The End

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By the time we arrived at Liberty Island, all the other characters had gathered around the marines.

"I'm here on urgent business, so everyone listen carefully," the general said. "I don't know who you people are, where you're from, or why you are in my country, but you all need to return home immediately."

"Seriously, Gunther?" Cornelia berated him. "Do you really expect them to respect you when you address them like that? Not all of us are Marines, you know."
I could tell the general was bothered by what she had said, but he did his best to ignore it.
"In less than an hour, the United States military will be dropping a nuclear weapon on city of New York," he said,. "Unless you want to be caught in it's denigration range, you must leave this island at once."
"What?" Charlotte gasped.
"You can't nuke the city," Conner yelled. "My sister's still over there!"
"I'm sorry for your loss, but the decision has been made," the general said, making me want to punch him.
"This is exactly what I warned you about, Gunther!" Cornelia said, frustrated. "Had you listened to me when I first to,d you about the portals to another world, none of this would be happening right now!"
"Cornelia, I invited you here to help me communicate with these people, not to reprimand me in front of them!"
"You invited me here?" She asked. "Forty armed guards showed up at my house in the middle of the night, pulled me out of bed, and threw me into the back of a Jeep! If that's your definition of an invitation, I'd hate to see how you arrest someone!"
It took all my self-control not to laugh.
"Cornelia, how do you and the general know each other?" I asked.
"We used to date," Cornelia said. "I spent years trying to warn him out the portal between worlds, but no matter how much inter dimensional evidence I gathered, he never took the Sisters Grimm seriously. And now here we are, minutes away from destroying the greatest city in the world!"
"This is not the time to say I told you so," the general barked.
"I don't need to say it!" Cornelia snapped. "It's abundantly clear!"
"Okay, time out!" Conner said, the attention shifting to him. "Obviously you two have issues that never got resolved, but can we get back to the part about nuking NYC? That can't be the only option!"
General Wilson pointed across the river to the vines demolishing the city. "We have to stop that from spreading to the rest of the world," he said. "Unless you've got a better idea, the army will be dropping a nuke in thirty five minutes."
Conner glanced up to where his sister was.
"Actually, I do have a better idea," he said. "Who's got a pen?"


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Conner's big plan turned out to be writing a story. He sat at the edge of the dock and wrote and wrote. Nobody disturbed him for a while. We wanted him to work out his plan so that we could stop Alex. He eventually stopped writing and put the pen to his chin, thinking. I made my way over to him and sat down next to him, dangling my feet over the side of the dock.
My eyes quickly scanned the paper that was scribbled with words. The story he had written seemed to be about his late dad, and the twins meeting him again in their old house. I was confused for a split second, before figuring it out.
"That's smart," I commented.
Conner's attention snapped up to meet my eyes. "Thank you," he stuttered out, surprised I had figured it out. "Do you think it will work?" He asked nervously.
"I don't want to be a Jack, but I think that your ideas almost always work, and your magic flows through them. This is no exception."
Conner blushed lightly and stood up. I followed him over to the characters. He explained to them his plan and told each of them his plan. The Mad Moth would get rid of the lion statues and then they would go from there.
We watched a the Mad Moth flew up to the tower and disposed of the lions. Well, that was out of the way.
Conner assigned everyone to what they were going to read, and they flew up to the tower. Conner had decided it was best to leave me behind since, A,ex didn't know me, and he didn't want to risk my life for the hundredth time that day. I accepted that not-so-willingly and sat on the dock, watching the plan undergo.
The plan worked. Not like I was surprised by that. Conner's plans always worked. Well, most of them, at least.
The twins emerged from the story beaming and crying. Lester had come back down to get me and had transported me to the tower to be there when they came out. Alex's curse had gone away, and she was smiling.
Everything was alright now.


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The twins took care of making sure the Otherworld was fine before we all left for the fairy-tale world. They used albino dragon fire to clear up the damage made to the fairy tale world. It healed fast, and soon we were looking at things the way they were before. Alex hosted a celebration in the Fairy Palace to celebrate our victory.
I don't think Conner minded me being around this time, since he never said anything. He didn't argue when I went through the portal, and was fine with me staying for the celebration. Which only seemed fair. I had helped save this world, after all.
The celebrations was nice, and everyone laid their respects to Rook and the other deaths that had occurred. It was all very nice, until I had to leave. I was not happy for that. But the other characters were going back into their stories first I was glad I was last. One of the last, that is.
"Hey, Tin! Are you going back to Oz?" Conner asked the Tin Woodman. All the Oz characters were going back now.
"Actually, I've decided to stay and live with Trollbella," he said. "There's really nothing for me back in Oz now that I have a heart, and a cross-dimensional relationship sounds awfully tedious. Better to stay where I feel the happiest."
"Do you hear that, Butterboy?" Trollbella asked. "That's the sounds of commitment. Take my Butter Tray's example and the Breemonster won't slip through your fingers s easily as I did."
I was standing right behind Conner, and I'm sure that didn't make him feel Anya better about the situation. I could see his beet red blush before he even turned around. He couldn't even look me in my eyes. It really was so hilarious.
"Sooo," he said with a nervous laugh. "That wasn't the segue I was hoping for, but have you ever considered-"
"Sorry, Conner, I can't be your girlfriend," I said. The look on his face was priceless. All the color drained from his face and his sort-of-smile turned down.
"That's-totally-fine-no-worries-I'm-super-okay-with-staying-friends," he Asia's, not taking a breath or pause between words.
"It's not that I don't want to," I amended, trying my hardest to remain calm. "I just know that a soon as I get home I'm going to be grounded for months. But once I'm free, I'd love to be your girlfriend."
I couldn't believe I had just said that. After years of thinking and never saying anything, and then that odd confession three years ago, it felt good to get it off my chest. It looked like it was nice for Conner too. Al the blood rushed back to his face and his frown quickly reformed back to his normal smile.
"You would?" He asked. "Cool, well, I guess I'll see you back at home, then."
I kissed his cheek and stepped over to The Land Of Stories treasury. I returned home. And I decided that 11th grade wouldn't suck that much. 


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OMGS!!! We are at the end!!  50 parts! This is bittersweet for me.  I have been writing this fanfic for about a year now, and it means a lot to me! I'm so glad that you decided to read it, it means both dimensions to me.
Did anyone get the throwback to the first chapter? I hope you did! It was intentional.
Thank you to all the people who have followed this story from the beginning, you ten-ish people mean the worlds to me! I can't believe I'm done!
If you want to know what happened to the twins and Bree after TLOS 6, then go read my fanfic In My Dreams!

TLOSGEEK2-OUT!!! (For the last time on this story.)

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