7th Grade Doesn't Suck That Much

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Bree woke early the next morning, got ready for school, and headed out.  As normal, her sister wasn't even up yet.  Bree walked to school listening to her favorite song, 'Sit Still, Look Pretty'.  If she had to choose, this would be her favorite song.  It reminded her to put her straight face on, and be herself. 

Bree got to school, went to her locker, got out her books, and walked to class.  She arrived at the science classroom, and the door was locked.  The bell rang and she was still standing outside the science classroom.  She slapped her forehead with her open palm.  Seventh graders have a spilt-day schedule.  So, she was going to be late for her first class, on her second day of school. 

Bree walked down the hallway a little way and found the English classroom.  She walked into the classroom and the entire class looked up from their desks to look at her.  Well, almost everyone.

  A boy with strawberry blonde hair was sitting in his desk and had his head on the table sleeping.    He was pretty tall from the looks of it because his feet were laying in the aisle and not under the desk.  He didn't have glasses or braces.  But, in her eyes, he was kinda cute.  Oh great, her sisters and their lovesickness were getting to her.  Gross. 

The teacher beckoned her forward to her desk at the front of the classroom.  Bree got to her desk and stopped. 

"Thank you for joining us Miss Campbell." the teacher said.  "Now, since you are the las-" "MR. BAILEY ", she shouted.  The boy with the strawberry blonde hair jolted awake and looked around the room.  "Now I realize as it is the second day of school and some of us are still adjusting to the new sleeping schedule," the teacher continued.  " But I expect full attention for the rest of the class, Mr. Bailey.  Is that clear?" she asked.

The boy turned bright red and looked down at his desk mumbling, "Yes ma'am."

The teacher turned her full attention back to Bree and continued," Since you were late this morning Miss Campbell,  you will be my TA for this year."

Great.  Only her second day of school and she was 'crowned' TA.  " Yes ma'am," she responded politely.  The teacher handed her a sheet of paper spelling out what being a TA consisted of and motioned for her to take a seat. 

Bree took the seat that was right in front of the Bailey boy.  She could feel his eyes on her almost the entire class.  She wondered if she was in the way of his vision and shifted in her seat, but he continued to stare at her. 

Halfway through the class, she broke her pencil.  She turned around to ask if the boy if he had a sharpener and caught a glimpse of a doodle he was drawing on the side of his paper.  Bree laughed mentally.  The Bailey boy had doodled the back of her head, beanie and all. She admitted it wasn't the best, but it was her. 

She quickly snapped out of looking at it and tapped his desk. The boy's head flew up almost knocking hers.   He quickly covered up his paper and a blush rose up to his cheeks. 

   "Sorry.  I was wondering if you had a sharpener I could borrow?" she asked as if she had seen nothing. 

"Uh, Y-Yah." he pulled a sharpener out of his pencil case and handed it to her.  "H-Here you go."

She turned back around to her desk and sharpened her pencil.  Before she handed the sharpener back she looked at it.  It was a little book-shaped sharpener with a drawing of a book cover called, The Land Of Stories, on the front of it. 

A Fairy-Tale sharpener? Sitting behind her was a twelve-year-old boy with a children's pencil sharpener.  ^What?^ When she turned around to give him the sharpener back she noticed that his pencil was wooden with sketches(presumably by him) of apples and crowns on it.  Some of his other pencils had trolls and goblins on them, as well as one lone eraser with some frog/human thing drawn on it.  ^What?^

"Here's your sharpener," she said, placing the sharpener on his desk. 

"Thanks," he said back with some hesitance. 

What was up with this guy? He was a twelve-year-old boy who doodles imaginary characters on his things.   He was so confusing.   


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