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"Holy shit, that was him, wasn't it? Pennywise?" Y/N nodded. "Fuck.."

"He heard you, but I managed to disguise it."

"Thanks." I looked at her straight in the eyes. "You guys seemed nervous though when I mentioned powers."

"It was just that we saw Pennywise!" Richie covered up.

"No, that's not it or you would've shut me up sooner!" I argued. "Tell me the fucking truth." She looked at me, worried. "I know you have other powers, stop trying to hide it!"

"Ok, fine! I'll show you!" She growled. I watched as something sprouted from her back. Wings. The left one black and the other white. It glowed but wasn't too bright. "Happy?" She snarled.

"Yes, but I don't see why it had to be a secret." She rolled her eyes. "Ok, go ahead and do that! I think it's stupid that something like that has to stay secret but you'll show me a fucking mall that has who knows how many rooms!" Her eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I fucking scaring you?" I watched as her hand went up, shakily, and pointed at me.

"Look," she said. I turned around and saw a wing.

"What the.." I looked back at her. "How.."

"It's clear we have the same power," she explained.

"Cool..." I muttered. "Do you have any other powers?" She nodded and I watched as she slowly transformed to a turtle. "Oh."

"Oh, I can turn to more than a turtle." She quickly transformed to a raptor. "Don't underestimate my power," she joked. I stared her down as I transformed to a eagle.

"Catch me," I teased and took to the sky.

"Oh, it's on!" She yelled and flew after me as a vulture. I ducked under a bridge and saw Ben, Bill, and some other kid. Bill and the random kid were by the ladder while Ben was actually on the ladder, fixing the fire alarm. "Holy sh-shit!" Bill exclaimed. He looked the same, just a weird bullet hole in his head and sharp teeth. Ben has a weird outline around his neck and his shirt was stained with blood that said "Home at last". Weird. Random kid had ears that looked like a sheep and his eyes were yellow just like Pennywise's. He also has a bullet hole in his head like Bill.

I raced past them, Y/N right behind. I flipped right over her and dove down into her room and became a fly. I hid under her bed and on the board holding up her bed. "Are you cheating?" She asked.

"I win?"

"I guess." I flew out and became human once again, or was I even human? My dad left for a reason. The reason is this. Was dad human? "Do you have any similar powers with me?" I asked. She nodded and I saw a plant float by me. The pot dropped in her hand.

"There's nothing else," she said. I watched as the pot floated back to its previous position. "Since this room is kind of like a fantasy.." she opened a drawer and pulled out a phone.

"Cool," I said. Richie, Bev, Eddie, and Stanley peeked in.

"What the fuck is that?" Bev asked.

"A phone," Y/N and I said in unison. It was kind of scary though. They walked in and she turned it on. She entered her password and it opened. "Netflix!" I said. She looked at me, smirking. She turned the phone off and put it back in the drawer and pulled out a remote. I watched as the remote pointed to a TV (which I didn't notice). She turned it on and went to Netflix. "Stranger Things!" I cheered. She just rolled her eyes and went to Stranger Things. "Wait!" I said. "Pause it." She pauses it and looked at me, confused. I grabbed Richie and took his glasses off. I pulled him by the TV. "Stay," I said. I stepped back and looked at Richie, than the TV. "Doesn't Mike kind of look like Richie?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" Richie said.

"The character," I said.

"Oh." Y/N nodded.

"I see the similarity." I put Richie's glasses back on and sighed.

"I should head back."

"Do you know how to get back?" Eddie asked.

"Of course," I said. I walked out of the room and felt tired. "Power using," I muttered. I walked out and into the darkness. I knew to just head straight. It felt like eternity. "Y/N!" I heard. Oh no, just let me go home! "Where are you?"

"Fuck you, Pennywise," I muttered. I kept walking and felt something grab my arm. "Holy fucking-" I kicked him away and sprinted. Was I even going the right way? How did I know where I was heading? I heard footsteps get closer but saw a light. Richie. He was sitting there, eating my cereal. "Oh, fuck you, Richie!" I yelled. Pennywise appeared in front of me and I crashed right into him. "Oww..." I murmured. I felt him grab me by my wrist.

"Eddie, calm the fuck down!" I heard someone whisper.

"How can I calm down? I'm touching a infected person, Stanley!" Eddie? Stanley? No, no, no. They aren't helping Pennywise, right? Right? Tell me I'm right!

"We got her and that's all that matters," Stan said.

"What the hell?" I said.

"She's still awake!?"

"How was I supposed to know, Eddie?! I don't fucking see if people are asleep or not!"

"You should!"

"It's creepy! How would you feel if I watched you sleep!?"

"Well she's not me!"

"Eddie, just shut up!" He yelled.

"I'd rather listen to this than die," I said, pissed.

"Y/N, shut up!" Eddie snapped.

"Then stop arguing and kill me, bitches!" I growled. "Do the others know you do this?"

"Of course not, why do you think I don't let them in my room?" Eddie asked.

"Holy shit," I muttered.

"Well Eddie, don't tell her every detail! She could escape!"

"She won't escape, Stanley!"

"Escape what?"

"She's heard too much, dumbass!"

"Stan, I'm not a dumbass." I felt something hit my head.

"You are a dumbass," I said before the world turned black, or silent. It was dark anyway so I couldn't tell.

A/N: I hope you like how I did the Neibolts. I'll explain the inspiration. Y/N, well, Idk, Richie was inspired by It, along with Eddie, Stanley, Bev, and Bill were inspired by It Chapter Two, Ben was inspired by a Tumblar artist (not tumblr), and Mike was inspired by Deviant Artist pk-matt.

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