"Won't you go home yet?" I ask for a couple of times already. Jennie stayed in my penthouse even after she woke up. It's already 7pm and I didn't get a call from Rosie and Jisoo. Seulgi also pulled Irene out the time she walk inside my penthouse. Seulgi said that she needs Irene for a couple of planning which the latter immediately get confused of cause Seulgi is a choreographer so she doesn't really work for the office and all that. Knowing Seulgi, she used that excuse to go and grab a dinner with Irene without her knowing the real intention.
"I'll stay the night" she said not even bothered by it
"You will what?" I follow her downstairs as she walk out of my room
"Stay the night. Is there a problem? You let us stay here yesterday so what's the difference of letting me stay tonight as well?" She ask not looking back at me as she go straight to my kitchen
"The difference is that.. everyone else aren't with you" I said as I heard her chuckle
"So you're saying that you're uncomfortable around me?" She ask turning around to finally look at me
"No...no. I didn't said that.. no I'm comfortable.. I'm fine" I said stuttering making her laugh even more
"Then there's no excuse anymore " she said showing off a smile before turning back around "I'll cook us some dinner by a thank you for letting me stay the night " she said opening up my fridge
"Does that count when you're basically using my own ingredients?"
"Well can you cook with your OWN ingredients?" She ask making me sigh as I just let her be. I walk towards the living room to just play with the cats and watch some netflix series.
I stayed there for over an hour before Jennie walks out with a tray on her hand and 4 bowls of food on it. Jennie put it right on the table making me look at it. It's both Thai foods. One is Tom yum soup and the other is pad thai.
"When was the last time you had Thai foods?" Jennie ask taking a seat next to me.. which is also closer than I expected
"Last week" i said as Jennie grab the bowl of pad thai to pass it to me"Irene cooked for you? " Jennie said not even looking at my eyes
"I ordered it on a Thai restaurant " I said honestly making Jennie nod. I once asked Irene if she knows how to cook thai foods but she told me that she doesn't know how to cook them
"Does Irene cook thai foods for you?" I shake my head as I turn to look at the food on my hand "she cooks a lot of Korean and western food huh?" I just shrug my shoulders not really answering Jennie's question. Jennie starts eating her food making me dig in as well. I seriously missed Thai foods.. especially now that I get to eat a home made thai foods
We just ate in silence while we're both watching the series that is playing on the TV. I finished my food first and before I can even put my bowl down Jennie put some more of her own pad thai on my bowl without even asking if I still want more
"I don't know when will I cook for you again so better eat a lot" she said
After we finish our food Jennie stack up the bowls and put them in the tray as she carry it back towards the kitchen to clean it up. After a couple of minutes she went back with 2 bottles of water as she pass one to me.
"I'll go home tomorrow" she said while sitting next to me
"You just said that earlier"
"No.. I mean, I'll go home to South Korea tomorrow" she said making me put my bottle down for a bit before lifting it up again as I just nod for a response "I'm pretty sure you haven't been in korea for years... you should visit " she said as I respond with a nod once more not really sure if I'll really have the time to go there.
"I'll go get some Soju do you want one?" I ask standing up. I just feel like drinking tonight... no specific reason
"Sure" she responded shortly making me nod. This is what I'm talking about.. the atmosphere is kinda awkward between us and it doesn't help that she decided to stay the night in my penthouse
I grab 4 bottle and 2 shot glasses as I went back to put it all down the table. I don't really drink Soju a lot of times. I mostly drink wine and champagne mostly because of the events inside and outside the company. I just drink Soju when I feel like it. Jennie grab a bottle and shake it before pouring on both of our glasses
"I can't believe you're actually drinking with me" Jennie said chuckling
"I also can't believe you just stayed at my penthouse the whole day and the rest of the night " I mumble making her laugh even more as she keeps pouring our glasses time to time. There will always be a silence everytime we don't have anything to say and seriously it may be awkward but we're taking steps little by little into putting up a conversation between us.. some topics doesn't really make sense but it is what it is.
2 bottles of Soju down and i can already tell that Jennie is tipsy.. I'm almost there as well knowing that my alcohol tolerance isn't too high like up there.
"I still feel really bad every damn time" Jennie blurted out while staring at me "it eats me up inside knowing how I said too many harsh words to you back then. I guess I'm paying for it now cause you don't seem to be interested in me anymore" she said now slurring out her words
3 and half of the last bottle's gone and I really feel the alcohol inside of me now. I feel dizzy but I can still think straight.... kinda
"You shouldn't fall for Irene you know" Jennie slurred out more and she can barely keep her eyes open from being drunk "Seulgi likes her... and she is a nice person... but I am nice too. Maybe she's nicer with like.. 2 percent more but I am nice too" I just look at her while she's speaking not knowing what will come out of my mouth once I speak up. She stood straight but keeps stumbling because of the dizziness but she successfully bow down in almost 90° right infront of me
"Sorry Lisayah.." she said trying to apologize in a very formal way before standing up straight and falling back on the couch again "i really did hurt you a lot... bad nini" she said slapping her mouth not so hard like she's scolding her self. I lean on the couch as I just keep on looking at her while she speaks
"Lisayah..." she hold my arm and shake it a bit like she doesn't have my full attention "lisayah look at me" she said even though I'm already looking at her since earlier "lisayah are you still mad at nini?"
"I'm not mad" I said.. I want to stop myself from talking already but the liquid courage just pushes me to do so "I... i cant be mad at you for too long. But I can't also say that we'll be back together like how you wanted. I just don't know how to feel right now" she nodded understanding it well
"Lisayah... I miss us so bad"

Better Off
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] 《Be Alright Book 2》 "May your heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice" -T.S.