Actually in Germany

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After being on the pane for what felt like a week, they arrived at the London Heathrow Airport. * Fun Fact, I have actually flown into London Heathrow Airport!* They got off the plane, and Conner looked like he was about to scream. The look of pure excitement in his eyes was enough to light up the entire world. As if instinctively, he reached his hand into his jean pocket and felt something around the size of his palm. Bree blamed it on her eyes adjusting to the sun, but she swore she saw a shimmer from his pocket.

The group went through security again, only to wait for an hour for their next flight to Berlin. We sat in the lounge waiting while Conner was in the bathroom, again. The boy seemed to always need to use the bathroom on this trip.

The wait finally ended, and we boarded the plane. The plane was a little bit smaller than the last plane, but the student configuration was the same. Conner tried to sleep for a little bit but didn't succeed. Bree had tried to sleep on both flights but didn't succeed either.

After what being on both planes for what felt a week, they landed at the Berlin airport.  ^Well, guess this is were they filmed Civil War.^

They got through security again and as they were going to get their baggage Mrs. Peters said, "I recommend we try to sleep as soon as we get to the hotel." she instructed. They all got their luggage and walked out the front off the airport to the drop-off- pickup zone.

Mrs. Peters led them over to their cab and said, "Guten Tag. (good day) I'm Evelyn Peters, so nice to meet you." she said with an abnormal smile on her face. Cindy introduced herself to the driver as well and made a big scene about it. ^Great.^ But the driver said something snarky back, so now Bree liked him.

As Mrs. Peters talked over details with the driver Bree took a look around Germany. It looked beautiful. *I don't really know how to describe it as I live here and it isn't foreign to me so, IMAGINE!* She saw that Conner was enthralled with Germany. His eyes flitted every which way until they landed on Bree.

Bree looked away blushing slightly. Her blush was very noticeable since she never wore makeup or blushed. She looked in the complete opposite direction of Conner, pretending to take in the sights. She didn't want to give into normal humanly things like blushing. She turned to the car and wiped her mouth with her sleeve instinctively. Unfortunately, Conner saw her turn away and then wipe her mouth after blushing.

As she pulled her hand down from her mouth she saw Conner looking at her with a huge grin on his face. Did he like her and want to get her to blush because of him? ^No, you're just making things up in your very imaginative head Bree.  He doesn't like you.^


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They got to the hotel in good time, and Bree hopped out with everyone.  She took one glance at the hotel and shook her head.  The hotel did not live up to its name. It was called, 'Hotel Gewaltiger Palast'(Enormous Place Hotel). ^Yeah, that it was not.^  It looked like it had been owned by the same family since World War II. They then walked into the building and went up to the counter to check-in.

The woman looked as if she had been there since before the war. She was tall with curly gray hair and eyeglasses. Actually, her eyeglasses chain was the most colorful thing in the lobby. That gives you perspective on how nice a place this was. It wasn't.

Mrs. Peters tried to communicate with the lady behind the counter to check-in, but the lady didn't speak as much Englisch as the driver.

"Was Kann ich Ihnen helfen mit?"(What can I help you with) she asked.

"Can you speak Englisch?" Mrs. Peters asked the lady but the lady looked at her like she didn't know what she had said. Mrs. Peters asked again, stressing each syllable but the lady looked at her with the same blank and confused expression.

"Hast du Englisch gesprochen?" (Can you speak Englisch?) Bree asked in a perfect German accent.

"Nine." the lady responded looking helpless in the situation she was confronted with.

"You speak German Bree?" Conner asked Bree, dumbfounded.

"Yeah," Bree responded. "My family is of German descent so I thought I would learn German. Who knew it would come in handy,"

"Ich kann Deutsch sprechen,"(I can speak German) Bree said turning to the lady.

"Haben Sie Zimmer gebucht oder Mussen Sie sie Jetzt Buchen?" (Have you booked rooms or do you need to book them now?) the lady asked.

"Did you book rooms Mrs. Peters?" Bree asked.

"Yes, here are the papers." Mrs. Peters said sliding the papers over the counter to the lady.

They got all checked in without a hitch and went upstairs to their rooms. Unfortunately, Bree had to share a room with Mindy and Cindy, but she pretty much ignored them the whole time they got settled in.


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