Jennie's POV
I am out of the penthouse early in the morning. Rosie and I's friends messaged me that they'll go on a hiking so if ever I'll come with them then they'll just meet me there. Actually I was thinking if should tell Lisa where I'll go but if she found out that I'm not hiking with Mr. Kang or any guards around us and even tour guides she'll just get worried... and like I said Lisa has been acting different. It is very subtle but I know her so it's not that hard for me to notice. I chose to just leave her a message telling her I'll go to Rosie's house and I'll be busy cause I'll do some of my work there. Rosie will also come with us on our hiking anyway so I should be fine. I just don't want her to worry cause I feel like I'm being a burden.
"What did Lisa say?" Rosie ask while we're walking behind everyone else. We started hiking around an hour ago and so far it's fun cause our friends hikes a lot so they basically know the place so well
"About?" I ask looking at the map I'm holding
"About this hiking" she said
"I actually told her I'm just staying at your house to work" I said making her stop from walking
"We need to go back" she said which makes me roll my eyes
"I just don't want her to get worried okay? Let's go" Rosie seems hesitant but I pulled her anyway
Lisa's POV
I'm currently at our penthouse since I finished everything at work yesterday just so i can stay at home for today. I'm basically just baby sitting kuma, leo and luca while watching a series. Jennie told me she'll be with Rosie today and I don't really bother her if she's working.
I pause the series when Mr. Kim's name come up on my phone screen
"Lisa, how are you doing?" He ask with his deep voice
"I'm good sir, how are you?"
"Good good.. by the way i called cause I can't reach Jennie's phone. Are you with her?" He ask
"No sir, she's currently with Rosie but I'll try to call her and inform you"
"Alright, it's about the company so it's pretty urgent " he said so i told him I'll call him back as soon as possible. Once the phone call ended I called Jennie but her phone is dead. I tried calling Rosie after her but her phone is also dead which is very unusual. I called Jennie's dad again and told him I can't reach both of them but I can go to Rosie's house if needed. He told me to do him a favor and go to where Jennie is cause he really need to talk to her and since I'm not doing anything I immediately drive towards Rosie's house.
I arrive in just 10 minutes since there's no traffic and Rosie's place isn't really that far. I knocked on the door and a pretty girl who looks like Rosie open the door smiling at me politely
"Can I help you?" She ask using the same accent as Rosie
"Uhh.. I'm Jennie's girlfriend, she told me she'll be here with Rosie and I can't get ahold of her" I said
"Oh hi! I'm Alice, Rosie's sister. And also Jennie? Well she is with Rosie but they're not home. And I think it is indeed impossible to contact them when they're up on the mountain " I frown as I heard her say that
"on the mountain?" I ask
"Yeah, Rosie was up early cause they're doing some hiking with friends" I nodded slowly at her response. Jennie lied to me then
"Excuse me but do you know which specific mountain they're at?" I ask
"I think it's here" she said looking at her phone and tapping a couple of times before showing the location to me
"Okay, thank you very much Alice" I said smiling at her making her nod. I walk back towards my car and immediately drive towards where they are. I just can't believe Jennie lied to me and she's not even with Mr Kang or any guards. It's not that I don't trust her friends but what can you really do if the place isn't that safe for everyone? Will someone even look after her? Rosie is there but they can't protect each other very well
The weather is also very gloomy and they decided to go on a hike today? I saw a couple of hikers when I arrived at the place. I asked them the route I can take and thanfully they are all nice and gave me a proper route. They also let me take a picture of their map so i can go the right way.
Before I even know it, I'm already walking through the route while focusing on the map as well so I won't get lost. Jennie's making me worried as fuck. This place doesn't look really safe. There are routes that is almost on the edge of a cliff and you can seriously fall down if you're not careful I'll let her go if she'll tag Mr Kang along with them but lying to me is just on another level. I can't even think straight now all I want to do is follow Jennie as fast as I can cause who knows what can happen to her. It also doesn't help when I thought about the criminals and what they can do right now if they knew that Jennie has her guards now.
"Fucking hell!" I groaned when a branch of a tree literally slapped my face. I'm not used on hiking but I couldn't careless right now. I'm seriously wearing a sweatpants and a shirt and I'm all dirty now cause of the mud and also a great timing for white shoes.
I didn't stop for like a whole hour and a half when it started raining. I tried looking for a roof or something I can stay for a while but I end up getting soaked from looking around for a shed so I just keep on walking. To add up to my worst day the ground is very slippery because of the rain so I keep on stumbling here and there. I keep wincing in pain cause I think I won't be surprise if I already have some scratches or wound on my knees or even my whole legs from slipping a couple more times. I just really need to get to Jennie.

Better Off
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] 《Be Alright Book 2》 "May your heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice" -T.S.