Chapter 8

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It has been two days since the Sagrada Familia trip, and I haven't heard yet from Gabriella. I don't have a phone to contact her, I'm worried she is in trouble, or maybe her father found out about me being with her. Oh my God, what if my father is on his way here to end my little parade? Ugh! I'm going nuts! 


"Pardon señora. Un hombre llamado Mikhail te esta buscando." Manuelo spoke without opening the door. 

I didn't understood a word he says, except for Mikhail! He's probably here. I panicked honestly. I took a quick shower, brushed my hair, and just went down. He wasn't anywhere in the living room, probably the porch? I came looking for him like an obsessed girl - 'please calm down Hope'.

"Oh you're here." I tried speaking calmly when honestly I'm trying to catch my breath.

"Hey how are you? I spoke with Gabriella, she asked me to accompany you for a couple of days cause her father is suspecting already and that she couldn't call home because it would be more suspicious." 

Right! Mikhail doesn't know the whole situation; Gabriella gave her instructions, clear to me but as for Mikhail, he's probably curious since the message contained incomplete details. 

"Suspicious of what may I ask?" There he goes, curiosities. 

"Oh! Her father does not know she was here because she was supposed to be in England for High school." White lies. 

"Oh! And you're an accomplice to this suspicious act." He teasingly laughed. 

We were sitting down at the porch by the pool, its 10 in the morning and the breeze was as chilly as it is at night. Manuelo offered us tea. 

"So what do you wanna do today? I figured you might be bored." He asked. 

"Oh, hmm. I was thinking of just staying indoors today. Kinda not in the mood to go around the city." He suddenly seemed disappointed. 

"But you can stay. Maybe teach me a little Spanish?" Way to go Hope! Cheer him up. 

We've spent hours learning and flirting. This is definitely a different kind of love. Am I really searching for true love? Come to think of it, how do I search for it when I don't know what its like. Maybe, taking one step at a time I'll get to identify the kinds of love. Well, as of now, Ethan, the wrong kind. Mikhail? I'm yet to find it out. 

It feels good - you know, having a friend like him, but deep inside you know there's something more than a friend. A feeling that lingers - a feeling I am very unfamiliar of. Every second, every moment, it all feels so slow and it always makes me tremble. He makes me smile, a lot, like seriously a lot.  

"I forgot to ask. What is the princess of somewhere outside of England doing here in Barcelona?" He is still curious. I think I'm going to continue answering with white lies. He makes me feel that I can trust him with the truth. 

"Well, a time off I guess?" 

"So you decided you want to rest from being a royalty and ran away?" 

"I didn't technically ran away. Its just that... Its complicated." That's not a white lie Hope!

"Complicated as in? You're about to get married and you don't like the guy? Or you're taking the throne so soon and your father is nagging that you grow up?" 

"I'm just not ready." There, that's supposed to be a hint. He's supposed to figure it out all by himself through my white lies and hints. 

"That's good. Hey, I'm working on a song, and I want you to be the first to hear it." The mood suddenly eased. My heart... My heart stopped for a moment. Its as if, he wrote it for me - I hope it is. He grabbed his guitar and sang away.

The sun was setting while he was singing; as soon as the skies faded to dark, fireflies surrounded us. As if, the universe is telling us something. Its the first time I heard his singing voice - I've fallen in love, again. But more than that, I got to know him first. I guess that's an achievement and something different from Ethan. I guess we started as friends and built off a foundation. Well that is if he feels the same. He hasn't confessed yet. 

Thinking about it, its safe, because Ethan confessed within hours after meeting me. Come to realize it, he never loved me, he was trying to fool me and get me home. Which convinces me that this time its different. It may be real. 

"Would you like to sing with me in the Music Festival?" Right after he finished, he suddenly asked. 

"I thought you're not allowed to perform?" 

"Well technically I can't perform as a solo or with my band. But you can and we'll just say that I'm performing with you as your guitarist and that our performance is a duo?" 

"I'm not sure Mikhail, I haven't perform for a big audience." 

"You have before at the bar."

"That's different. That was just for fun, but this is serious, especially it is important for you." 

"No its not, really. I just want to sing with you and I want the world to know that you have a talent." 

"Aren't the record labels and producers from the music industry coming to judge? Its your stage, your chance to get in the industry Mikhail."

"They are just the same as the others that I have met, plus I don't wanna be in the industry." 

"Mikhail, I'm running out of excuses. You're making it hard for me."

"Then don't give excuses, sing with me." I couldn't say another words, he's staring too much in my eyes, its making my heart beat heavily, one at a time again. 


"Fine. But not any of your songs." 

"Fine by me. We can compose one. Shall we?" 


There, I gave in - again. I just wish that I can stop being so vulnerable, I easily fall in love, how do I stop it? I'm scared. I don't wanna get hurt again, but I really like him. Is it worth another try? With Mikhail? 

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