Uh, oh...pt. 2

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Suddenly, an enormous ghostly orb descended form the ceiling and landed at the far end of the room. It stretched into a wide oval and gained color and depth, as if an invisible paintbrush were painting it. With every passing second, the forest became more and more visible and clear. Soon, the image didn't look so much like a painting, but a doorway.

The witches peered through the hole and took their first steps into the Otherworld. The main ones were in front, followed by hundreds just as ugly as them. The Sea Witch rode in on her own personal wave and the Snow Queen came with a chill that evaporated the little warmth in the air.

"Your Excellencies," Morina said with a shallow bow. "I'm so glad you've both successfully made it through the bridge. Just as promised, I have found the Bailey girl and cursed her with the dust from the magic mirror. With her power at our disposal, the Otherworld will be ours in no time."

They looked shocked that she had pulled it off.

"Well done, Morina," the Sea Witch said. "I have to admit, we're pleasantly surprised by your competence."

Unfortunately, no one noticed the five people barred to a bookshelf. They were just too excited to be here to care. We tried to scream and yell and shout to warn them, but we couldn't move and our sounds were muffled.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" the Snow Queen screeched. "We have a world to conquer!"


~~~~~ (*****^-^*****) ~~~~~


We hung in the room, limp and unable to talk. I tried to talk to Conner via Morse Code, but he didn't look up from the stop Alex had previously occupied on the floor. We could hear the Snow Queen's screeches from inside and the commotion of the battle going on around the building, but we couldn't see it. Despite the commotion, Conner kept his determined gaze on the same spot in the floor.

Suddenly, the fighting stopped outside. I heard the witches screaming to each other and then the shouts of the soldiers. Just as a thunderous round of gunfire ensued, Morina reappeared in the room. She sauntered through the room to the bridge.

We yelled and kicked and screamed, calling her every foul name we could think of. She didn't even glance our way.

"Save your strength- you're going to be up there for a very long time," Morina said with a laugh. "Now that my pawns are in place, it's time to secure a checkmate. Enjoy these moments while you can- it'll be the last time thee Otherworld belongs to you."

She blew us a kiss and the metal bars around us tightened. She stepped through the doorway and disappeared.

We struggled against our restraints, but we just created bruises and scars. We were pinned so tightly we could barely breathe and I was starting to lose feeling of my limbs. Hero started to cry and Red started to weep, very loudly and hysterically.

Then, the fighting outside went dead. I heard the witches shout at one another, and then the soldiers shout at one another. The rumble of cars went by the building and continued down the road to wherever the witches had moved the battle.

Just then, footsteps echoed around the room. Since my face was stuck facing forward, I strained to see who it was, but failed. Until they were right in front of us did, I know who they were. And they were the last people I thought I would ever see.

"As I live and breathe," Mindy said. "If it isn't Conner Bailey...and he's exactly where I've always wanted him-vulnerable and in need of a favor!"

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