•°•In The Neibolt House•°•

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"Wait, what do you mean a month!?" I asked.

"Did you teleport further into the future? Or past?" Richie asked.

"I-I don't know!" I replied.

"Just f-forget it!" Bill said. "We gotta g-go get Beverly!" I nodded and turned to a horse. They climbed on and I raced away. I galloped to the Wellhouse where everybody else was.

"Shit!" Eddie said. "You're back after-"

"A month, I know," I interrupted. Richie and Bill slid off and I turned to myself. "Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked and walked inside. I turned around. "Where are we going?" They walked inside and Bill led us downstairs. There was a well that went down for what looked like a long time.

"How are we going to get down there?" Stan asked. Bill looked up and to the side. He grabbed a rope and threw it down.

"Ladies first," Richie said, smirking.

"It's ok, you guys go. I'll catch up in case something happens up here," I said. Richie nodded and climbed down. I watched as they climbed down the rope and into a tunnel in the wall of the well. I looked at Mike. "You're the last one," I said. He nodded and as soon as he grabbed the rope, he was thrown back. I whipped around and saw Henry Bowers, his face covered in blood. He had a pocketknife in his hand and glared at me.

"Fuck..." I swore and kicked him back. He stumbled back but grabbed the rope. He started pulling it out and when I lunged at him, he kicked me to the side. I slid into the wall and groaned. I watched as the end of the rope reached the surface. I charged at him as a horse and kicked him in the stomach.

He fell back and as I turned around to help
Mike, I felt a jab of pain in my back leg. I transformed back to myself and fell down. My elbows stopped my fall but it hurt. I felt a knife being ripped out and I screamed. "Not so strong anymore?" Henry said. I glared at him and grabbed the rope. He looked at me as I crawled to the well. He kicked me back and I fell off the edge. I grabbed onto the rocks and stones. It felt loose and I tried to climb up.

"Y/N!" Richie yelled. I looked down and saw him. I looked up and saw Mike and Henry fighting. I climbed up right as Mike kicked Henry into the deep well. He grabbed my hand and he pulled me up. He pulled the rope over and I climbed down as he reloaded his gun. I saw the ammo (that's what I'm calling it) fall into the well. I heard him mutter something as I climbed into the tunnel.

"Wait," I said as Mike climbed down and into the tunnel. "Where's Stanley?" Everyone turned around and we started racing for him. We could walk now and not crawl when we got out of that tunnel. I turned to a parrot and cawed for him. I heard his voice and flew off, the others keeping up. I saw Stanley and they shined their flashlights on him. I turned to myself and swore. "Shit!" I said. There was this lady pretty much devouring him. She looked up and growled.

She stood up and raced away. Stanley was panting and his face was bloody. He started screaming and crying as the lady raced away. I turned to a parrot and landed on his lap. He had a thing for birds so I was hoping to comfort him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bill rushing away with Mike's gun. I stared at him as they were still trying to comfort Stan. Eddie looked up. "Bill?" He yelled. Everyone noticed and we raced after him. Now everyone was disappearing, cool.

I flew after him and saw Beverly. The others soon raced behind me and looked up. I turned to a griffin and pulled her down. I turned to myself. "Her eyes are white, like she's dead," I said. Ben shook her.

"Beverly! Beverly!" He looked at us. "Why isn't she waking up?! Why!?" Nobody had an answer. He looked at Bev and kissed her. Everyone had some sort of reaction but nothing happened. Then her eyes returned to normal and she gasped for air. Everyone was relieved by that. I looked at Richie. "Would you do that if it were me?" I asked.

"No," he joked. I hit him lightly on the arm and we continued our search for Bill. I looked up. "Does anyone else see the kids up there?" I asked, pointing to the ceiling. Everyone looked up.

"I don't like this," Eddie said.

"Well, you're in here," I said. "There's not much you can do right now." He looked uneasy as we continued to walk. We turned a corner of junk, toys, crap like that. Things that kids would like and saw Bill holding Mike's gun. There was a smaller and younger boy standing in front of him. Georgie. He raised the gun at Georgie. He said something to Georgie, or should I even say Georgie, more like Pennywise, before shooting right at him. Georgie fell back and laid there motionless.

His body started shaking and he slowly morphed back to Pennywise. He slowly rise up and Bill cocked the gun and aimed it at It. "Kill him!" We all cheered but through all this cheering for Bill, I heard Mike, saying something completely different.

"It's not loaded!" He kept repeating but couldn't be heard over us. Bill pulled the trigger and Pennywise didn't fall back but his back bent back. (A/N: why was that sentence so confusing-) He rose back up and charged. I shielded myself but lowered my arms. The Neibolts. Y/N looked at me and winked. She looked back at Pennywise. I didn't think they had guts to do this.

They were rebelling against him.

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