Saving The World pt. 1000

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We returned to the tunnel, found a lantern, used the compass on my phone, and ran towards the Central Park direction. After over a mile of nothing but bricks and rats, we finally arrived at another unfinished platform. The words 'Central Park' were written in chalk on the wall beside it.

"We're here!" Conner said. "Does anyone see a hatch to crawl through?"

Jack raised the lantern to the ceiling, and sure enough, there was a circular hatch. Only this time it was bolted shut. I might be the only one who could see that because Conner got a ladder and climbed up it. He tried to open the door.

"The door's bolted shut!" he said, making me want to say some sarcastic comment, but I resisted. "We're gonna need a jackhammer or something powerful to get though this."

We looked around for something, with no luck. Red took a seat on the edge of the platform, defeated.

"So, we just ran a mile down a filthy, smelly tunnel for nothing?" she asked, and sprayed her Febreze in the air around her. "This rescue mission isn't going very well, is it?"

The others started to pace around the platform, trying to think of a solution. I stood very still, earning a glance from Conner. But eyes stayed trained on Red's Febreze, an idea blossomed in my mind, and a smirk bloomed on my face.

"Red, can I borrow your Febreze?" I asked.

Without waiting for her to answer, I snatched the can out of her hands. I picked up the roll of masking tape, plucked a long strand of twine from the rope, and climbed the ladder. I tapped the can to the circular door, near the bolts keeping it shut. I broke the tip off the canister, gleaning a gasp from Red. I stuck the twine down the tube.

"Does anyone have a lighter?" I asked.

Jack handed me the matches he had used to light the lantern. I lit a match and set the loose end of the twine on fire. Conner climbed half-way up the ladder behind me and peered up at the door.

"Bree, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Making a bomb," I said casually, so as not to raise alarm. "We might want to take cover- quickly!"

Jack, Goldilocks, and Red jumped off the platform and ducked into the tunnel. Conner hurried down the ladder and I jumped down beside him. We jumped off the platform and ran to the others. We huddled around the corner of the tunnel and waited. I was sure it would work. I heard the fizzling of the spark traveling into the can and then BAM! The canister exploded and I heard the clang of the door falling from the ceiling.

I was the first one to step around the corner to see the damage. A bit more of the ceiling than planned had fallen, but it had worked!

"I saved the day!" Red cheered, and applauded herself.

Jack and Goldilocks rolled their eyes and gave me a congratulatory pat on the back. Conner just stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

"What?" I asked.

"You just built a bomb!" he said in shock.


"I just realized what a horrible influence you are," he said. I wanted to tell him that he was the horrible influence, since he was the one who snuck three people through an airport, but I didn't.

I just shrugged. "At least it smells better down here."

We returned to the platform and stared at the fresh hole I made in the ceiling. Conner climbed the ladder first, which only slightly surprised me, and we followed.

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