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My eyes opened slowly and everything was blurry. I rubbed my eyes and groaned. Where was I? On a bed. Cool. I saw a door and twisted the doorknob. A wall. What the fuck? Wait, Eddie and Stan. "I'm going to kill those motherfuckers!" I shouted. I had to be in Eddie's room. He room swapped while I was in here. Um.. I clapped and felt the earth shift. I nodded. "Cool," I opened the door. Nothing. Shut it, clap, opened. Nothing. Shut it, clap, opened. The mall. I turned into a fly and flew out. The door was barely opened and I flew into the darkness.

I saw a mirror the other end of the mirror and charged right at it. I was back in Richie's house. Now where the fuck was he? "A fly!" I heard and I saw Richie. I turned into a bird and dodged his hand. "Holy shit, it ate the fly!" He exclaimed. I turned into flamingo. "Now the flamingo ate the fucking bird!" I turned to myself. "Oh hi, Y/N." He paused. "Wait, where the hell were you!?"

"Oh, you know, learning I can shape shift and grow wings, explore a cool mall they live in, try to come back but got kidnapped by Neibolt Eddie and Neibolt Stanley, then wake up in Eddie's bed and leave as a fly then meet your dumbass."

"Cool." I elbowed him.

"Not cool," I snapped.

"I mean, yeah! Not cool." I rolled my eyes.

"You're pathetic," I groaned. I fell forward when someone landed on top of me. "Ow!" I yelped. They got off and I managed to get up. I turned around and saw Y/N.

"You made it!" She said. "I thought I saw Eddie and Stan carrying you-"

"They were!" I said. "They fucking kidnapped me!"

"Gee, ok, start from the beginning."

"I mean, I was walking here, bumped into Pennywise, here Eddie and Stan being dumbasses, boom! I'm in Eddie's room."

"And you ran back here?"

"Yeah, struggles."

"Ok, I'll most likely kill them when I get back," she comforted.

"Thanks." I sighed as she ran back through the mirror and Richie walked to the other room. I sighed and sat on Richie's bed. I watched as someone was pushed through the mirror. "Stanley!" Eddie snapped. Neibolt Eddie. Stanley came through.

"Where is she?"

"Shut up, she could be anywhere!" Richie walked back in with a box of my cereal and dropped it.

"You dropped my cereal!" I snapped.

"Holy shit!" Richie exclaimed.

"It's fucking them, Richie!" I yelled and leaped at them. I changed to a leopard mid-air and landed on Stanley.

"Oh, fuck! Why are leopards so heavy?" He gasped. I saw Richie tackle Neibolt Eddie to the ground as I growled at Stanley.

"What now?" I asked. Richie was struggling to hold down Eddie.

"Call the others?"

"How do we do that?" I asked. I paused. I stretched my paw over and grabbed Eddie. "Go call them."  Richie ran over as Eddie helplessly tried to escape.

"Your fault," Eddie said to Stanley.

"No it's not!"

"You fucking pushed me!"

"You wanted to go to this world!"

"How about you guys shut up before I decide to kill one of you?" I snarled. They were silent and Richie ran back in.

"They're coming soon," he said. I nodded and we waited for a solid ten minutes before we heard knocking. Richie ran and opened the door. "My room, fast!" I heard them race over.

"Ah, shit! Who the hell!" Eddie exclaimed. "Is that me?"

"That's me!?" Neibolt Eddie said.

"Both of you shut up!" I growled.

"Y/N?!" Stanley said. "Wait, is that me?"

"YES! THIS IS NEIBOLT EDDIE AND STANLEY NOW EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I roared. Everyone fell silent. It realized it's very easy when you're a leopard. "Someone help me restrain these two.." I growled softly. We managed to get them restrained to a chair and for some reason, Richie had a lot of duct tape. He said he makes duct tape ducks. I was concerned. I sat down and changed to a lion, which felt more comfortable. "Start talking, now!" I growled. "Why the hell did you kidnap me!?"

"They kidnapped you?" Ben asked.

"Yes, now explain yourselves!" I growled, standing up.

"Pennywise knew you were there," Neibolt Eddie said, smiling. A drip of black acid came from his mouth.

"Unlike the others, we respect him. He lets us do whatever," Neibolt Stan said.

"You can still do whatever without him," I said. Eddie nodded.

"Y/N talks about you. You don't deserve to know about us and what we do," he said.

"Y/N, my Neibolt keeps puking black acid!" Eddie whined.

"Shut up!" I snarled.

"Shit, I'm sorry." I turned back to the Neibolts.

"I'll let you go if you try not to kidnap me. Do it again and I'll kill you," I threatened. They nodded. I growled and released them. I grabbed Eddie and pushed him into the mirror and did the same with Stanley. I sighed as I turned back to myself. I was exhausted.

I waved weakly as the others left. Richie learned over me. "Do you want coffee?" He asked. I shook my head.

"If you have tea, I'll have that. Lemon please."

"Ok, that'll be one lemon tea. Cheerio!" He said in his terrible British accent. He walked off and I sighed. It wasn't long before he came back with tea. "Here ya go."

"Richie, stop."

"This is my accent!" He said, still into the accent. I sipped the warm tea and tasted the lemon. It gave me a fuzzy feeling but I'm not sure why. I sighed. Once I finished it, I felt better. I put it back in the kitchen and flopped on the ground, still tired. "I'm just going to lay here for a minute," I groaned.

"Ok, mate!"

"Dude, if you don't shut up, I swear."

"Don't swear, mate! Fuck is not prohibited in this premise." I felt sleepy and realized I was sleeping before long. At least I didn't hear Richie's accent.

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