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Bree woke earlier than the other girls and started getting ready. After years of living with sisters who slept very late and having to be quiet in the morning, she managed not to wake them up. She finished getting ready and realized that the girls must not of set alarms because they were going to be late if they didn't start to get ready now. ^That was of course if they needed 45min. to get ready, and nobody needed that amount of time expect teenage girls^
"Hey guys," Bree said, shaking them awake. It was obvious by their groggy faces that they definitely weren't over jet lag yet.
"What?" Cindy asked while Mindy sat up slowly.
"If you guys don't get ready now, you're going to be late for breakfast,"  Bree said to them plainly, with no trace of judgement in her voice.
"Okay!  Okay!"  Mindy said loudly getting up quickly. Bad idea. She immediately got dizzy and Bree held her shoulders from behind as she steadied herself.
"Cindy," Bree said calmly. "I would suggest getting up slowly, unlike Mindy did,"
"Thanks Bree," Mindy said sarcastically, getting her clothes, and walking to the bathroom.


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Bree had finished her complimentary breakfast and was the first waiting with Mrs. Peters. The book club^or the 'book huggers' as she had heard them call themselves now^ were finishing breakfast, and were trying to see if they could take one of the single serve jams with them as a 'German souvenir'. ^Seriously?  How dumb could they be?^

They were shoved away from the jam by an employee and looked very embarrassed. Bree smirked to herself. The employee tried to speak to them, so Bree went over to translate for them.
"Hallo. Es tut mid leid fur ihr Fehlverhalten. Sie sind Touristen hier."(Hello. I'm sorry for their behavior. They are tourists here.). Bree said in an apologetic tone with a little sarcasm.
The book huggers looked at her with thanks and appreciation, even they had no idea what she had said.
"Thanks," Mindy said to her as they walked away from the breakfast area.
"You don't even know what I said, Mindy,". Bree said with a smirk dancing on her lips.
"What did you say?" Lindy asked her.
"That's for me to know, and for you to be curious about,". Bree answered, letting the smirk surface on her lips. She didn't want to be mean to these girls, she just enjoyed annoying them. They all reminded her of her sisters, at least they hadn't tried to take her beanie of her yet. Yet. They probably would. ^Or would they?^

Bree was pulled form her thoughts when she heard a loud pair of running footsteps ring through the lobby. It was Conner. She looked down at her watch and realized that he was five minutes late, understandable. Apparently not to the book huggers. They scowled at him like he had committed a serious crime, ^I mean it's not like he had just helped ruin the world or something.^ He actually seemed like the type of guy who would take part in saving the world. ^Oh boy.^. There she went ranting on and on about her non crush. ^Great, not again.^
Conner ran up to them with a piece of half eaten toast in his hand and stopped.
"Sorry I'm late," Conner said. "I overslept."
The book huggers kept looking at him like he had committed a serious crime, but Mrs. Peters just looked at him sympathetically.
"Not to worry Mr. Bailey,". Mrs.Peters said. "Five minutes late is not a tragedy."
"Good thing you're not a paramedic or a train operator,". Mindy said, crossing her arms with a scowl on her face. It seemed like anything Conner did was wrong to her in some way.
As they walked outside into the fresh Berlin air, Bree muttered under her breath, "Yah, because you've never been late before Mindy. Right."  She turned to look at Mrs. Peters but her eye caught Conner's first. He just grinned at her, apparently he had heard what she had said. ^Great.^ Now he knows that she cares what the book huggers say about him. ^Oh boy.^
"Let's get on our way to the cemetery, so we can enjoy some of the festivities before the readings begin,". Mrs. Peters instructed.
They went over to the same driver that drove them the other day, and got into the van. Unfortunately Bree had to sit next to Conner. ^Why?!^ She just put her normal, 'not uncomfortable' face on and just sat there, feeling him grinning right next to her.
They arrived at the cemetery and Bree's immediate thought was, awesome! It was probably the coolest place she had ever been in real life. The coolest place she had ever been was the fictional place in Conner's stories. But that was a fictional place, so it doesn't count, but to her it did. It was probably the coolest fictional place ever written about.
"Here we are!" Mrs. Peters said. She led her group out of the van and through the stone gate.
"This place is creepy," Lindy said, and Wendy nodded along with her. They were hesitant to go very far inside.
"This place is awesome," Bree said, and took a picture of the gate; her first picture of the trip. It was just such a fascinating place with so many creepy graves and tall shadowy trees surrounding them. It was like, so cool.
Bree stole a look at Conner's eyes as she lead the way into the cemetery, he was grinning. He didn't care that it was a very creepy(and awesome) place, he looked as if he was remembering a very nice memory, and she didn't want to interrupt that.
She saw Mrs. Peters make eye contact with someone and smile, must be an old friend. The woman made her way over to them, and started talking with Mrs. Peters. Bree just tuned out what they were saying and took a very good look around the place. She always liked to know an area she was going to be in, incase something happened she would know where to go to find shelter, or a weapon.
The woman that Mrs. Peters was talking with, whose name was Mrs. Weiss, told them different things that they could do before the reading. Bree started weaving in between all the graves, and stopped at a certain one with a very large crowd around four. Since she was pretty skinny, she slipped through all the people to the front where she found Conner. She heard him say, "I don't believe it,", under his breath, and then sigh.
"What don't you believe?" Bree asked as she made it look like she had just popped in next to him. She looked at the graves and realized that they were the graves of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, and what looked like Wilhelm's son's graves next to them. They weren't flashy or big, they were rather very sophisticated, in a way. Just like she would like to be remembered.

"I can't believe this is it," Conner said. "You'd think the most important storytellers who ever lived would have flashier graves. I expected a big crypt with statues of fairytale characters and stained glass windows of castles and gingerbread houses. But this is pretty dull."
"I kind of like it," Bree said, snapped a picture of the graves with her phone. "Very simple and refined, that's how I would like to be remembered, I think. Besides, I have a suspicion they don't care very much anymore."
"I guess," Conner said. It looked like he was very disheartened. Bree didn't know why, but she found that cute and charming.
"I don't think anyone gets remembered exactly the way that they want to," she said. "You just have to do the best you can with what you have and hope you're recognized for it. But I doubt there's anyone else in this cemetery that can draw a crowd this size." Bree said, hoping that that encouraged him to think about it a different way.
She was sure that she would never be remembered how she wanted to be, she would just die and be buried by her family. She never had plans of finding a boyfriend, or a husband. Besides, who would like someone like her? She was a weird girl who had her nose in a book about fictional monsters or murders all the time. That's just weird, but that's who she was, and she wasn't going to let a boy get in the way of that.


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