The Castle

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Bree and Conner sat side by side on Mary's Bridge. The place around them just seemed to emit serenity. They sat in comfortable silence, forgetting about their troubles for just a moment in time.

Bree thought about everything that they had done to get to this place in their 'mission'. They had done a lot of bad things and when Bree said it aloud earlier, it made them sound like really bad people. But when Conner said that it was okay 'cause 'They were doing the wrong thing for the right reason', that just made Bree feel better about it. She didn't feel as badly about it, which really helped her conscious.

Bree was easy-going around Conner, which still surprised her every time she realized it again. She was just calmer and cooler than she normally was, and she thought that was a good thing. Conner made her happy and she really liked being happy. *Okay, I'm done writing the sappy thoughts about Conner, UGH! I hate writing sappy stuff! But seriously, back to the story.*


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Bree perked up when she saw a flashlight beam in the distance. As the figure got closer, she saw that it was Emmerich. She sighed in relief, she thought it would be the Polizei(German police) coming to kick them out.

"Guten Abend(Good Evening)," Emmerich said. "Are you ready to explore the castle?"

Emmerich led them to a path that crisscrossed down the hillside to an observation deck near the waterfall. They crawled over the railing of the deck and then followed the stream all the way down to the bottom of the hill the castle was perched on.

"Careful, don't get your shoes wet," Emmerich instructed.

The closer they got to the hill, the farther the stream flowed into the land beside it, like an overflowing bathtub.

The bridge, the castle, and the mountains disappeared from view behind the thick trees that surrounded the base of the hill. After walking along the stream for a while, they stopped. Emmerich felt around for something on a wall of supposed dirt and rocks. His hand grabbed onto something and he heaved open a steel door that was built into the side of the mountain.

"This way," Emmerich said, happy that it had worked.

Conner and Bree had another staring match to see who would go into the tunnel first before Conner took the lead again and crawled in after Emmerich. Bree climbed in after him and found a twisty, turny, winding tunnel dug through the earth before her. The three of them crawled for what seemed like miles until they got to an endpoint. Emmerich pushed open another door and toppled out of it. After Conner had crawled through the door, Bree put her feet first and pushed herself out more gracefully than the boys had done. What? You're supposed to learn from others' mistakes.

After getting into the room, she looked around. They were in a small storage room of a gift shop.

"This used to be the servants' quarters," Emmerich said. "Now stay close behind me, I just have to go punch in the code before the alarm goes off."

They traveled past the gift shop and into a hall dedicated to the history of the castle and all that went into making it. Emmerich walked across the room to the keypad, punched in a really long passcode, and sighed with relief when it worked.

"Neuschwanstein is all ours!" he said.

"All right, Emmerich, take us on a tour," Conner said. "We want to see everything."

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