Uh, oh...

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"I must say I'm impressed," Morina said as we struggled against the restraints. "I figured you might follow us, but I never expected you to make it inside the building."

"We know what you're doing here!" I shouted. "We know all about the bridge a=between worlds and the witches' plan to cross through it and conquer the Otherworld!"

Sure, it was stupid to reveal what we did and didn't know, but she had us pinned. Might as well go down as being smart then dumb.

"But you won't get away with it!" Conner added. "You and the witches won't stand a chance against this world!"

"Well, of course not," Morina said. "That's why we cursed your sister. Now that we're in control of her powers, dominating the Otherworld will be much easier. Bu the way, Alex, it's time to wake up now. Our guests will be arriving soon."

Alex levitated off the floor and onto her feet. Her eyes opened and they began to glow like lightning. Her hair rose above her head and flickered as if in slow-motion.

"What have you done to her?" Conner yelled, rattling the whole entwining of bars keeping us bound. I felt the bars tighten their hold on us. A silent warning.

"Isn't it obvious?" Morina asked. "We cursed her just like we cursed the Enchantress."

"What are you talking about?" Conner asked. "Ezmia wasn't cursed! She became the Enchantress because she was selfish, greedy, and evil!"

"Every woman has an evil enchantress inside her- all it takes is a little curse to bring it out," Morina said. "Your sister is no exception."

"I don't believe you, "Conner said, his tone softer than before. "What kind of magic could do such a thing?"


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"You still won't win!" Conner shouted. "It's going to take much more than my sister and a bunch of witches to take over the Otherworld! We have armies and weapons you can't even dream of! They'll wipe you out the moment you step outside the library!"

Morina rolled her eyes, which did not help self-esteem.

"Oh, yes, I know all about those," she said. "Unfortunately for you, I've planned things accordingly. You see, the other witches have no idea what kind of world they're walking into. The Otherworld was much different when the Snow Queen and the Sea Witch first discovered it- they don't realize how advanced it's become. The witches and your siter are merely pawns I my plan to weaken the armies of this world. Once they've been wounded, my own army will arrive and finish them off."

"What army?" Conner asked. I wanted to smack Conner silly.

Goldilocks gasped. "Conner, she's talking about eh Literary Army! She's going to bring them through the bridge, too! That's why they were lingering around the Northern Place- it wasn't a scare tactic; they were waiting for her!"

"It's still not enough to defeat the otherworld!" Conner said. "Both sides will keep fighting until there's nothing left!"

"Perhaps that's been my plan all along," Morina said. "The fairies have been turned to stone, soon al the witches will be slaughtered, and the armies of the Otherworld will be defeated, and the Literary Army will be destroyed int eh process. That leaves both worlds entirely defenseless and ready for new leadership- leadership from someone like me."

Conner sent her the most hateful glare I had ever seen someone give in my whole life.

"Millions of innocent people are going to die because of you, and there won't be a drop of blood of your hands," he said. "I'd say you're a monster, but that's not fair to monsters."

A sinister smile spread across Morina's face. "I may not be the most powerful enemy you've made, but I'm certainly the smartest- and that makes me the scariest f them all," she said.

A small clock over the n=entryway to the Rose Main Reading Room chimed midnight and the room began to vibrate.

"Well, it's been such a thrill catching up, but I'm afraid you'll all have to be quiet now," Morina said. "I don't want you spilling any secrets to our guests."

The witch snapped her finger, and the metal bars around our bodies snaked around our mouths. We looked at one another in panic, but knew there was nothing we could do.

What started as a light rumbling in the room grew into a thunderous tremor. The room shook so violently, I thought we were going to be thrown across it. Which would have been nice, since we would have been out of our restraints, but not so great because we would've gotten hurt. The chandeliers fell, the windows shattered, the walls cracked, the tables slammed into one another, and many of the bookshelves fell. If I had had any doubt before, I knew now­- the bridge between worlds was about to appear.


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