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I felt Eddie's grip get tighter. Pennywise turned around, slicing Ben write in the stomach. He stumbled down the stairs and Bill followed. Richie was trying to calm Eddie down, Bev right next to me. "Ok! Ok!" Richie shouted over the commotion. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna snap your arm back in place!"

"Rich, do not fucking touch me!" Richie grabbed his arm.


"Do not fucking touch me!"

"No! No! No!"


"Do not fucking touch me!"

"One!" I heard a loud snap and Eddie groaned. We all raced outside and onto our bikes. I turned to a horse and let Eddie ride on my back. I was a short enough horse so he could get on. Everyone ride alongside me in case Eddie fell off. We were almost at his house when we had to get Eddie off. It would be weird to see a horse in Derry that turned to someone else. I changed to myself and I ran to his house. I heard the others follow behind.

I saw his mom rush out with car key. She grabbed Eddie's non broken arm and glared at us. "You're all monsters!" She snapped. "All of you!"

"Mrs. K, we were attacked-"

"You know how delicate he is!" She retorted, cutting off Bill. I saw her car keys slip out of her hand and Beverly reached down for them. She picked them up and Mrs. K snatched it right from her hand. "I've heard about you, Ma. Marsh," she said. "And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"I'm sorry," I blurted out.

"You think sorry can fix his arm?"

"You clearly didn't listen to Bill! We were attacked! I get it! We're seven kids but we can't fight someone that is clearly stronger than us!"

"Well now I have to go pay for his broken arm!"

"Oh, is your fucking money more important than your actual son?"

"Excuse me? Don't use that language in me! I don't even know who you are!"

"Well, maybe you should actually care for your son," I snapped and backed away. She didn't respond after that. I watched as she unlocked the car and got in. It drove off and we ran into the street until it disappeared. "How does he live with her?" I asked myself. We all crowded into a group.

"W-we know where It is, we know how to stop It! Next time, w-we'll just be better prepared-"

"No!" Stanley said. "No next time! You're insane!"

"Why?" Bev asked. "We all know nobody's going to do anything."

"Eddie was nearly killed!" Richie said. "And look at this motherfucker! He's leaking hamburger helper."

"He's right," I heard someone say. We turned around and saw Neibolt Bill. "You attack again, you'll all die."

"N-no, we have to find G-Georgie!" Bill said.

"You know the truth, Bill," he said before waking off.

"What truth?"

"Face it, Bill," Richie said. "Georgie is dead!"

"T-take it back!" He said. "You're scared, we all are, but take it back!" I knew this would go down to a fight. I had to stop it. I knew exactly what animal to turn into. I jumped in front of them and felt Bill punch me right after I transformed to an ostrich. The others were holding Richie and Bill back and I just shook myself. Bill punched hard. I turned to myself and held my side. "Stop!" Beverly said. "This is what It wants! It wants to divide us! That's how we're all alive!"

"Bev, we're all going to die one day!" I snapped. "I just don't want to die today! I don't! I came here for a experiment, not to die! I don't want to go back to whatever world I'm supposed to live in if both of my parents aren't there!"

"Duck!" Richie screamed and shoved me out of the way. I felt my elbows scrape across the street and I nearly screamed. I turned around. Shit, they're back! I saw Richie collapse on the ground. I felt Bill grab my hand. "Teleport!" He shouted. I saw Ben reach for Richie but I teleported. We were someone where away but could still see the scientists. I turned around.

"Where the fuck is Richie?" I said. I turned back around and saw them grab Richie's arm. "No!" I shouted. I felt someone pull me back to restrain me from trying to get him back. "Let me go!" I shouted. Bev put my hand over my mouth.

"You're not going out there," she said. I kicked and tried to escape. I saw them disappear and Bev let me go. I ran to the spot where they had gone. "No!" I shouted, my lip trembling. "We can save him! We can save him! We just have to go back to 2020!"

"We can't do that.." Beverly said softly. I hit the ground with my fist and could see blood drip from it.

"He saved me! It should've been me, not him!" I yelled. I dropped to the floor and sobbed. "I want him back!" I cried.

"How?" Stanley said.

"I don't fucking know! I just think we can!" I saw a hand reach out and I grabbed it. Ben pulled me and I saw the sorrow in his eyes. "You know we can't, can you.." he nodded. I wiped the tear rolling down my cheek. I felt like I was going insane. The world was changing. I was changing.

"That's new.." Mike said.

"Did anyone know she had wings?" Bill asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"It's normal but her eyes are turning white.." Beverly said.

"I'll get him back," I said. "I'll prove to you I can get him back!" I yelled. I turned around and faced them. "I don't give a fuck on what anyone says but I'll get him back!" My head started ringing and I felt a pain on the back of my head. I collapsed to the ground, the Losers being the last thing I saw before the world turned black.

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