Suspicions Begin

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Bree was laying on her bed in the hotel room trying to ignore the most annoying girls on earth fangirling about some band. She tried to zone them out, but that didn't work. She tried turning up her music but then they just started screaming about some new popstars release of a top hit album.

She got tired of trying to fall asleep ^like she could have^ and walked over to the window. She looked out into Germany, feeling as if there was something she was supposed to be looking for, but she just couldn't find it. She suddenly felt as if someone was watching her and she looked up. She saw Conner looking down at her^more like staring^, she laughed and waved up at him. He turned pale white and awkwardly waved back as if he had just noticed her. He turned around and went back inside so he couldn't be embarrassed anymore.

Bree suddenly felt the jet lag kick in and walked over to her bed to sleep for a while.


~~~~~ (*****^-^*****) ~~~~~


Bree woke up from her nap with some of the most annoying girls on earth, shaking her awake.

"Wake up!" Mindy yelled at Bree.

"I'm up," Bree said calmly, shooting upwards into a sitting position, catching the girls off guard. "What's up?" she asked sweetly as if they had been friends all their life.

"Mrs. Peters is going to take us out to lunch," Cindy said.

"In the German economy?" Bree asked.

"Yeah!" Mindy responded.


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The group went out and got lunch at a small restaurant down the road. Bree noticed that Conner was trying in every way possible not to look Bree at all. When his eyes accidentally caught Bree's, it looked as if his cheeks were going to explode into a fiery mess. Bree just made a weird laugh to herself while internally slapping herself for being a normal crushing girl.

Bree was back at the room trying to not listen to Mindy and Cindy fangirl right next to her. And that seemed like the hardest task on the earth at the moment.

"BREE!" Bree finally heard Mindy scream at her while waving her hands in front of her face frantically. Bree took her earbuds out of her ears, paused her song, and looked up to face the two girls.

"How may I help you, Mindy?" Bree asked as sweetly as she could, but tried not to be rude.

"Weellll," Cindy said slowly.

"Can you tell us anything about Conner Bailey's sister, Alex Bailey?" Mindy asked quickly.

Bree thought slowly. ^Was this about what happened on the plane? Why did they think that she knew anything about Conner's sister? Did they know about her crush on him? No. Her crush on his stories. Is that possible? Can you have a crush on someone's stories? No. She definitely had a crush on him. Enough brain! Just play cool and pretend you know so that they will say what they know.^

"And why would I tell you that?" Bree asked, trying to look like she knew something and act suspicious.

"Because we want to find out what actually happened to her," Mindy stated as if it was a 'duh' statement.

^Wow. These girls were really very stupid. They didn't even act sly about it, they just wanted to know everything about everyone and blab about it to everyone else. Even if she knew anything about Conner's sister, she would never tell them.^

"What do you already know?" Bree asked, acting as if she was scared if they knew anything. They totally bought it, and giant smiles spread on their faces. Bree even made herself break out in a nervous sweat to convince them. She knew how to act.

"That they disappeared last year for a long time, and then only Conner came back and said that she was in Vermont with her grandmother," Cindy started.

"And that Conner acted super relieved to be back, and he had a few bruises like he had been to war or something. He seemed super excited to be back and making other people laugh and have fun, like hadn't spoken to anyone normal in forever. He also seemed to be watching his back a lot more than normal. Then, after a few months, something happened between school days, and he became a lot more relaxed," Mindy finished for her.

^Wow. I really underestimated these girls' skills. They observed almost everything that I did. I mean it's not like I have a whole notebook of each day of school and what time Conner arrived and left. And there definitely wasn't a list of his emotions each day at school next to each entry. So, ya, they knew almost as much as I did. Should I show them the 'Conner Book'? No way. Then they would totally know I liked him. Even though I didn't like him in the first part of the last school year, I just found him interesting. Sure, tell yourself that now Bree.^

"Wow, you guys should totally be detectives," Bree said not even hiding the amount of sarcasm heaped onto the words as she said them.

"What?" Mindy asked shocked. "We tell you all we know about Conner's behavior this last year, and all you do is tell us in a sarcastic tone that we should be detectives. We should totally be detectives!" She practically yelled.

"Well, you could've set up hidden cameras around his house," Bree said, being genuine.

"Seriously?" both girls asked in a very mad tone at the same time.

Bree was about to answer when she heard footsteps from right above them. She stopped with her mouth part-way open and tilted her head up towards the ceiling. She got off the bed slowly and walked towards the window. She opened it quickly, looked outside, and tilted her head up towards Conner's room. She heard him throw something on the bed and say, "Wish Alex was there, probably still preparing for that inauguration ball thingy,".

^What? Bree knew for a fact that the boy didn't have a phone. So how would he have spoken with his sister? What was this whole inauguration ball thing? Didn't that normally mean that you would be being welcomed into or onto some form of authority over others? But wasn't that a long time ago with like princesses and princes? Was the communication device the same thing that she had seen form his pocket when they were waiting by the airport that day? Did it actually shimmer? She had so many questions for the boy upstairs. But unfortunately, she never knew if they would be answered.^

She turned around and almost ran into the girls. She backed up, scooted around them, and plopped on her bed again. The girls walked to their bed and sat down facing Bree. They both sat down in perfect sync and faced Bree with smirks on their faces.

"So what was that about, Bree?" Cindy asked smugly.

"Well if you guys were better detectives, then you would know. Now if you two don't mind, I'm going back to my music before you can interrogate me even more, or worse, keep fangirling about that band of 'super hot guys'," Bree answered, not letting the smirks on Mindy and Cindy faces stay there anymore. Bree put her earbuds in and played her music, walking over to the window and leaning outside again.


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