Chapter 18

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I woke up and Gabriella was already getting ready. I panicked a little and checked the time thinking I was already late.

"Hey you're way ahead of time again." I tried teasing her, I hope she's in a good mood. 

"Better early than late Hope. Go get dressed!" Indeed she is. 

After getting dressed, Manuelo dropped us off at the Music Academy International - its one of the most prestigious Music and Arts school originally located in Canada. They specialize in teaching Music; both singing and vocal programs; they also have other programs like orchestral instruments, arts, and acting. When they had numerous amounts of students from different countries enrolling for their programs, they opened three major branches - London, France, and Japan. 

We entered the hall, a huge hall with probably the highest ceiling and an enormous chandelier. Such a spacious area for just a reception and information desk. 

"Good morning. We're here for the audition." Gabriella approached the receptionist. Her voice echoed given that it was almost an empty hall. Its actually huge enough to be a dance floor, or a ballroom hall. 

After she logged in the lady assisted us to another huge hall. But this time, its a theater. I was only left speechless; maybe breathless too. The judges and the director were seating at the front row. There were several people scheduled today, about 10, including Gabbie. The stage was too big, the auditorium can probably accommodate about a thousand or more people. You won't probably need a microphone to sing, since it'll echo like hell. 

"Gabriella Louize Denali." Suddenly, she was called in. 

"Okay, so what do you have for us today?" One of the judges asked.

"I'm going to sing sir." 

"Alright. I hope you can sing A'Capella, the band isn't here today." 

"Sure I will." She took a moment to breathe deep, then started.

There was an awkward silence inside this awfully huge hall. I was nervous to hear their comments; or do they even give comments? She stood still waiting for anything to happen. I imagined myself. She was good, and if I will be anything less than that performance, I don't think I have a chance to even wait for their comment. 

"Uhh, thank you Ms Denali." One of the judges finally obscured the silence. 

"Was that an original?" The director suddenly asked. I can tell from my position, even if I was too far, I can tell she was frazzled to answer immediately. Probably its difficult to sing louder since you won't be given a microphone. Even if it will echo, you still have to sing clearly and loudly.

"Yes Ma'am." 

"Its an ambitious move, but I appreciate your effort." She's Scottish. 

I sat comfortably in the middle row auditions after auditions. Gabbie was be at the back stage, I don't think she can come out yet. After a the last person's auditions they were called out again on the stage and stood in a line.

Just then I looked to where the judges and the director was seated, they were discussing something, the directer leaned to one of the judges, she stood and then left the auditorium. 

"Alright we won't be announcing who got accepted today, since we need a little more time to discuss. Expect an acceptance letter by tomorrow. Thank you every, you may go." One of the judges announced, it wasn't too clear, but I heard it'll be announce tomorrow. That is nerve-wrecking. 


After Gabbie's audition yesterday we went home straight. I woke up too early, I didn't get enough sleep for thinking too much about my audition. Just like Gabbie, I'm singing an original and I don't know if they'll like it even. From all my written songs, I haven't even decided which one to sing: Begin again? Breathe? I'm so worn out from thinking too much since last night. 

"Hey Hope. You awake?" 


"Are you ready?" 


"Come on, cheer up. I cooked you breakfast." 

I forced myself to lighten up at least and ate breakfast. Manuelo won't be dropping us off today since he went with Esme to the market for groceries. I'm nervous, like hell. I have experienced singing in front of a crowd, in a competition even, but winning did not matter. This time its different; it may not be a crowd, and winning still don't matter, but acceptance does. For once in my life, I'm sure of what I want - and I want to be here, more than I ever wanted anything before. 

We arrived early, the judges weren't here yet and there were only a few people. I hoped that is all of the people auditioning today. 

"Have you read your letter?" I remembered her acceptance letter came in early today.

"Yes and I'm not opening it until you've performed. I don't wanna pressure you. So calm down, you'll be fine." 

As I made my way to the back stage I remembered him. He used to make me feel comfortable on stage, he made me fall in love with music in a different way. Singing became my new comfort zone, and it was all thanks to him. 

I sat in one corner and contained my breathing. I was anxious and was using too much oxygen. I might run out of air when I start singing, in addition, I had to increase my volume while singing without increasing the pitch. I closed my eyes and tried meditating, keeping count of my heart beat, and distinct noises in my surroundings. There were people chattering from the audience, unnecessary strumming from a cello at the orchestral pit, there was someone humming from behind...

Then there's this indistinct footsteps that sounded like it was coming to my direction. I slowly opened my eyes; and I caught a glimpse of an angel - fallen angel perhaps. He was tall, dark hair, his eyes were sparkling even though he wasn't smiling, his lips were perfectly shaped. He was walking calmly towards my direction, with his hands tucked in his pockets. 

And he reminded me of him. 

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