7th Grade Sucks

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Eyes open. Feet to the floor. Groan once or twice. Just a normal day of waking up.

"Breanne!" a too-loud voice shouted. "Car leaves in an hour."

"Fine." Drawing the word out as long as I could, I stood, stretching. I realised one thing. I was not ready for seventh grade.


"Oh! Come on!" I muttered to myself as the door to the middle school shut right before I got to it. "Such a great start to the day."

I went to the office to gather my schedule and slowly glanced at it as I navigated the halls. English first, then history and maths.

"Jeez," The first part of my day was packed. Then came art, foods, and P.E. Why did we even have to take P.E. in the first place?

"Hi, sister," the curt voice of someone I would've wished not to see so early in this new school day cut into my silence. Susan, my younger sister stood at my locker. "I convinced them to give me a locker next to yours. Well, I didn't have to much, they go alphabetically."

"Who asked?" I muttered to myself but her scowl told me she had heard. I smiled fakely. "That's lovely, Susan, now may I please get to my locker and then get to class?"

"Of course, sister," she said fake-sweetly. Children.


Well of course I would have to sit by the weird kid for English class. And of course, I was late. I tried to slip into my sit quickly without the teacher noticing but the weird kid behind me had to say something.

"You get an A-plus for showing up!" he said far too loud.

I sighed and held my head in my hand and then turned to face the teacher. "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up behind someone throwing up blood in the bathrooms."

The frown on my teacher's face elevated some by my lie. "Well I'm sorry for your misfortune and I sure hope that kid is okay."

"I'm sure she's fine by now, it was only a cough or two," I continued the bad lie.

"But unfortunately for you, my tradition is for the last person to class on the first day is my teacher assistant for the rest of the year. Despite tragedy, you are the lucky one."

I held in my groan. "Yes, ma'am." As our teacher turned back to teaching, I gave the weird boy behind me a scowl. He made a slightly funny scared face and looked down at his desk. So much for a good first day...


Thankfully, the day got better. I got to go home. Yep, that was the only good part of the day. Is leaving that hell of a place that some people call school. I think it would be fun if we started calling it hell. At least public school, I'm sure all the preppy kids at private schools are fine with their paid-for lunches and uniforms.

Flopping on my bed, I pulled out my laptop and started to look at a story I had written over the weekend. It was, yet again, a murder mystery story. In all honesty, it wasn't the best, but one could never improve until one moved on from bad ideas. Starting to edit I thought about the boy from English class.

We had gone around the room and talked about ourselves as an "ice-breaker" and he had talked about how his dad had died previously this year. Oh boy, here I go using real-life events as plot fuel. Maybe I wasn't though because I'm more focusing on how sad he must be. He seems like a pretty average guy for his age. Funny to other guys, short, acne on his face, and not very clean or neat. But he seemed like a well-rounded person, I guess. He could use some maturing, but overall he was nice. As nice as a seventh-grade guy could be.

"Jeez. I sound like my sister. It's not like obsessed with this guy or ever gonna know him for the rest of my life. Stop wasting time, Bree."



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