•°•Neibolt Y/N•°•

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"What do you mean a clown?" Richie asked.

"There was this clown and it was taunting me. I saw myself but not the same. My eyes were pure white, my throat was slit, and my wrists were cut."

"You suicidal?" He asked.

"No! I would never!" I said.

"Show me your wrist." I showed him my wrist. Nothing. "Just wanted to make sure."

"I also saw my m-mom.." I said, my voice breaking. "Sh-she died.. right in f-f-front of me.." My eyes teared up. "What if she's dead?"

"She's not," Richie replied.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I-I.. I just know, ok." He sighed in defeat. "Let's just hurry and get to the quarry. Eddie will think I fucked his mom if we don't get there soon."

"Shut up, Richie. You're not fucking anybody's mom," I snapped.

"I already have," he said, winking.

"Gross." I paused. "Oh, shit."


"I don't have anything."

"Oh.." he looked at the time. "I mean, we can probably stop by a store but I don't have cash." I ran into his room and grabbed my backpack.

"Lucky for you, I do," I said.

"You know, Eddie's mom could've paid me to fuck her and we would-"

"Richie, are you gay?" Oops. Well, I'm fucked.

"Umm, why would you say that?"

"Err, I'm curious?" Bitch, did you just say you're curious?

"Well, I mean, maybe-"

"Is it Eddie? I've taken notes in my head." He just nodded. "Listen, you're secret is safe with me. I'm a supporter." He smiled.

"Thanks, Y/N." We headed outside and we quickly rode to the store. I picked out a nice swimsuit (you can decide how it looks) and when I paid, I went to a bathroom at a restaurant (I didn't have any option) and changed in there. I threw on my other clothes over it and walked outside where Rich was waiting.

"Ok, we can go," I said, climbing on his bike.

"Took you long enough, I could've done something else while you took you're time."

"I swear if you do what I think you're going to do."

"I could've fucked-"

"You better ride to the quarry right now before I decide to murder you." He just smirked and rode to the quarry. We saw the other boys there and I hopped off.

"You're late," Eddie said. He went right next to Eddie.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was fucking your mom," he said. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the edge. I heard him scream before hitting the water. I watched him come back to the surface. "Y/N!" He yelled.

"You've made too many of those jokes today!" I shouted back. I quickly took off my clothes and threw them to the side. I jumped in after him and rose back to the surface. "Oh look, you're alive," I said.

"Are you dumb?" He asked.

"I don't know, are you?" I asked, smiling.

"Oh, it's on!" He said. He swam after me but I dodged him easily. Being on a swim team really paid off.

"You're too slow!" I yelled as the others (including Beverly) jumped in.

"You're just cheating!"

"Oh, boo hoo," I said, making a sad face.

"Fine, you win whatever the hell we were doing." I smiled and turned around. I saw my reflection in the water. "Holy shit!" I yelled. It was her. Richie came over and looked at me.

"What are you swearing about?" He looked down. "What the hell is that?!" He shouted.

"It's her." Her hand stuck out and Richie and I jumped back.

"Don't touch her hand," Richie said. I looked at him and grabbed her hand. She pulled me down but I fell into a room that was filled with light. She sat there, looking at me.

"Ok bitch, what do you want?" I asked.

"That's rude," she said. Her voice was exactly like mine.

"Wow, you can talk," I said. She nodded than got closer. "Woah, personal space."

"The name's Y/N. Neibolt Y/N. I'm not like the other Neibolt kids so don't worry."

"Other Neibolt kids?"

"Yeah, they're like me but with you're friends." I nodded and she stuck out her hand. "Grab my hand." I reluctantly grabbed it. I was on land where the others were and Neibolt Y/N was in front.

"Shit, she has a disease!" Eddie yelled.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "Guys, this is Neibolt Y/N. This person nearly killed me today."

"Sorry, I just never interact with humans."

"Why's h-her name like y-yours but named after the c-creepy old street?" Stanley stammered.

"I live on that creepy old street," she said.

"H-how can we t-trust her?" Bill asked.

"Listen, when I have a gut feeling, I usually right."

"I mean, I'm kinda with you," Richie said. "She seems like a cool person."

"I can give you information on anything you need," she said.

"What about the clown?" I asked.

"He doesn't care what is Neibolt kids are doing as long as we stay with him and in Derry," she replied.

"Neibolt kids?" Beverly asked.

"There like me but different look and versions of you guys," she said.

"That's scary," Ben said.

"Eh, I don't really like them so I try to get out of the old house," she said.

"Like where all the hobos sleep?" Eddie asked. She nodded.

"Speaking of old house, I should get going. Bye!" She said than turned to me. "If you need me, look into your reflection and call my name. I'll try my best to come. I can hear you if you call my name." She stood up and disappeared into the quarry. I turned back around to the others and they just looked back at me.

"So, Y/N," Eddie started.

"What, Eddie?" I asked, confused.

"I would like to ask something," he said.

"Go right ahead," I said, still confused.

"What the fuck just happened?"

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