•°•No Ordinary Child•°•

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"Wait, we're going to Ben's to learn about the history of Derry after what happened?" Eddie asked.

"Eddie, calm down," I said as he took out his inhaler. "Asthma boy, relax."

"Don't call me asthma boy," he whined.

"Whatever you say, asthma boy." I smirked and he flipped me off. I flipped him off and Richie interrupted our flipping off each other wars between us.

"I liked my Neibolt Self," he said.

"You barely interacted with him. I'm the one who actually talked to him," I stated.

"What'd you talk about?" Stanley interrupted.

"Oh, he just needed advice on how to confess feelings to my Neibolt Self," I replied.

"That's cute," Beverly said.

"He said that the Neibolt Kids have a lot in common with who they are. For example, Richie's Neibolt makes terrible jokes." He stared me down. "They said usually they all act like we do." It hit me. How could I be so fucking dumb? "Richie."

"Hm?" He said.

"Do you love me?" I asked. He didn't respond.

"Well, R-Richie?" Bill said, riding along us.

"Um, I m-mean, I don't know. Why w-would you think that?" He stammered, laughing nervously. We stopped at Ben's house and gave him a quick kiss.

"Don't worry," I said. "I love you, too." I followed Ben into the house, leaving Richie speechless. Ben went ahead and opened the door to his room. There was missing kid posters, history facts, Derry history facts, you name it. Richie caught up with us. "Hey Rich," I said. "I have a random question."

"I have a normal answer."

"Is your last name Tozier?" I asked.

"Um, yes? Wait, how'd you know?" He asked.

"I have my ways," I said, smirking. Little did he know, he would be a comedian. I watched his shows every day, new and old. I'm surprised I didn't before. I walked around his room as he was stating facts about Derry and how it used to be a beaver trapping camp and wellhouses and shit. I peeked out the window due to me not caring and it's history even though I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life. "Bored?" Richie asked. I was startled by his presence.

"Kind of," I said.

"Do you miss 2020?" He asked. I shrugged.

"My mom, I miss, but a lot of things are happening." He nodded.

"What the hell?"

"Do you not like 2020?"

"No, some person just appeared on the road." I looked outside. A scientist from my time.

"Shit," I said and ran down the stairs and out the door, Richie following. I ran up to the edge of the street. He looked at me.

"Y/N L/N? Is that you?" He asked. I nodded. "Why aren't you coming back?"

"I broke the watch," I said.

"Oh god," he muttered and sighed. "Look, I have bad news. It's your mom." My body froze and Richie our his hand on my shoulder. "She's going to die soon," he said. I dropped to the ground and felt a tear drop.

"She has it, doesn't she? The virus?" He nodded. "Fuck!" I yelled.

"We're bringing you back with us," he said. I looked up and sniffled.

"'We're'?" I repeated. I saw others from behind walk up with a weapon in their hands. I watched as they loaded them with darts. Tranquilizer. Great. "I'm staying here and not going back to that hellhole," I shouted.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he offered.

"Why the hell would you tranquilize a child?" I asked.

"Because you're no ordinary child," he said.

"Of course I'm not," I snapped. "I time travel." He shook his head.

"Not just that," he said. "Why do you think your dad left you at a young age?" I watched as they all pointed the gun at me. "I'll give you to the count of three. One!"

"What is he talking about?" Eddie asked. I realized they were all behind me.


"I don't know. Mom never told me anything."


"Get down!" I screamed. The others all dropped to the ground as a group of darts were launched right at us. I shut my eyes and prayed to live but nothing touched me.

"Shit!" The scientist swore. I looked up. A force field surrounded me and my friends. Richie looked up.

"Woah," he said. "Now that's cool." They all got up and I kept the force field around me. My body felt weak after a while.

"Come on!" The scientist shouted. "We got to move out!" He glared at me before they all disappeared. I dropped the force field and felt myself fall. Richie quickly caught me and helped me stand up. I was dizzy and barely could stand up on my own.

"How the hell did that happen?" Stanley asked. I shrugged.

"I don't... know."

"He mentioned your d-dad leaving," Bill said.

"I don't know if..... he was like me." My head was ringing and I felt like all my energy had been drained from my body.

"Wait!" Ben said. "The Neibolts have many things in common with us. Does that mean Neibolt Y/N has powers?"

"Holy shit!" Eddie exclaimed.

"I can try... to summon her," I managed to say. Richie helped me inside Ben's house and we stood in front of a mirror that nearly touched the ground. "Neibolt... Y/N!" I said. I watched as my reflection changed and a hand reached out. Beverly stepped towards and pulled her out.

"I'm being called a lot- You look like crap, no offense," she said, looking at me.

"None.. taken."

"She okay?" She asked.

"We found out she has powers," Bev replied.

"Wow, what are they?"

"Force field, maybe more but we don't know," Richie said.

"We wanted to see if you have powers," Ben said. My vision began to fade and I could barely hear them. I saw Neibolt Y/N look at me, which surprised her, and said something to the others before I passed out.

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