "He's fine. How long have I been out?"

"A day."

"Oh wow.." I clapped and felt the room shift. The door's window was still dark. I clapped again. Again. Again. Light. I grabbed the bat off the bed. "Did Eddie pass out or something?" I asked.

"He's sensitive," Stanley answered.

"Good," I muttered before standing up and swinging the bat right at Stanley's head. He didn't even look. He grabbed the bat and looked towards me. "Well, shi-" He lunged at me and I jumped off the bed. I slid the bat off to the side and got ready to fight. Stanley clapped and the window was dark. He leapt at me and I rolled out of the way. I tried to change to a robin but nothing. Fuck. I felt him crash into me and I slid all the way to the door.

I kicked him off and got up to run. He grabbed my ankle and I fell, using my arms to break my fall. I used my free head to kick him in the face. I opened the door and kept clapping until light. I darted out of the room as fast as I could, Stan trailing right behind me. I ran up the stairs and into one of the stores. I hid behind one of the shelves and sighed. I peeked around the corner and he saw me. But it was just his head, crawling with his little fucking spider arms. "Shit!" I yelled and bolted out of there. I took a risk and jumped off the ledge, turning to a robin midair. I flew to the ground, transformed back, and ran out of that place.

I ran through the dark but saw a light. I reached out for it but crashed into Neibolt Eddie. I fell back and he just smirked. "How are you so fast?" I breathed.

"Perks of being a Neibolt," he said. I jumped up to my feet and kicked him through the mirror. I saw him fall back and I lunged right at him. He rolled over and I crashed to the ground. I teleported behind him and kicked him in the back of the knees. He fell back and I teleported to the door. I shut the door and held the handle. I could feel him trying to turn the handle and I swung the door open, hitting him in the face. He fell back and I slammed the door. I ran out of the house and saw him run after me.

I transformed to a horse and galloped as quickly as possible away. He was right. Neibolts are fucking fast. I saw people look at me in awe. Well of course they would, I don't think it's every day you see a horse in Derry being chased by this child you looks demonic. I slowed down and bucked Eddie in the chest. I saw as he stumbled back and continued to run. I heard sirens and swore silently. So someone called the police. I thought. I skidded to a halt when I saw a barrier and two police cars. I turned around and three more appeared. Eddie somehow was behind me. "You got me into this mess," I blamed.

"You're fault for being here."

"You decided to attack me."

"You're right, now what?"

"Get on my back."


"Do it!" I shouted. He looked scared and clambered on. "Hold on."

"Yeah, we've got a wild horse down Central with a child who looks, unlike a human? The horse can talk so we're in deep shit-" I didn't hear the rest but ran right at a police car. I jumped right on it and ran across, escaping them. I ran all the way to a park and reared up, feeling Eddie slip off my back.

"Listen, attack needs another day, it's clear we've had enough," I said. He nodded.

"I'll kill you one day," he swore.

"Like to see that happen," I said as he walked away. I turned to myself and heard sirens. Police rushed up to me.

"Did you see a horse run this way?" One asked. I pointed to a direction where I wasn't going and they nodded. They raced off and I sighed. I walked over to a post and saw a missing kid poster. I ripped it off. It was Richie. I crumpled it up and tossed it in the trash. I turned and saw my wings start to sprout? Grow? Expand? Yeah, expand. "I'll save, you," I swore to myself. "I will."

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