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We headed down to the Derry parade which was, um, what are the words for it? Eventful? I watched as Bill flipped up a missing kid poster to reveal another one underneath. Betty Ripsom. "It's like she's been f-forgotten now that Corcoran is missing," Bill said.

"He asked for a pencil once," Ben said.

"Every kid will be forgotten anyway," I said. "If we all went missing, we would be forgotten. Especially me. I'm not sure I have an identity here."

"What are you guys talking about?" Richie asked, walking over.

"What they always talk about," Eddie responded, who was also walking over with two ice cream cones. He handed one to Richie and I walked over to him. He let me have a little.

"We can't just pretend it's not happening like everyone else in this t-town," Bill said.

"We should," I said. Everyone looked at me. Richie gave me a "you fucked up" look. "I just really don't wanna do this right now."

"We have to find G-Georgie," Bill said. I tried my best not to tell him Georgie was gone.

"I think this will all end," Ben said. We looked at him. "I've studied Derry history and there's always an accident. The Ironworks Explosion in 1908, The Bradley Gang in 1935, and the Black Spot in 1962. I've noticed this all happens every-"

"27 years," Ben and Bill said in unison. We all walked over to the park and they were having some show on stage but I didn't care about that. We all sat down in the center of the park and talked there. "So this things come out for what, 1 year, than goes back into hibernation?" Eddie asked. I shrugged.

"It's like cicadas, the bugs that come out every-" I cut off Stanley.

"I'm sorry, this isn't bugs," I said.

"My grandfather says this place is cursed." We all looked at him.

"Cursed?" I said. He nodded.

"He said all the bad things happen here because of one thing," he said.

"Like how I nearly got kidnapped," I muttered.

"What?" Mike said.


"You got kidnapped?"

"It's a long story! Carry on please! I don't wanna get into it."

"It can't be one thing," Stan said. "We all saw something different."

"I know," I said. "The clown." It seemed everyone was alert by one word. "Bill, you saw Georgie, Beverly, blood everywhere, um, I don't know about the rest of you but this thing. Bill, you have to be afraid of losing Georgie and Beverly, um, personal things." She nodded. "This thing, the clown, It takes the form of your greatest fear."

"I saw a leper, it was like a walking infection," Eddie said.

"But you didn't," Stanley said. "It isn't real, none of this is. Not Bill seeing Georgie or Eddie's leper of the woman I keep seeing."

"Is she hot?" Richie asked. I elbowed him in the stomach but he should be thankful. I almost thought about elbowing him in the dick.

"No Richie! She's not hot!" He said. "Her face is all messed up and it's like a bad dream!"

"No," Mike said. "I know a difference between a bad dream and real life."

"Did you see something?" I asked. "Clown, blood, Neibolts-" I stopped talking.

"What?" Mike said.

"Remember how I called you random kid."

"Yeah." I sighed. I explained the whole thing who I am, shit like that. "Cool."

"Um, sure, cool." I paused. "Is your fear something to do with sheep?" He just looked at me. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"I mean, a bit. You know that burnt down house, right? On Harris Avenue?" Mike asked.



"I was in that building when it burnt down." What building? "My parents were on the other side of the door, telling me to run. They were pounding on the door. The firefighters got me but when they came for my parents, it was too hot. Their skin and melted off, revealing bones." Shit, this got deep. "We're all afraid of something."

"You got that right," Richie said. Wow, he's scared of something.

"Why, Rich? What are you afraid of?" Eds asked.


"And Pennywise hasn't come for you," I said.

"He knows he can never bare to eat my gorgeous face," he joked.

"Oh, shut up," I said.

"Come on, be honest!"




"Shitload of lies!"

"Excuse you!"

"You guys are worse than Eddie and Richie!" Stanley said.

"No, we're better." Stan rolled his eyes. "Oh, Mike, we should introduce you to Neibolt Y/N!"

"Y/N, we're not-" I cut Bill off and looked for a reflection. "Y/N, w-we-"

"Shush!" I said. "Can I scream her name and she'll- wait, I can teleport to her."

"Y/N-" I teleported before Bev finished. I landed on her bed.

"Oh, I love this bed," I said.

"You scare me! What are are you doing here?" Y/N asked.

"I wanna introduce you to Mike."

"Oh, wanna bring Neibolt Mike?"

"Sure." We turned to robins before flying around. We found Mike and I turned to myself and dropped to the ground. "We wanna introduce you to your other self," I said. He tilted his head.


"Um, I don't know." Mike shrugged.

"I'm not doing anything right now so I guess." I nodded. "Grab my hand, both of you." They held onto me and I teleported back.

"Oh geez," Richie said. "Stop teleporting."

"Everyone grab onto me." They quickly did and I teleported to Richie's house.

"Why my house?" He asked.

"Because Rich," I said. "Mike, this is Neibolt Y/N and Neibolt you." Mike observed the Neibolts.

"Why does mine have sheep ears?" Mike asked than looked at his Neibolt. "No offense."

"None taken," Neibolt Mike said.

"I don't know, Mike," I replied. "Neibolt Mike doesn't know either."

"Oh." Introducing the two to Mike, he was calm unlike the others who freaked out when they saw Y/N and Richie the first time. I think Mike and Neibolt Mike will have a good friendship if they talk a bit more.

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