We're already at the elevator when Jackson let me read the text sent to him by a guard saying that they're with the investor at the lobby. He let the others read it as well so we don't have to say it out loud while Jennie's here. When the elevator door open Mr Kang walk towards Jennie and nod at me so I can go now
"Where are you going?" Jennie ask looking at me
"I'll be back.. I'll just deal with something. " I said as Mr Kang escort her out towards the car. Jennie's parents look towards me and they help Mr Kang take Jennie outside with them. Jackson and I walk towards the other end of the lobby seeing a couple of guards around the investor Jennie was talking about. Since the guards around us are on our side they push down the guy in front of us with his hand cuffed behind him. Jackson immediately swing his fist right on the guy's face making him stumble back. Jackson twist his head side to side to warm up before punching the guy once again.
"Do you think I'll let you pass when you traumatized my sister?!" He yelled out while gripping the guy's collar. I stood there with my straight face on while watching them. Jackson looks back at me and pushed the guy back as he let go of his collar. He look at me and nod his head towards the guy. I clenched my jaw and walk towards him. I kneeled down on his level and look at him straight on his eyes
"Who sent you?" I said in a calm cold voice while still staring at his eyes. He keeps his lips close and stare back at me with the same intensity like I am the one who should be scared. I clenched my fist and punch his face in a fast pace. I heard him groan since he wasn't expecting that I'll punch him. I saw how the side of his lips bleed "don't make me repeat the same damn question" I said with full authority. He still stayed silent so I punch him again on his face stronger than the first one. Since he doesn't seem like the one who'll talk now. I keep punching his face over and over again until he's kinda stretching out his hand like he wanted me to stop. I grip his collar tighter giving him less airway on his throat.
"Stop... stop please stop!" He said his brows already bleeding as well as the bridge of his nose. I stare back at him once more waiting for his answer "Mr. Nam... Mr Nam sent me" he said making me breathe out heavily. The same person who killed my parents. I push him back as the guards pick him up from the ground
"Make sure you'll find out where that guy is" I said standing up making the guards nod as they bow towards Jackson and I.
We're on our way back to the car when I felt my knuckles aching so I look down seeing it all red and wounded
"Fuck that hurts!" I said making Jackson laugh while we're walking "why didn't I feel it earlier tho?"
"It's probably because of the anger and adrenaline inside you. But we're cool back there aren't we?" He said making me chuckle as I nod
"I feel like an action star" I said making Jackson nod
"You did beat him up really well.. I got embarrassed a little cause I didn't gave him that much wound" he said making me laugh. He walk me towards the car and said goodbye to Jennie before walking to his own car.
"What took you so long?" She ask looking at me with her puffy red eyes
"I beat some.." Fuck I can't tell that to Jennie "some eggs.. I beat some eggs you know for dinner so we can eat... yeah for our dinner" I said smiling at her
"Ya Lalisa you're not a good liar " she said "did you beat up someone?"
"Jackson did... damn that guy isn't really a good influence" I said shaking my head as I saw Mr Kang smiling on the front seat knowing way too well what we just did
"Did Jackson borrowed your hand?" She ask making me look at her and she's already looking at my bruised up knuckles
"That's-" I was about to make another excuse when she look at me knowingly "I just did what I have to do.. look at you, he harassed you and gave you a couple of scratches on your mandu cheeks so I just gave him something ten times more" I said
"Did that make you feel better?"
"It did... he deserves it"
"Mr Nam sent him doesn't he?" She ask while keeping her head leaning on the back of our seat since she still feels tired
"How'd you know?" I ask
"Who else have the guts to do that to me anyway? If he's a real investor he would respect me a lot just to earn a lot more money. I guess you didn't thought about that don't you?"
"Alright I'm already dumb and has lower IQ than yours" I said making her laugh... it's the first time I heard her laugh after what happened earlier which just makes me feel a bit better
"Lisayah.." I turn to look at her and she's already staring at me "thank you... you did save me earlier without you knowing it. You just have the guts to disobey what I told you earlier just because you wanted to wait for me and drive me home. I don't know what I'll do if you're just a really smart girlfriend who obey everything I say.. I'm glad that you are you Lisayah and I wouldn't want more from you. Like I said earlier, you always have the biggest respect on me. You never push me to do something that I'm uncomfortable of. You'll always ask me if I'm fine with it. You'll sometimes disobey my words but not to the point that you're disrespecting me... not to the point that you're crossing some lines and I'm always thankful for that. I'm always thankful I have you "

Better Off
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] 《Be Alright Book 2》 "May your heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice" -T.S.