29.6K 911 184

When we arrived in Korea there's atleast 3 days before the gathering so we mostly spent our time separately because of our works and good thing the gathering is on Saturday so we don't need to go to work.

We went there around 4pm since the gathering will last till sunday that's why there are cabins right outside the event area. There's 1 car infront of our car and another car at the back which are all Jennie's body guards while Mr Kang's on the passenger seat at the same car as ours.

The whole car ride is literally Jennie sleeping and chatting with me. One thing I do appreciate a lot about having Jennie as a girlfriend is she always listens.. she'll ask about my days whether I'm at work or just hanging out with my friends. We'll also talk about random things and one topic jumps to another until we arrive at the venue.

Mr Kang open up the door for us and some flashes of camera bombarded our faces. Jennie told me there won't be any paparazzis or anything since Jennie's parents hired proffesional photographers... but that doesn't seem to be way different than normal paps.

We walk through the pavement till we reached the garden type of surrounding with tables beautifully scattered around. A small stage in front. And ofcourse rich looking type of people are around talking.

My eyes found Jennie's mom talking to some women infront which just makes me more nervous. As I said Jennie's mom isn't really the biggest fan of mine.

"Lisa Noona!" I heard someone call making both Jennie and I turn around seeing the triplets behind us

"Lisa Noona!" I heard someone call making both Jennie and I turn around seeing the triplets behind us

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"Woah you guys are so big now!" I said leaning down a bit to hug them one by one. After hugging me they also greeted Jennie with a hug "why don't you visit our house anymore?" I said pouting making Daehan scratch the back of his head which makes me chuckle

"We'll tell dad about it first Lisa noona" Minguk says

"Have you guys seen your Aunt?" Jennie ask. Manse turn around and pointed at the catering table where Rosie, Jisoo, Bambam, Somi and Jackson are

"Tell them to just follow us okay?" I said making them all nod. I turn my heel around and was about to walk when Jennie put her hand out for me to hold "but your mom's there-"


"Jennie, I-"

"You're my girlfriend. It's normal to hold my hand" she said leaving me with no choice so I grab Jennie's hand and she intertwine it together. It's just making me more nervous that Jennie's mom will see us like this. We walk towards them and the women around her greeted us except Jennie's mom who has her eyes on our hands but she immediately pulled it back up to look at Jennie and smile. I tried pulling my hands out but Jennie's grip is too tight as she kissed her mom on her cheek.

Jennie's mom turn to look at me and I can see how her smile changed from a very happy one to a not so happy one or in other words a fake smile. She's holding a glass of wine on her other hand while the other hand rest on her hip

"Jennie dear can you go get your dad already? So we can start?" She said. Jennie looks at me like she's asking for my permission so i just squeeze her hand to let her which leaves me with the older Kim.

"How's work?" She ask which somehow shocks me since she's not really that type of person before

"Ah it's good ma'am. I'm enjoying  it as well" I said smiling at her and trying to keep my voice steady.

"How much do you earn?" Oh so here is the real question

"Not that much ma'am but a decent amount of money. Thanks to Mr Kim, he introduced my portfolio to my current company" I smile time to time to keep the atmosphere not so awkward

"Way less than Jennie I say" she said without beating around the bush. I just nodded in response with a tight lipped smile "and you also live with Jennie, correct?"

"Yes ma'am "

"She pays for everything then..."

"I'm trying to pay for some expenses as well-"

"Expenses? I heard some helpers said that you have your cats inside the penthouse as well"

"Yes ma'am but I pay for everything they need"

"Pretty sure your cats appreciate that then" I seriously can't even say anything to her "how much money does Jennie give you daily?" She ask in the most straight forward way she can

"I don't ask Jennie for some money ma'am"

"Oh, she's too generous to lend you some without waiting for your words then" if I'm being honest, this is actually hurting me "Lisa you see, my daughter is very successful so it's either your getting some of her money or you need something more from her. Look, I can't stop Jennie from whatever it is between you two but if I can decide for her I'll just pick someone who's earning as much or if not, more than she does. My daughter deserves the whole world and what i mean by that is she deserves a great man who has a stable life" she said. I just felt my friends'  presence when I saw Jennie's mom looking at my back.

"Enjoy the party and eat a lot" she said while something catches her attention "Kai, darling!" She walk out of there and approached Kai who's making himself busy by talking to other people

"Lisayah.." Rosie said but I turn around and shake my head plastering a smile on my face

"Can we not tell this to Jennie?" I said which I knew they'll disapprove "I don't want any bad blood between Jennie and her mom and the least thing we can do for her father's birthday is to let her enjoy it. Let's not ruin the day for her and her family okay?" They don't have a choice but to nod and agree with me

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