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I woke up and felt bolt of energy go through me. I clapped until I saw light and swung the door open. I ran outside and knocked on Stanley's door. He opened it, looking tired. "Let me guess, you need my special call?" I nodded quickly and he sighed. "Pennywise is coming!" I heard doors swing open and they all ran.

"Stan, please stop doing that!" Eddie complained. He looked at me. "It's time, isn't it?" I nodded.

"I want to try something, teleporting to the future," I explained. I stuck my hand out and Y/N was the first to grab it. Everyone linked on and I closed my eyes. I felt something change and when I opened them, we were in a forest.

"Ok, so we're lost," Richie said. I walked around and saw a lab, the one I was in.

"No, we're in 2020," I replied. I pointed at the building. "There it is."

"How do we get in?" Beverly asked.

"Teleport," Ben replied. We grabbed hands once more and I teleported inside. We let go and I sighed. We started walking.

"Where are th-they keeping him?" Bill asked.

"I'm not sure," I said. I let my wings spread just in case and when we turned a corner, we saw two guards. They looked at us and whipped out their guns. I looked at Stanley and he groaned. I watched as he popped his head off (which was pretty gross) and throw it at them. They started to shoot blindly and I ran at them. I smacked them with my wings and sent them flying. Stanley walked over and picked up his head.

"Why did you just do that?" He asked.

"Distraction," I said. The building turned red and an alarm started blaring. "Protect me, I'm going to see where Richie is." I sat on the ground and watched as the other surrounds. I was quickly in Richie's point of view and saw the lead scientist pulling him with six guards. When they turned the corner, it was us. I quickly went back to me and stood up. "Richie!" I yelled.

"Y/N!" He screamed back. I charged at them and kicked a guard into the wall. I grabbed a gun from another guard's pocket and shot them all. I aimed the gun at the scientist, glaring at him. "Shit, Y/N, your eyes are white-" I shushed Richie and watched as the scientist pulled a gun out and pointed it at Richie.

"Shoot me, I shoot him," he threatened. My hands started trembling.

"Let him go and I won't shoot you," I said. He shook his head. I held the gun straight at him, a bit higher. "Give him back!" I screamed. I put my finger on the trigger. "Do it."

"Oh, am I supposed to be afraid?" He dropped the gun and shoved Richie at me. I pulled him behind me and kept the gun pointed at the scientist. "I don't really need him, he told me everything I need to know," he said, smirking. I looked at Richie.

"What the fuck is he saying?" I asked.


"Don't make an excuse, what does he mean!?" I shouted, desperate.

"I told him e-everything.." I glared at him.

"You fucking idiot!" I yelled and pulled the trigger. I heard a gunshot and saw the scientist collapse out of the corner of my eye. "And you think I wouldn't come back for you? After all we've fucking been through?" I threw the gun on the ground and grabbed him. "We're leaving, come on." I dragged him with us and grabbed Y/N's hand. The others were holding on  and I teleported outside. I let go of everyone and faced Richie.

"Are you fucking stupid?" I yelled. "You knew I would come back, but you tell them? You have a fucking explanation because if you do, it better be a good one."

"They threatened to kill you, Y/N," he said, his voice shaking. "They were going to kill you in front of me."

"You know they have no guts to kill me! They can't even kill me!"

"I know, I-"

"What? Does your pathetic ass have something else to say?"

"I don't know.."

"Of course you don't. Why did I come here if you just told theme everything? It doesn't make sense."

"It does make sense."

"Oh, does it now? You bitch!"

"It makes complete sense."

"You aren't making any fucking sense over here! Nothing makes sense! You telling them, you saying that's everything in my life makes sense, everything you fucking told them!"

"It makes sense why I told them."

"Why? Why does it make sense, huh Rich?! Explain! Why does it make sense!?"


"Oh, ok, you be like that, don't explain."

"Oh, I'll explain."

"Ok, explain why the shit you told them makes sense."

"Because I'm not Richie."

"Do I looked blind to you? Like I need glasses? No pun intended. You look like fucking Richie Tozier." He shook his head.

"Don't believe me?"

"Of course I don't-" I saw a knife jab into his stomach. I turned and saw Y/N. I looked back at him and he just faded away. "What the fuck?"

"That wasn't him," Mike murmured.

"Where is he? Where the fuck is he!?" I shouted.

"He must be inside, still," Y/N said. I sighed.

"Those bastards," I muttered. "So did I really kill a scientist or was that a clone, too?"

"Nobody saw him fade away," Stanley said.

"They're clearly holding Richie as bait," Eddie said.

"How did I see through his point of view though?" I asked.

"Could they have controlled your powers?" Ben asked.

"I-I don't know," I said. "It's possible but if so, why didn't they do that in the first place? Bring me here?"

"They knew you would come," Richie said. I felt a pain in my neck and collapsed.

"Fuck!" I heard the muffled voice of Y/N shout and saw her blurry body collapse next to me before I didn't see anything, just pitch black.

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