•°•New Mission: Save Richie Tozier•°•

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I flew away as a hummingbird and landed at Stanley's house. How'd I know where his house was? That's a secret I'll never tell. I looked through around and saw a clear opening to his room, which he was in. I started to fly forward but paused. Birds can't see glass. I slowly flew forward until my beak hit something. I kept tapping on the glass until Stanley looked up. He opened his window and I flew inside. "Woah, um, how do I get a bird out of my room?" He asked himself.

"It's me, dumbass," I said, turning to myself.

"Well, I can't tell the difference between you and a hummingbird while you're a hummingbird."

"Just shut up, please. I don't need to kill you right now," I said.

"Why are you even here?"

"Honestly, I don't know," I said. "I'm just thinking of ways to get Richie back."

"Y/N, you know very well you can't-"

"And you know very well I'm trying not to murder you here and now." He just stayed silent and I sighed.

"Can't you, I don't know, use your teleportation powers to teleport to the future?" I didn't move.

"Can I?"

"I don't know." I stood up and paused.

"I'm going to need backup. I'm getting the Neibolts."

"Why not us?" Stanley asked.

"They can do shit you guys can't imagine," I replied.

"What can they do?"

"The most fucked up things." I turned to him. "Do you have a mirror?" He led me to a bathroom and there was a wide mirror. I stuck my hand through and it went right through. Stanley looked at me and tried to stick his hand through. It just hit the mirror and he took his hand back. I climbed onto the counter and crawled through. I walked towards the mall which felt closer and was immediately tackled. I threw them off and turned to a ostrich. I raced up to them and saw Neibolt Stanley.

"Heh, I was just talking to the other Stanley. Truce for now."

"Why?" He asked.

"Listen, Richie's been kidnapped and-"

"Yeah, I know that, I'm not fucking dumb. You are though thinking you can get him back-" I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying.

"Shut up before I murder you," I said. "I've already threatened the other Stanley. Just help me with this."

"Fine, but no truce after that." I nodded and we ran inside the mall. "I have a way to make them come here," Stanley said.

"Show me," I said, changing to myself. He cleared his throat.

"Pennywise is coming!" He shouted. I saw every Neibolt run or fly down and slid to a halt. "Just kidding, but Y/N has something she needs."

"As some of you may know, Richie's been taken-"

"By you," Neibolt Richie joked.

"And we need to get him back," I continued, ignoring him.

"You w-want us?" Bill asked. I nodded.

"You guys could probably kick the shit out of scientists," I complemented. "I mean, I don't know about Neibolt Eddie and Stanley- I'm kidding!" I said quickly. "Just, are you guys in?"

"We could die," Ben said.

"Listen, it seems like Neibolts don't die form my experience so I think you'll be fine," I replied. They nodded and I smiled. "Thank you.."

"Can we sleep first?" Richie asked. I sighed.

"Fine, I'll head back," I said. Richie stopped me.

"You can stay with us," he said. I looked at him.

"You sure? I don't wanna bother-"

"It's fine," he said. I nodded.

"Okay then," I said. "Who's room am I sharing with-"

"For some reason, when building this, Ben thought to our extra room as if we would have guests," Richie explained.

"And we do," Mike said.

"So, you could stay in one of those rooms," Richie said. I nodded.

"Wait, do they look however you guys put them or what?" I asked.

"It's pretty much an imagination thing," Richie responded. I nodded. He showed me to the closest one which was also close to Neibolt Y/N's room. "Picture it how you want to and there you go," he said.

"Thanks," I said. (A/N: random but if Spotify says there's a tub of ice cream looking at me while in my bedroom at 12 am, I'm going to flip now I just got rick rolled by my own playlist help me-)

"No problem," Richie said and walked away. I imagined it. A wide bedroom, white walls, a desk, bed with (whatever color) blanket and (color) pillow (or pillows). I added (whatever, paintings, posters, etc) and a TV. I walked in and it was exactly how I imagined. I shut the door and locked it. I didn't trust being in a building with Neibolt Stan and Eddie.

To be extra safe, I clapped and felt the room shift. The light through my window was gone. I grabbed the remote from the drawer and turned on the TV. I started watching (Whatever you watch) and eventually turned it off. I put it back in the drawer and took out a phone. Somehow it worked and had actual websites from 2020.

I looked at the news and said there was a reward for finding someone. "What are we, cowboys?" I joked and scrolled further down. It showed that they had committed murder, robbed multiple people, and were dangerous. "This could be anyone," I said. "Maybe even the Zodiac Killer!"

I scrolled down and it had info on the person. My expression changed when I read the info.

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 12 (A/N: if you're older, too bad)

Gender: Female

I saw a picture of me and warning that I was unlike any other human. I slowly put the phone back into the drawer. They wouldn't just put this if I'm in 1989. I stopped. They know I'm friends with Richie and he was taken by them, sadly. I realized exactly why they put this.

They're using Richie for bait.

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