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Lisa's POV

The next day I woke up pretty late than everyone else. Most of them have left already and the only people inside my penthouse are Seulgi and Jisoo.

"Why'd you sleep on your couch" Jisoo ask while they're back on playing video games

"I didn't know I fell asleep there last night" I said holding a bowl of cereal on my hand

"What's weird is that I saw Jennie sleeping there too" I turn my head to look at Jisoo not knowing that Jennie stayed there

"Yeah she was sitting with her head leaning back on the couch, that must've been uncomfortable " Seulgi added up

"So what happened last night?" Jisoo ask while keeping her eyes on the game

"Nothing" I walk towards the other side of the couch to sit there

"Sure. We lost" she said even though the game shows that they just won

"What do you mean? We won " Seulgi said

"Oh I thought we're stating lies, aren't we Lisa?" I roll my eyes as I heard them chuckling

"Nothing happened last night.. I just told her things"

"Like you want to get back together?" Seulgi ask


"Lisa said she moved on already. I broke up with Chaeyoungah "

"What?"I said shocked about her statement

"Oh I thought we're stating lies again " she said smiling at me making me groan as I stood up to walk out from there


After a couple of hours Jisoo and Seulgi decided to go home since we need to go to work later on. I checked everything first before going towards the elevator on my way to my office. Once I'm inside my office I just started to do everything while my secretary goes in and out of my office to give me more paper works or even let me sign some papers.

I stayed there and just continue working till someone open up my door making me look up from the stacks of papers on my table

"Good morning" Jennie greeted with a smile. I nodded towards her and stare at her for a couple of seconds since she must've been here for something

"Yes?" I ask since she's just staring back at me

"Nothing I just want to see you" she said making me nod slowly at her.

"Lisa" Irene peek her head inside my office while smiling as well.. why does people smile a lot today "Studio " she just said making me nod. They mostly call me to the studio if they have a problem or they want me to check something out. I put all my papers aside and walk towards the door to go with Irene

"That's too early to steal her " Jennie said as she walk with us towards the elevator. Irene just ignore her and walk silently

Once we're in the studio the producers greet us all as I just stand behind their chairs

"This will be for the debut" one producer said talking about the new idol that we are about to debut in 3 months. I nod my head and let them play it for us. We're just listening to the song when my left arm feels uncomfortable. Probably because I slept in the couch last night.

"You alright?" Irene ask in a low tone not trying to distract anyone

"It's just aching a bit" I said not minding it that much. I just brush it off and continue listening to the music when I felt something on my shoulder making me turn to look at Irene who has her hand on my shoulder. She shake her head like telling me not to mind her so I just put my gaze back ahead as Irene massage my shoulder subtly

"This track is basically the last one" the producer said making me nod

"let me know if the artist want to change anything alright?" I said making them nod. Since we're about to head out again I turn around to see Jennie crossing her arm with her brows furrowed right on my back "you don't like what you heard?" I ask

"I don't like what I see" she said looking at Irene who just removed her hand on my shoulder. She walk out of the room first as both Irene and I followed. Irene shakes her head at how Jennie acted

"I need to go check some things downstairs " Irene said making me nod while Jennie just roll her eyes. Once Irene left I turn to look at Jennie who's still frowning

"You'll head up?" I ask while she has her straight face on

"I'm mad don't talk to me" she said as she go straight to the restroom near us. I just shake my head and head towards the elevator when I heard Jennie yell out after a while "Ya Lalisa!" I turn back around raising my brows to let her continue. She wave her hand towards her asking me to go there. I can't understand her sometimes. I walk towards the restroom and she's right behind the door

"I thought you are mad" I said

"I am but help me " she said walking out from behind the door and turning her back on me as I saw a red stain on her white pants

"What made you wear white pants on your period" I said sighing

"I wasn't expecting it today!" She said frowning again

"Do you frown often when you're asking for help? "I ask looking at her

"No" she said still frowning making me nod my head so she let go of the frown but keep her straight face on "I'm just jealous" she said "i know I don't have any right to do so but I just am"

"Do you want us to end your jealousy by talking about it or do you want us to end your misery with that blood stain?" I ask

"I want us to end up together " she said as a smile creep on her face making me shake my head as I take my coat off to wrap it around her waist

"I want us to end up together " she said as a smile creep on her face making me shake my head as I take my coat off to wrap it around her waist

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"Let's just deal with your blood stain" I said pulling her out there to stop her from saying such things

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