Finding the South Bank Lion

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The bus pulled into Central London and all the teenagers on the bus started pointing out famous locations as they passed them. They drove by Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Tower of London, and Tower Bridge.
"This is the most proper place I've ever been in my life," *AN: if you've been to Cinderella's ball room, then you've been to the most proper place in the world Conner. And you have been there, like twice I think, so don't be saying that London is the most proper place you've ever been, sorry, I'm done ranting now.* Conner said, nudging Bree. "Just being here makes me feel like I should be dressed up." *Yet you wore whatever you first wore into Cinderella's ballroom in the first book! What is wrong here?!? A lot, that's what's wrong.!*
The bus stopped in a place called Trafalgar Square, near the passengers' hotel. The square was filled with tourists taking photos of the impressive statues and fountains in front of the National Gallery, which stretched across the back of the square like a  grand backdrop. The teenagers raced off the bus to be amid the tourists outside and Conner and Bree excited with them.
Once they were on the street, Conner started walking towards the direction of an ATM. Bree followed him and heard him say, "Forgive me, Bob,". Then he took out the most amount of money he could in the most amount of transactions he could do.
"That's a lot of money- in any country," Bree said. She covered him from onlookers as he shoved the money in his pockets and suitcase. "But it's smart of you to take out a bunch of cash so no one can use your transactions to trace you. They do that to find suspects in the crime books I read."
"Oh, I never thought about that," he said with a shrug. "I just took out as much as I could because it was my first time using an ATM." *Okay, What?!? When I went to make my first transaction from an ATM, I took the least amount I could, and my parents later told me I should have taken more, so this would not be my story. But honestly, this is Conner we're talking about, so, he's just different.*
As the duo walked down the streets of London, the first thing that Conner bought was a map from a street merchant. He stopped for a , minute and scanned his eyes over the map, obviously looking for something in particular.
"There's one!" He said happily, pointing at something on the map.
"What were you looking for?" Bree asked him.
"A library," Conner said. "Well go to the library and look up where to find the Red Lion Brewery."
"Are you sure you don't want me to look it up on the Internet with my phone?" Bree asked, ^how old was this guy, 95?^
Conner looked at her strangely and said, "No, I don't trust those things. I'd rather do it the traditional way- we're in London after all."
"Suit yourself," Bree said.
They followed the map a few blocks west, to the closet library, which was tucked away in a corner of St. James's Square. Conner and Bree walked up the front steps and pulled open it's wooden doors. Bree looked at the library with wonder, the only library she had ever been to was the school library.
"Are you members?" The librarian at the front desk asked.
Bree thought quickly and answered calmly, "No, but we're interested in joining, may we have a look around?"
The librarian granted her request by gesturing them into the library. When she saw their luggage she said, "Baggage is not allowed inside the library,"
"Oh, of course," Bree said. "May we leave them here?"
She put her bag down near the front door and Conner placed his suitcase beside it. The librarian permitted it with a nod and they continued inside. Conner and Bree found a table at the back of the first floor.
"I'll be right back; I'm going to find some books," Conner said and disappeared into the rows of books while Bree made herself comfortable. She opened her phone and researched the Red Lion Brewery. When she got a good signal, she found an article on it. As her eyes scanned the article, she found some bad news. According to the internet, the Red Lion Brewery was demolished in 1949. Great, what would they do now?
About twenty minutes later, Conner returned with a stack of books in his arms.
"Look what I found," Conner said. He showed Bree the first book on his stack. 
"Breweries of Britain," Bree read. "That's great, Conner, but I looked up the Red Lion Brewery on my phone and apparently it was demolished in 1949."
"You can't trust anything the internet says," Conner said. He frantically flipped through the book until he found a about the Red Lion Brewery. "Oh, no, according to this, the Red Lion Brewery was demolished in 1949."
"Shocking," Bree said sarcastically. " I don't mean to be a downer, but I don't think the Lion we're looking for is around any more."
Conner let out a sigh, and then picked up another book. Bree just sat back and watched him. He flipped through the book a little before he started reading a page. After a couple of minutes of reading he started fidgeting with excitement.
"Check this out," Conner said excitedly, passing the book over to Bree to read.


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Conner and Bree were both bubbling with excitement, Conner had just shown Bree an article that told them that the South Bank Lion had been relocated to Westminster Bridge.
"That must be it! That's the Lion we need to find!" Bree said.
Conner's eyes scanned their map and landed on something. "I found Westminster Bridge!" He said. "It's right by Big Ben and within walking distance."
"Great! Let's go see the lion!" Bree said.


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