•°•Blood and More Problems•°•

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I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was on the ground with a blanket over me. I yawned and sat up. Richie's bed was empty so I got up. I walked into the kitchen and he was just sitting on a stool. "What are you doing?" I muttered. He turned to me.

"You're awake! You passed out on the ground so I just threw a blanket on you," he said. I nodded and sat next to him. I jumped at the sound of toast popping out of the toaster. "It's done!" He ran over and grabbed two plates. He grabbed the toast and put one on each plate. I walked over and grabbed a butter knife. I grabbed some butter and smeared it over my toast. "Wait, I wanted that one!" Richie said.

"It's mine now, back off," I said. I opened all the cupboards but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.

"What are you even looking for?" He asked.

"(Whatever you put on toast if you eat toast or put anything on toast)." He reached all the way to the corner and grabbed exactly what I was looking for. "Why is it all the way over there?"

"It's me favorite," he said. He handed it over and I quickly put it on my toast before giving it back. I took a bite and the phone rang right after. I raced for the phone, Richie behind me. I felt him grab me and pulled me back. "Hey!" I yelled and he picked up the phone.

"Hello? Mhm. Why? What do you mean she just said to get there fast? Can I finish my toast? I will! I'll finish my toast! Hold on! It's in my hand!" He quickly stuffed it in his mouth and took a good minute to completely devour it. "I'm done! Ok, we'll get over there. No, I didn't choke on my toast!" I finished my toast right as he hung up. "We're going to Bev's house!"


"I don't know, Bill didn't say." I nodded and turned to a bird. "Are you leaving me?" I looked around.

"Do you have a backyard?" He nodded, confused. I turned to myself and grabbed him.

"Wait, where are we going?" I pulled him to the backyard, not answering his question. I let go. "What are you doing?" I quickly turned to a griffin and looked at him. He just looked shocked.

"You better get on or I'm leaving," I said.

"O-oh!" He said and I lowered my wing for him to climb on. Once he was on, I took off. "Oh, shit!" He exclaimed and held on.

"Wait, where's Beverly's house?" He told me where to go and I landed there. I saw Bev on the steps to her apartment and she stared at us in amazement. I threw Richie off my back. "Ow!" He groaned as I turned back to myself.

"Well that's new," Beverly said. I nodded.

"That was tiring," I murmured. I heard the others coming from behind us.  Richie and I turned around. I saw the others coming. "Richie, w-where's your bike?" Bill asked.

"I didn't take my bike-"

"You walked?" Ben asked. He shook his head.

"I can turn to a griffin," I simply said.

"Really?" Stan asked. I nodded.

"I won't turn to one now, it's tiring." We started to walk to Bev but she stopped us.

"My dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in my apartment," she said.

"W-we'll leave a lookout. Richie, s-stay here," Bill said. We all raced up the stairs.

"Woah, woah, woah! What if her dad comes back!?" He yelled.

"Don't be annoying and distract him!" I yelled as I turned to a parrot. I sat on Stanley's shoulder and he surprisingly accepted it. I watched as Bev led us down a hallway. "This leads to the bathroom, something happened last night."

"Most accidents happen in the bathroom and-" I cut Eddie off with a loud caw. Beverly opened the bathroom and there was blood everywhere. I mean everywhere. I shook myself in disgust. "My dad couldn't see it and I thought I might be crazy.." Bev said.

"Well if you're crazy, then we all are," Ben said.

"You can see it?" She asked. We nodded.

"W-we can't leave it like this," Bill said.

"You're not saying.." I started and he nodded. "Um, oh no, I can't change back!"

"Nice t-try," he said.

"No, seriously! I can't change back!" I said.

"Well, fuck," said Stanley. I flew off his shoulder. I tried to change back but it was hopeless.

"Um, I hope you like the new me," I said. I tried to help but I couldn't really do anything. Stanley let me sit on his shoulder. Apparently, he liked bird watching and bird things that I don't care about but it was nice. I soared around the bathroom and tried to help clean the ceiling. I cleaned at least 1.2% of the bathroom. I sat down Stanley's shoulder as we walked outside. "Why are you still a bird?" Richie asked when we got out.

"Um, I can't," I said.

"Haha, very funny," he said sarcastically. His eyes widened. "Wait you actually can't change back?" I nodded. "Well m, shit. Have fun living as a parrot."

"It's actually very fun as a parrot. Name a time you can fly." He didn't respond. "Exactly, also I look cool." I heard a noise and looked to the left. Ah, shit. It was the scientists.

"Where is she?" He asked. They all shrugged. "What the hell is that?" He pointed at me.

"That's my pet parrot," Stanley responded. I cawed, hoping not to be discovered. The scientist nodded.

"We know you know where she is. We'll come back." I watched as they disappeared as we saw them days ago. I sighed.

"Thanks, Stan," I said.

"No problem," he said. I was ready for my new life as a parrot.

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