Captivity and Maybe, Freedom? (End of the 3rd Book!)

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The drive in the carriages was a dull yet exciting experience. I had never been kid-napped before, and I'm all for new experiences! But, in the middle of an actual war, no thanks. I wanted no part in this, but, yet, I was oddly excited.  

We had been traveling at top speed for a few hours and the scenery seemed very familiar.  The thought had dawned on me that the army might be taking us back to the Fairy Palace, but why?  6Why not just take us into the woods and kill us there? Public display! ^ The thought hit me like a truck, and I sat up a little straighter.  ^Of course they would want to show of their finding to their enemy!  We were going to be killed in front of everyone to prove a point!  NO! I couldn't get killed!  I still had the rest of my life ahead of me!  Or did I?  What was their for me back at home?  Getting grounded til' college, no privileges, no hanging out with friends after school, if I did have friends, that is.  What reason would I have to make it back? ^


As we approached the Fairy Palace certain soldiers who had been marching along side the carriages ran ahead and started piling hay and pounding stakes into the ground.  ^They were going to burn us on the stake! ^

As the carriages caught up with the soldiers, the royals were shoved out of the carriages, and just as I was going to get out my carriage to follow Red, Princess Hope and Princess Ash were torn from their mothers arms and tossed in our carriage. 

I turned to look at Emmerich whose eyes were losing their panic, and beginning into realization.  He was holding Ash, and I picked Hope up, who had begun crying.  I tried to calm Hope down, with so-so luck, and watched out the window. 

I saw the royals being tied down, two to a stake.    The carriage was pretty much sound-proof, so we couldn't hear anything that was going on.  But, on the flip-slide, the noise didn't disrupt the girls, so I guess that's good.   I saw someone cutting the royals away from their stakes, and after setting Hope down and looking closer, I realized it was Conner.   I got really giddy, which I never like to be that way but Conner just brought it on. 

He cut the ropes off of Jack and Goldilocks's stake and after Alex supplied them with weapons, Conner came running over to the carriage I was in.  I got another wave of giddiness as Conner slashed the locks on the door away, and the door slung open. 

*Now, I know the whole fandom is waiting for this precious Conneree moment.  It is one of the very few ones we have in the whole series, so I won't make you wait any longer.  But, if Conneree is your favorite OTP, then please comment on this! So, here you go, your Conneree moment.*

I jumped out of the carriage and threw my arms around Conner's neck. "Conner!  It's so good to see you!"

*Switches inspirational song playing to If I Could Tell Her, from Dear Evan Hansen.*

"Are you guys all right?" Conner asked, and I let go of him. 

"Besides jumping out of our skin with fear, we're fine," Emmerich said with large eyes.

I reached into the carriage and helped Hope out. Conner turned and whistled for Lester, who came flying towards us. 

"Lester, take these four to the palace, too!  Make sure they get inside safely-they mean a lot to me." Conner said to the goose as he landed.  Even though I wasn't the only one included in the 'they', it still made me feel amazing. 

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