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Jennie's POV

"Is Lisa here?" I ask as I enter the almost empty hallway. It's around midnight already and I'm still here with a couple of employees because we're deciding for the date for photo shoots. In order to endorse our clothing Lisa's idols should also model our products and not just wear them in public. They'll be on the cover of a couple of magazines for it.

"No Ms Kim" her secretary says but I already push the door open seeing Irene on the couch with her laptop resting on her lap

"Is Lisa aware that you are in her office?" I said making Irene nod without verbally saying it. I close the door and walk towards where the employees are. Seriously what's the need of letting other people work inside her office.. she's not even her girlfriend.

"Ms Kim this one" one of the employee said pointing at a free schedule making me nod

We're still going on with the planning when Seulgi walk towards the table holding a can of beverage on her hand

“don't you have work?” Jisoo says looking at the other girl

"I just finished my session with my last group of trainees" she said. It's pretty late anyway so it's not really surprising

"Have you seen Lisa?" I ask looking at Seulgi. She look up first like she's trying to think about it before looking down at me to shake her head

"Someone told me she's inside the studio but I'm not sure if they're talking about her studio on her penthouse or the company studio" she said taking a vacant seat next to Rosie. I just nodded at her and look back at the papers when all the lights shut off as I heard some employees scream from the sudden light out.

"What's happening?" I heard Rosie says. I grab my phone from my pocket and turn my flashlight on which the others did as well

"The airconditioners are also off.. there must be a brown out" another employee said. I stand up from my seat to move my flashlight around trying to look for any more employees but we're all here bundled up in one table

"Irene's inside" I said making Seulgi turn to look at me immediately. Seulgi run towards the door and tries to open it up but it's probably locked inside

"I'll just call the maintenance " Jisoo said. I turn my gaze back to Seulgi and she's already knocking on the door

"Ms Bae are you alright?" She says while continuously knocking. I approach her and hold her arm so she'll stop knocking. I press my ear on the door to try and listen if she's saying anything or if she's alright at least

"Lisayah" I heard her say. Seulgi press her ear on the door as well to listen "Lisayah" she repeated on a low shaky tone "I'm in your office... I'm scared" she said and by that Seulgi pull her head back and run towards an employee to ask for the key. Irene probably locked it from the inside and she can't even stand up right now from being too scared. I mean I won't be petty and say that she's just being a baby instead of getting up to find her way out.. I don't know her fears and if this is one of her fears, I can't really judge her. I move on the side of the door and knock again

"Irene wait a second, Seulgi's looking for the key" I said just to calm her down. She seems really attached to lisa that the first one she called was her. They're probably closer than I thought

I stood there for a bit more till I saw Seulgi running back towards the door with a key on her hand. You can see that she's trying to get Irene out immediately by the way her hand shakes and she even missed the knob a few times before she unlocked it. Before Seulgi can even open the door I heard loud and fast footsteps making me look up. The lights went back the same time I saw Lisa's face as she walk towards the door.

She seems very worried for Irene

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She seems very worried for Irene. It looks like she even run a lot just to go here. She probably used the stairs since the elevator's probably down as well. Seulgi open up the door and the first one who went in is Lisa. I walk inside as well next to Seulgi. Lisa immediately run towards Irene who's sitting at the corner of the room. Her eyes are also wet probably from crying during what happened. The first thing Lisa did was to hug Irene tightly while we all stood there watching them. I don't want to be mean and just pull Lisa away just because I'm jealous... it seems like she cares a lot about Irene and I can't even complain about that cause after all Lisa's not my girlfriend and it will also be immature of me to throw tantrums while she's basically dealing with a scared Irene.

I turn my head and look at Seulgi who's also quietly watching both of them. Once Lisa pulled out from the hug she help Irene to get up and transfer her to the couch. Seulgi immediately walk towards Lisa's mini fridge and grab a bottle of water for Irene. I just stood there since I won't be much of a help if I'll meddle

"Are you alright?" I heard Jisoo ask Rosie. Lisa look up and her eyes landed on me.. she keep her gaze on me for a split second before putting it back to Irene. It does hurt when no one ask you if you're fine at times like this. I mean it's not a big deal but if someone gets scared by the sudden event you'll eventually want someone to comfort you or at least hear someone ask if you're fine

We stayed there for a while and we're all sitting on the couch near Irene who already stopped crying and her eyes are just puffy.

"Do you feel better?" I ask her while everyone else are talking about the brown out. Irene turn her head and nod at me. Since I don't know what to say I just nodded back at her and put my gaze elsewhere.

I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn my head around to see Lisa holding a bottle of water. She gave it to me without saying anything as she head over towards Irene once again. I think she gave one to everyone since everyone's holding a bottle of water already.

It's really hard to fall out of love from her when she's like this. It seems like she's just being nice and all that but all I can see is the person who I fell in love with. Her subtle kindness just reminds me of the Lisa who takes care of me. Even without a single word of asking if I'm alright.. that action speaks a thousand words to me

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