•°•The Projector and A Terrible Visit•°•

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After a few minutes, Neibolt Y/N and Neibolt Mike left. We rode to a garage (well, I was actually a parakeet and sat on Richie's hounded because that was more "comfortable") and we stopped there. I flew in and transformed to myself. I sat on a stool and just waited. Everyone came in and Richie sat next to me. "I'll hold your hand if you get scared," he said.

"What are you talking about? You'll be holding my hand."

"Fuck you." I just laughed before I heard the garage door shut. Bill set up a projector that was sitting in the garage. I saw each clip change and he explained everything. "Shit.." I muttered. One clip was map of the sewers. "We're going there?" Bill nodded. "Well, we are going to get lost in there."

"No, w-we won't," he said.

"Yes, we are. Look at all the twists and turns. It's like a fucking maze!" Bill ignored me after that and continued but it into lasted for at least thirty seconds. I saw a Eddie get up and walk to the front. "What are you doing?" I said.

"I'm not doing this!" He said and couldn't tell if he was answering my question or ignoring me. "It's summer! We're kids! I can barely breathe! I'm having a fucking asthma attack! I'm not doing this!" He ripped the map off the wall without hesitation.

"What the hell?" Bill said. "Put the map back." Eddie shook his head. I saw the screen change. It was showing Bill's family.

"Bill, not trying to be rude but I don't really wanna see your family photos," I said.

"It's not me!" He said. Mike walked over to try and fix it. It kept changing. At one point, the whole family was all formal looking, like a wedding or funeral. I realized Bill's mom's hair was blowing in her face. Sheesh, so much for a family photo. I thought. It zoomed onto a little boy's face. That had to be Georgie. It moved quickly to the mom. The clips started moving faster and faster until it was like an actual movie.

The hair was blowing and it revealed It's face. Pennywise's face. Everyone started screaming but my whole body felt frozen. Mike kicked the projector down. It showed three blurred clips of It, then it shut off. I was still frozen. It popped out of the screen and I felt Richie grab my arm and pull me back along with Eddie. I summoned a force field around all of us but for some reason, It's hand went though it. "Fuck.." I swore. I turned around and felt Richie let go. I helped them lift the garage door and when we looked back, it was gone.

Beverly slowly walked over to us. She hugged Bill and I just looked at Richie. I put my hand in front of him. "Do you still wanna hold my hand?" I asked. He grabbed it.

"Yeah, but not because I'm scared of anything," he said.

"Mhm, sure," I said. His hand slipped out of mine.

"We g-gotta go to th-the Wellhouse," Bill said. I looked at him.

"After that?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's summer," Stanley murmured.

"If you say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time!" We just stared at him. I transformed to a hummingbird and flew out.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'll meet you there. I need time to process what the fuck just happened." I quickly flew to Neibolt Street and transformed to myself. "Neibolt Street so the Neibolts could be here." I walked inside but took a stick. What was that gonna do? I don't know but I could stab someone in the eye. It was a sharp stick, you know, the ones with thorns. I walked inside with my weapon of choice, the almighty weapon, my trusty stick.

I heard a creak behind me and whipped around. "En garde!" I yelled, pointing my stick at them. Neibolt Richie raised his hands.

"What did I do?" He asked. I sighed in relief and put the stick down.

"The others are coming," I said. "I wanted to see if I could find any of you guys." He pushed me to the side and I hit my head into the wall. "Shit! What was that for?" I snapped. I got up and the stick had dug into my arm. "Now my own weapon is in my own arm." I quickly took it out and got up. I saw Neibolt Eddie and Stanley there. "Oh, those fuckers."

"Come on, Rich!" Eds said. "Don't you wanna have some fun with us?"

"Kidnapping someone? Of course not," he said. I pointed my stick at them but I doubt that would actually do something.

"But don't you like her?" Stanley asked.

"Not so much I would kidnap her," he said. I dropped the stick and put my hand up. Richie looked at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Surrendering," I replied.

"Are you fucking insane?"

"Why, yes. Yes I am." I stepped closer.

"That was easy," Eddie said.

"Oh, I know," I said, smirking. I leaped at them and turned to a jaguar midair. I pinned Stanley down and growled.

"I forgot you could do that," Richie said.

"Good going, Stan," Eddie said.

"Excuse me-" I kicked him away and roared at them.

"Please, please! Just get the fuck away from me!" I snapped. They glared at me before running off. I transformed to myself and wiped the dust off my knees. I looked up and they had disappeared, even Richie. I sighed as I heard the others riding up behind me. I walked out and groaned. "What'd you do? Fight some Neibolts?" Richie joked. I nodded. "Oh, was it.." I nodded. I sat on the porch and put my knees up to my chest. I rest my head on my knees while knowing one thing was for sure. I knew that Neibolt Stanley and Neibolt Eddie would come back.

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